NAACP endorses gay marriage

It is not the same thing. That was comparing apples to apples. Homosexual marriage compares apples to bananas.

No it's comparing discrimination to discrimination. Keeping gays and lesbians from legally marrying their consenting adult partner of choice is exactly the same as keeping heterosexuals from legally marrying their partner of choice.

You seem to be confusing religious marriage with legal, civil marriage. Those are truly two completely different fruits.

No, what you are discussing is a "special" new right. As the law stands now any person of consenting age can marry. Redefining what "marriage" is does not rise to the level of "discrimination" that proponents wish to create as fact, towards those who oppose such a move.

As a matter of religious belief, marriage is considered a rite- not a right. States do not even consider marriage a right, but legal standing.

Just stop. Everything you say is based on nothing more than an ego centric bigotry.
They will use gay marriage to take away my rights, right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly.
You're right. The envelope has been pushed too far in the world. I'm sorry because it means there is much civil trouble ahead. We must not flush the freedoms earned by patriot's blood for many generations so harsh evil against the good prevails in the land. Our founders warned us to be careful of people passing laws against churches. They warned us with the First Amendment.

Hogwash, my little sillies. You can believe and worship all you want, no one will interfere with your beliefs. No one will make you have an abortion. No one will make you marry a gay. No one will force your pastors to celebrate homosexual marriages.

However, you will not force your ways, as an embittered and out of step small minority, on the majority that disagrees with you.

Your little sillies? Embittered? Out of step? "force my ways?"

I am a citizen of the United States. I have free speech and I used it.

"No one will make you have an abortion" - where did that one come from?

I didn't mention anything about abortion, sir, and last time I looked, I was already married, and I'm not on the prowl for extramarital shit. And I'm not worried about a church that celebrates homosexual marriages, which I also did not mention.

Your disparagement of me is duly noted.
you cannot have equality based on special privileges for some but not for others

You do realize that the above statement just supported marriage equality for gays and lesbians, don't you?
You do realize you did not post an entire statement, don't you, that you drew something out of context.

You write a law. You put a group in the law, exclusive of all other persons. What do you have? You do not have equality sir, because you were just drawing up special privileges for some, but not others.

The US of A being used by idiot bands of do-gooders tried to force Wyoming to rewrite its entire law around 1998 or 1999. Wyoming resisted and did not rewrite its law. It proved the laws on the book already provided maximum sentences for egregious hate crimes, whether people call it hate or don't. The victim is just as dead as any other victim of murder and torture, and the law applies equally to him or her who did the killing or participated in the killing. Of the three, Two will never get out of jail while they are alive, and they went in around the age of 20. Their accomplice jail sentence was reduced to time served as part of her plea bargain, but she was placed on probation for many years.

The out-of-state church group humiliating the dead victim's family and friends, and cheerleading the accused on Laramie street corners decided not to come back to open air meetings after the air dropped to 20 below, and now, all appeals are planned for during winter months. :lmao:
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Lame~ No one is forcing homosexual to marry anyone- only pointing out that they already share the same rights. What the argument is over is creating special rights in order to redefine marriage.

Even the root of the word marriage is about motherhood- let them adopt their own term- but leave traditional marriage alone.

No, you're saying that if we do want get legally married, we could...if we wanted to marry someone we are not physically or emotionally attracted to. That's beyond stupid.

You are confusing religious marriage with legal, civil marriage...A legal contract that brings with it benefits and protections for the couple that enter into this LEGAL arrangement. What other legal benefits do you wish to deny gays and lesbians or is this the only one?

They are denied nothing that numerous cohabitation are denied. Matrimony (root of mother) is a designation that as far back as civilizations go, was bestowed upon the union of a man and a woman. This union was seen by the state as a productive good for society, that is why in modern times it is rewarded by such things as tax breaks.

Homosexual relations are deviant from normal behavior. The state is not, nor should it be, called upon to show favor to deviant behavior (a states obligation is to society as a whole, not for a "special group"). In addition to a states obligations towards marriage, is its constitutional obligation to protect religion and its practices- which marriage is one of. If homosexuals want to appeal to the state for benefits- they can call what they couple something other then marriage. If what they want are benefits- then that should be an easy concept for them to accept.

