NAACP endorses gay marriage

You're looking at it from the inside. From the outside it looks like "Except you. YOU can't get married."

Again, no I am not! Any adult CAN marry. What homosexuals want is a special new right that is specific to their sexual desires. They already have the exact same right of marriage that I do- there is no discrimination.

Of course. So...that marrying people you are not attracted to is working out ok for you?

Lame~ No one is forcing homosexual to marry anyone- only pointing out that they already share the same rights. What the argument is over is creating special rights in order to redefine marriage.

Even the root of the word marriage is about motherhood- let them adopt their own term- but leave traditional marriage alone.
What kind of retarded challenge is that. I treat people equally. But if you must know, I've taught and volunteered in the inner cities.

Oooh, yeah, I guess that makes you special.

It kind of like makes me like a community organizer. Pretty special I must say.

Just because teh Short Bus picks you up, doesn't mean you're "special", guy.

Point is, the NAACP has done a lot more for black folks than go down to the ghetto once a year and lord over them, which is what I imagined you did when they said after you left, "what a full of shit cracker that guy is."
Liberal California voted down gay marriage a" fluke"?...i think not. Of course some liberal judge struck it down, but the people are against it, I think thirty states or more have gay marriage bans

California votes down same-sex marriage
Voters in Florida and Arizona also approved similar bans in a setback for the gay rights movement

California votes down same-sex marriage -

Doesn't matter, man. Gay marriage is going to happen, so you'd better get used to it.

Only a matter of time...
I think he carefully calculated that far right outrage to a black president only energizes the black base to oppose monolithic stupidity from the far right.

I wish you guys would stop and concentrate on working the economy angle to elect Mitt.

Yeah, because clearly the policy of "No Millionaire Left Behind" is definitely a winner for you guys...
Again, no I am not! Any adult CAN marry. What homosexuals want is a special new right that is specific to their sexual desires. They already have the exact same right of marriage that I do- there is no discrimination.

Yes there is. As stated recently, you are expecting them to marry someone they are not attracted to, and with whom they have no basis for a relationship.

A bit naive, I feel.

No, I am not expecting them, to do anything. I am saying that they have the same rights as I do, with regards to marriage. I am further stating that what they want is a "special right".

How is it a "special" right? You'd be able to legally marry someone of the same sex too...making your "special right" point moot. Seems to me that you think being married is a special right and not a fundamental right as the SCOTUS has declared it and you want to keep all those "special" protections and benefits all to yourself.
Again, no I am not! Any adult CAN marry. What homosexuals want is a special new right that is specific to their sexual desires. They already have the exact same right of marriage that I do- there is no discrimination.

Of course. So...that marrying people you are not attracted to is working out ok for you?

Lame~ No one is forcing homosexual to marry anyone- only pointing out that they already share the same rights. What the argument is over is creating special rights in order to redefine marriage.

Even the root of the word marriage is about motherhood- let them adopt their own term- but leave traditional marriage alone.

No, you're saying that if we do want get legally married, we could...if we wanted to marry someone we are not physically or emotionally attracted to. That's beyond stupid.

You are confusing religious marriage with legal, civil marriage...A legal contract that brings with it benefits and protections for the couple that enter into this LEGAL arrangement. What other legal benefits do you wish to deny gays and lesbians or is this the only one?
Of course. So...that marrying people you are not attracted to is working out ok for you?

Lame~ No one is forcing homosexual to marry anyone- only pointing out that they already share the same rights. What the argument is over is creating special rights in order to redefine marriage.

Even the root of the word marriage is about motherhood- let them adopt their own term- but leave traditional marriage alone.

No, you're saying that if we do want get legally married, we could...if we wanted to marry someone we are not physically or emotionally attracted to. That's beyond stupid.

You are confusing religious marriage with legal, civil marriage...A legal contract that brings with it benefits and protections for the couple that enter into this LEGAL arrangement. What other legal benefits do you wish to deny gays and lesbians or is this the only one?

Civil union's are fine
Lame~ No one is forcing homosexual to marry anyone- only pointing out that they already share the same rights. What the argument is over is creating special rights in order to redefine marriage.

Even the root of the word marriage is about motherhood- let them adopt their own term- but leave traditional marriage alone.

No, you're saying that if we do want get legally married, we could...if we wanted to marry someone we are not physically or emotionally attracted to. That's beyond stupid.

You are confusing religious marriage with legal, civil marriage...A legal contract that brings with it benefits and protections for the couple that enter into this LEGAL arrangement. What other legal benefits do you wish to deny gays and lesbians or is this the only one?

Civil union's are fine

Is that what your state issues heterosexual couples? If it isn't, then it isn't "fine". If civil unions were what the government issued, yeah it would be "fine", but that's not the case. States issue civil marriage licenses. Separate but equal has been tried and it failed.

Why Civil Unions Aren't Enough
Oooh, yeah, I guess that makes you special.

It kind of like makes me like a community organizer. Pretty special I must say.

Just because teh Short Bus picks you up, doesn't mean you're "special", guy.

