NAACP endorses gay marriage

The NAACP has run out to try to shore up obama's hemhorrage of the black vote. This is purely political. It won't hellp. Black pastors no more support same sex marriage now than they did before the NAACP ran to obama's rescue.

Hemorrhage of black voters?

You are crazy.

Is she? Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of black voters (who came out in record numbers) voted for Obama in 08. You don't think there's some significant slippage? I think so. I know you think so too. But you have an agenda when you argue lol.
No, you're saying that if we do want get legally married, we could...if we wanted to marry someone we are not physically or emotionally attracted to. That's beyond stupid.

You are confusing religious marriage with legal, civil marriage...A legal contract that brings with it benefits and protections for the couple that enter into this LEGAL arrangement. What other legal benefits do you wish to deny gays and lesbians or is this the only one?

They are denied nothing that numerous cohabitation are denied. Matrimony (root of mother) is a designation that as far back as civilizations go, was bestowed upon the union of a man and a woman. This union was seen by the state as a productive good for society, that is why in modern times it is rewarded by such things as tax breaks.

Homosexual relations are deviant from normal behavior. The state is not, nor should it be, called upon to show favor to deviant behavior (a states obligation is to society as a whole, not for a "special group"). In addition to a states obligations towards marriage, is its constitutional obligation to protect religion and its practices- which marriage is one of. If homosexuals want to appeal to the state for benefits- they can call what they couple something other then marriage. If what they want are benefits- then that should be an easy concept for them to accept.

And yet you can come up with no societal harm in allowing them which is why your "arguments" keep losing in a court of law.

My arguments "do not keep losing". A liberal homosexual judge is hardly unbiased. 2/3 liberal judges from the 9th circuit, who agreed with him, are hardly unbiased. Some day a case will go before the S.C. and then we shall see.

You, can not provide, any reason that a special right should be given, that satisfies logic or law.
They are denied nothing that numerous cohabitation are denied. Matrimony (root of mother) is a designation that as far back as civilizations go, was bestowed upon the union of a man and a woman. This union was seen by the state as a productive good for society, that is why in modern times it is rewarded by such things as tax breaks.

Homosexual relations are deviant from normal behavior. The state is not, nor should it be, called upon to show favor to deviant behavior (a states obligation is to society as a whole, not for a "special group"). In addition to a states obligations towards marriage, is its constitutional obligation to protect religion and its practices- which marriage is one of. If homosexuals want to appeal to the state for benefits- they can call what they couple something other then marriage. If what they want are benefits- then that should be an easy concept for them to accept.

And yet you can come up with no societal harm in allowing them which is why your "arguments" keep losing in a court of law.

My arguments "do not keep losing". A liberal homosexual judge is hardly unbiased. 2/3 liberal judges from the 9th circuit, who agreed with him, are hardly unbiased. Some day a case will go before the S.C. and then we shall see.

You, can not provide, any reason that a special right should be given, that satisfies logic or law.

Two Federal judges have ruled DOMA unconstitutional and Prop 8 is likely going on to Fat Tony and the Supremes. They will have no choice but to rule in favor of marriage equality. The precedents have already been set by a number of cases and those opposed have no argument that will stand up in a court of law.

We don't have to provide a reason to allow us to get married, those opposed have to have a VIABLE reason to deny equality. Good luck.
The NAACP has run out to try to shore up obama's hemhorrage of the black vote. This is purely political. It won't hellp. Black pastors no more support same sex marriage now than they did before the NAACP ran to obama's rescue.

Hemorrhage of black voters?

You are crazy.

Is she? Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of black voters (who came out in record numbers) voted for Obama in 08. You don't think there's some significant slippage? I think so. I know you think so too. But you have an agenda when you argue lol.

I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.
On the issues, where is gay marriage on the priority list of you folks?
Doesn't it bother anyone that just as soon as someone says "gay marriage" the majority of state legislatures have it on the ballot asap?
And do nothing or very little on the other issues.
Where is gay mariage on your priority list.
Off hand I have counted 29 more important things that need done and have been put on the back burner.
Hi, Gadawg73. I don't have a priority list except for getting rid of the national debt politically. I think people have to work out personal issues by themselves. I have no clue as to why they think the overly gross fed is their told-you-so answer to everything personal in make-a-wish-and-you-get-$$$ world the fat fed wants to feed on if only somebody else will pay for it.

You're right. We just need to get the fed off our back. I'm starting not to care how it gets done anymore with people blowing their stacks over what they, not you, said, as though it were somebody else's fault. :rolleyes:
Hemorrhage of black voters?

You are crazy.

Is she? Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of black voters (who came out in record numbers) voted for Obama in 08. You don't think there's some significant slippage? I think so. I know you think so too. But you have an agenda when you argue lol.

I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.