And yet you can come up with no societal harm in allowing them which is why your "arguments" keep losing in a court of law.
You're right. The envelope has been pushed too far in the world. I'm sorry because it means there is much civil trouble ahead. We must not flush the freedoms earned by patriot's blood for many generations so harsh evil against the good prevails in the land. Our founders warned us to be careful of people passing laws against churches. They warned us with the First Amendment.

Hogwash, my little sillies. You can believe and worship all you want, no one will interfere with your beliefs. No one will make you have an abortion. No one will make you marry a gay. No one will force your pastors to celebrate homosexual marriages.

However, you will not force your ways, as an embittered and out of step small minority, on the majority that disagrees with you.
Your little sillies? Embittered? Out of step? "force my ways?" I am a citizen of the United States. I have free speech and I used it. "No one will make you have an abortion" - where did that one come from? I didn't mention anything about abortion, sir, and last time I looked, I was already married, and I'm not on the prowl for extramarital shit. And I'm not worried about a church that celebrates homosexual marriages, which I also did not mention. Your disparagement of me is duly noted.

The disparagement was in the assumption somehow that your first amendment rights apparently trump others, as you are trying to trump me here. Fail. In these areas, ma'am, the minority wll not prescribe to the majority in the area of religious interpretation. You have every right to your religion as do everybody else or those who wish no religion.

Don't whine when someone exercises the same freedom as you and takes you to task.
The NAACP has been moving towards irrelevance for most black people for over a decade. This just pushes it farther.

The once proud organization started by Republicans is now just a bunch of leftist political hacks.

The goals of the black civil rights movement have largely been met. So the organization is really irrelevant. Therefore they have to find things to keep them in business and this is where it leads.

only a white ignornant person would make this comment
Hogwash, my little sillies. You can believe and worship all you want, no one will interfere with your beliefs. No one will make you have an abortion. No one will make you marry a gay. No one will force your pastors to celebrate homosexual marriages.

However, you will not force your ways, as an embittered and out of step small minority, on the majority that disagrees with you.
Your little sillies? Embittered? Out of step? "force my ways?" I am a citizen of the United States. I have free speech and I used it. "No one will make you have an abortion" - where did that one come from? I didn't mention anything about abortion, sir, and last time I looked, I was already married, and I'm not on the prowl for extramarital shit. And I'm not worried about a church that celebrates homosexual marriages, which I also did not mention. Your disparagement of me is duly noted.

The disparagement was in the assumption somehow that your first amendment rights apparently trump others, as you are trying to trump me here. Fail. In these areas, ma'am, the minority wll not prescribe to the majority in the area of religious interpretation. You have every right to your religion as do everybody else or those who wish no religion.

Don't whine when someone exercises the same freedom as you and takes you to task.
Trump you? You did that all by yourself, mister, with nobody else's help.
Thus, you admit you were trumped. Don't do what you don't what done to you.

The far right minority sillies will not dictate the laws to the rest of us in these matters.
Dozens of bullets from an AK47 pierced the windows and walls of a home on Detroit's west side early Monday, killing a 9-month-old baby sleeping on the couch.

Several neighbors, accustomed to hearing gunshots in the neighborhood, dropped to the ground and protected their pets and children.

Police arrived 24 minutes after the first 911 call, although they weren't told anyone was hit until a later call. Delric Waymon Miller IV was rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Detroit baby killed in a spray of gunshots | Detroit Free Press |
That and your other links, is such a sad statement on black children who are left unattended to bring themselves up, when they start playing with guns and hurt someone. I'm sorry they're in such a war zone up there, but the baby in the bedroom wasn't hurting anyone. :(
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The stand thing, of course, it is so many children, white and black and brown and red and yellow, in America who are growing up in these situations.
The NAACP has run out to try to shore up obama's hemhorrage of the black vote. This is purely political. It won't hellp. Black pastors no more support same sex marriage now than they did before the NAACP ran to obama's rescue.
The once proud organization started by Republicans is now just a bunch of leftist political hacks.

The goals of the black civil rights movement have largely been met. So the organization is really irrelevant. Therefore they have to find things to keep them in business and this is where it leads.

only a white ignornant person would make this comment
Cheese Louise, Ducks. I don't think he ever even considered that the NAACP have decided squarely against equality and now are pushing for universal dominance. I think you should cut him some slack. ;)
The NAACP has run out to try to shore up obama's hemhorrage of the black vote. This is purely political. It won't hellp. Black pastors no more support same sex marriage now than they did before the NAACP ran to obama's rescue.

Hemorrhage of black voters?

You are crazy.

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