NAACP issues travel warning about Florida

I've lived in several major cities and I can assure you that Unkotare, Golfing Gator, dblack, and pknopp are horribly incorrect if they think “diversity” is a strength. Diversity, in many cases, is a death sentence.

You'd think they realize there are none and never have been any 1st world countries that were all black. Blacks have also added the least to mankind's innovations like science, engineering, medicine, architecture, aerospace, psychology, electrical, biology and so on and the few that did were part of a non black country

And if all the illegals add so much value then why are they fleeing shithole countries to come here? If they can't make their own country better then how do they improve ours? Picking fruit and laying roof shingles doesn't mean you have value to a nation.

And why don't we see Americans fleeing to other countries that are poorer? The opposite never happens.
How dare you bigot racists be honest and transparent…..Just wait until Unkotare Golfing Gator dblack pknopp see these posts…they are gonna lose all their globalist shit.
This is so transparent. Are leftists so indoctrinated that they don’t recognize this is an election strategy: play up the racism card when all DeSantis is doing is trying to PREVENT the current racism that favors blacks.

That makes no sense.
DIE brainwashing is why we have an idiot as a VP and a total incompetent as a Press Secretary and someone who can’t define a woman as a SCOTUS judge.
DIE brainwashing is why we have an idiot as a VP and a total incompetent as a Press Secretary and someone who can’t define a woman as a SCOTUS judge.
Right. Florida can't teach that Rosa Parks was black.
That’s a simple history class, and is not what is being squelched. It’s the whole thing that we have to choose people according to skin color.

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