You keep saying that black voter turn out will remain at the 2008 level- but all indications are that it will be significantly lower- even before the gay marriage support from Obama. Obama will still have the typical 95% of the black democratic vote- but from a much smaller turn out IMO.
Is she? Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of black voters (who came out in record numbers) voted for Obama in 08. You don't think there's some significant slippage? I think so. I know you think so too. But you have an agenda when you argue lol.

I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.

You keep saying that black voter turn out will remain at the 2008 level- but all indications are that it will be significantly lower- even before the gay marriage support from Obama. Obama will still have the typical 95% of the black democratic vote- but from a much smaller turn out IMO.

With the education numbers, unemployment numbers being what they are in the 'black community'? Many are realizing Obama isn't what Obama promised...but then Obama has the NBBP to shore things up ;)
Civil union's are fine

It's kind of like saying THIS is fine.

Is she? Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of black voters (who came out in record numbers) voted for Obama in 08. You don't think there's some significant slippage? I think so. I know you think so too. But you have an agenda when you argue lol.

I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.

You keep saying that black voter turn out will remain at the 2008 level- but all indications are that it will be significantly lower- even before the gay marriage support from Obama. Obama will still have the typical 95% of the black democratic vote- but from a much smaller turn out IMO.

I never said any such thing. That's why weak-headed posters like you have to put unsaid things in other persons sayings.

You are simply moronic.

Those votes will not go to Romney, and will not cost the states of NC, FL, and VA for Obama. That will have to come from increased white, hispanic and female voting for Romney.

That will happen, I think, in FL, perhaps in NC, and maybe in VA, but has nothing to with black votes.

You guys, if we want Romney, need to stay in reality.
On the issues, where is gay marriage on the priority list of you folks?
Doesn't it bother anyone that just as soon as someone says "gay marriage" the majority of state legislatures have it on the ballot asap?
And do nothing or very little on the other issues.
Where is gay mariage on your priority list.
Off hand I have counted 29 more important things that need done and have been put on the back burner.

True enough.

But if people voted their own economic interests, the GOP would never win an election.

This is all part of the distraction. the problem is, the distraction isn't working anymore.

Just like they were happy to play the race card a al Willie Horton card in 1988, but today, Romney is running away from that like she was a runaway Sister Wife.
Hemorrhage of black voters?

You are crazy.

Is she? Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of black voters (who came out in record numbers) voted for Obama in 08. You don't think there's some significant slippage? I think so. I know you think so too. But you have an agenda when you argue lol.

I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.

The turnout of black voters will be down. The percent of black voters for Obama will likely be down. That's just how it is.
Is she? Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of black voters (who came out in record numbers) voted for Obama in 08. You don't think there's some significant slippage? I think so. I know you think so too. But you have an agenda when you argue lol.

I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.

The turnout of black voters will be down. The percent of black voters for Obama will likely be down. That's just how it is.

Thank you, Karnac.
I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.

You keep saying that black voter turn out will remain at the 2008 level- but all indications are that it will be significantly lower- even before the gay marriage support from Obama. Obama will still have the typical 95% of the black democratic vote- but from a much smaller turn out IMO.

I never said any such thing. That's why weak-headed posters like you have to put unsaid things in other persons sayings.

You are simply moronic.

Those votes will not go to Romney, and will not cost the states of NC, FL, and VA for Obama. That will have to come from increased white, hispanic and female voting for Romney.

That will happen, I think, in FL, perhaps in NC, and maybe in VA, but has nothing to with black votes.

You guys, if we want Romney, need to stay in reality.

Hey fuck you too. If I misunderstood all your yammering about how black voters are going to vote for Obama again i.e. in the same number, then you could have just agreed with me-- P.S. I NEVER said they would vote for Romney... you pot/kettle asshole.

You need to quit thinking you got the inside baseball on everything regarding voter turn-out. All that I have either posted or asked, is easily backed up with sourced analysis.
Is she? Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of black voters (who came out in record numbers) voted for Obama in 08. You don't think there's some significant slippage? I think so. I know you think so too. But you have an agenda when you argue lol.

I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.

The turnout of black voters will be down. The percent of black voters for Obama will likely be down. That's just how it is.

Not enough to significantly help our Republicans. That's just how it is.
I think you are wandering in la la land. Black voters are far more afraid of MR as president than Obama weak on universal marriage.

Jeez, you believe in fantasy land.

The turnout of black voters will be down. The percent of black voters for Obama will likely be down. That's just how it is.

Not enough to significantly help our Republicans. That's just how it is.

The potential percent change in black voters for Obama is not likely to be significant. Decreased turn-out could very well be a factor in swing states.

The percent in of blacks in swing states:

Ohio - 11.4
North Carolina - 20.0
Virginia - 19.1
Florida - 14.0
New Jersey - 13.3
Michigan - 14.1
Maryland - 27.1
Pennsylvania - 9.9

And this says nothing of the Latino population who greatly supported Obama in 2008.
I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?
I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?

I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.
After all the endless bigoted bullshit you've posted over and over and over, do you really think anything you say is to be taken seriously on the matter? You made your views irrelevant long ago, bigot.

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