Point is, the NAACP has done a lot more for black folks than go down to the ghetto once a year and lord over them, which is what I imagined you did when they said after you left, "what a full of shit cracker that guy is."

Bigot...... Glad you know what black people want and how they think

The NAACP argues that the program violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Why would a program designed to benefit poor minority children represent "unequal protection?" The NAACP compares the voucher program to the earlier efforts of southern states to thumb their noses at desegregation by sending white kids to private schools. According to the NAACP, some of the parents participating in the voucher program choose to send their children to "virtually one-race schools," while "racially separate schools are inherently unequal."

Comparing today's predominantly black private schools to the segregation academies in the Jim Crow south insults the intelligence of minority parents across the nation. Inner-city private and religious schools provide a far superior education than their public alternatives. Only 35 percent of the freshmen who entered public high schools in Milwaukee in 1992, for example, graduated in four years. In one school, only 13 percent did so. Compare that abysmal record to that of two predominantly black private schools in Milwaukee: Messmer High School boasts a 98 percent graduation rate; the high school graduation rate for alumni of Urban Day, a K-8 independent school, is also 98 percent.

The success of predominantly black private schools is not the only irony of the NAACP's effort to thwart school choice. Many of the private and religious schools in inner-city Milwaukee are more integrated than their public counterparts, where less than 21 percent of the students are white. Vouchers will further integrate private schools by making them affordable for poor parents. While some black parents use their vouchers for schools that are mostly one race, many others will choose an integrated environment. School vouchers, therefore, would actually help advance the NAACP's goal of integrated education.

Apparently, however, the NAACP is more interested in curtailing poor parents' choices than in promoting integration. It not only wants to prohibit black parents from choosing predominantly black private schools for their kids, but it thinks that they cannot be trusted to select religious schools either

NAACP Lawsuit Challenges Vouchers | Heartland Institute
NAACP needs to stop worrying about gay marriage and focus on helping inner city kids..

3 teens shot, 1 killed in Detroit gang-related shooting
May 21 2012

A teenager is dead and two teens are recovering after what police describe as a gang-related shooting on Detroit's east side Monday.

The three boys, two 16-year-olds and a 15-year-old, were walking on Eastburn at Anvil at 4:15 p.m. when a car pulled up and shots were fired, Detroit Police Sgt. Eren Stephens said today.

"The boys wouldn’t give us anything on the shooters," Stephens said. "And we know it’s gang-related."

One of the 16-year-olds died, Stephens said. The other 16-year-old was in stable condition and the 15-year-old was in critical condition on Monday, Stephens said.

3 teens shot, 1 killed in Detroit gang-related shooting | Detroit Free Press |
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Dozens of bullets from an AK47 pierced the windows and walls of a home on Detroit's west side early Monday, killing a 9-month-old baby sleeping on the couch.

Several neighbors, accustomed to hearing gunshots in the neighborhood, dropped to the ground and protected their pets and children.

Police arrived 24 minutes after the first 911 call, although they weren't told anyone was hit until a later call. Delric Waymon Miller IV was rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Detroit baby killed in a spray of gunshots | Detroit Free Press |
The NAACP since 1909 has done much more than the far right in the entirety of the American political process, whether in the pre-civi war Democratic Party or the post-Vietnam Republican Party.
On the issues, where is gay marriage on the priority list of you folks?
Doesn't it bother anyone that just as soon as someone says "gay marriage" the majority of state legislatures have it on the ballot asap?
And do nothing or very little on the other issues.
Where is gay mariage on your priority list.
Off hand I have counted 29 more important things that need done and have been put on the back burner.
Of course. So...that marrying people you are not attracted to is working out ok for you?

Lame~ No one is forcing homosexual to marry anyone- only pointing out that they already share the same rights. What the argument is over is creating special rights in order to redefine marriage.

Even the root of the word marriage is about motherhood- let them adopt their own term- but leave traditional marriage alone.

No, you're saying that if we do want get legally married, we could...if we wanted to marry someone we are not physically or emotionally attracted to. That's beyond stupid.

You are confusing religious marriage with legal, civil marriage...A legal contract that brings with it benefits and protections for the couple that enter into this LEGAL arrangement. What other legal benefits do you wish to deny gays and lesbians or is this the only one?

They are denied nothing that numerous cohabitation are denied. Matrimony (root of mother) is a designation that as far back as civilizations go, was bestowed upon the union of a man and a woman. This union was seen by the state as a productive good for society, that is why in modern times it is rewarded by such things as tax breaks.

Homosexual relations are deviant from normal behavior. The state is not, nor should it be, called upon to show favor to deviant behavior (a states obligation is to society as a whole, not for a "special group"). In addition to a states obligations towards marriage, is its constitutional obligation to protect religion and its practices- which marriage is one of. If homosexuals want to appeal to the state for benefits- they can call what they couple something other then marriage. If what they want are benefits- then that should be an easy concept for them to accept.
clevergirl, you need a class in logic and critical thinking.

My goodness, you are elementary in your understanding of this issue.

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