NAACP leader/liberal judge won't marry gay couple

This time. If the next civil servant also refused? And the next?

It happened to black men like this judge when they tried to marry white women.

Makes this civil servant's actions all the more unconscionable.
Well, maybe you can get him fired.


He shouldn't be a civil servant if he can't serve the taxpaying populace.
Please don't tell me you're surprised by this. And we both know, sadly, that there is more of this to come, perhaps a lot more.

You have had public opinion moving your way for years. Gay marriage has been inevitable for, what, at least a decade. Good, nice to see. And instead of guiding it home by changing hearts and minds with patience and reason, you have chosen to force and intimidate and punish and attack and control.

Did you really think that this type of behavior was not going to exacerbate animosities and tensions? Really?

Maybe this should be considered good news. No doubt you'll have several more opportunities to issue "consequences". Have at it, that'll change hearts and minds, I'm sure.


Oh please. The guy is a public servant, not a bigot baker. He is not doing his job. If I refused to serve Republicans in MY job, I'd lose it. He should lose his for not doing his job, period.

If you refused to serve Republicans they'd give you a medal.....

I am no longer a registered Republican but please, if you own a business, place the sign predominately where I can see it, that you don't serve Republicans. Please.
Here listening to the liberals I thought all blacks were down with the struggle over gay "rights." I mean doesn't one of our posters have the CBF being lowered and a rainbow flag being raised? I mean how more can a person equate being black and being gay then to compare the fight over slavery with the fight over being gay?
Worked out the way it should.

He didn't want to, someone who wanted to did. Bingo.

No doubt the PC Police are disappointed they couldn't ruin him.


This time. If the next civil servant also refused? And the next?

It happened to black men like this judge when they tried to marry white women.

Makes this civil servant's actions all the more unconscionable.
Well, maybe you can get him fired.


He shouldn't be a civil servant if he can't serve the taxpaying populace.
Please don't tell me you're surprised by this. And we both know, sadly, that there is more of this to come, perhaps a lot more.

You have had public opinion moving your way for years. Gay marriage has been inevitable for, what, at least a decade. Good, nice to see. And instead of guiding it home by changing hearts and minds with patience and reason, you have chosen to force and intimidate and punish and attack and control.

Did you really think that this type of behavior was not going to exacerbate animosities and tensions? Really?

Maybe this should be considered good news. No doubt you'll have several more opportunities to issue "consequences". Have at it, that'll change hearts and minds, I'm sure.


Forced compliance is much more fun.
Worked out the way it should.

He didn't want to, someone who wanted to did. Bingo.

No doubt the PC Police are disappointed they couldn't ruin him.


This time. If the next civil servant also refused? And the next?

It happened to black men like this judge when they tried to marry white women.

Makes this civil servant's actions all the more unconscionable.
Plenty of judges, plenty of bakers, plenty of photographers. Nobody's rights are being violated.

This isn't like the 1950s when your party was dominant in society and there was only one restaurant in town and it had a whites-only sign.

Really? You don't think there are places in America today where no gay or Muslim could get service?

He's a civil servant. He should do his job or lose it, period.

Oh good! I'm glad you're still with us!

This obviously has some meaning to you since you address all your posts to me with it. Care to share with the rest of the class?

No, I don't think there is ANY place in this country where a gay or a Muslim would be denied service.....
They already are, despite there being a Federal law prohibiting it against the Muslim.

Veiled Woman Denied Gas

Congressman's Restaurant Refused to Serve Muslim Couple

Muslim Barred from Subway

Muslim Woman Denied Service in Bank Due to Hijab

And marriage is not his job in particular, any justice of the peace can marry two people. Nothing is going to happen to this judge and he'll probably have no problem being re-appointed when his term is up.

You either opt in or opt out. You don't get to opt in to some and opt out of others.
Actually they do. Judges have docket items reassigned all the time when there is a conflict of interest. The only outrage is from Leftwats like you. In the judiciary, things like this are quotidian.

Good to see you made it through the night.
Worked out the way it should.

He didn't want to, someone who wanted to did. Bingo.

No doubt the PC Police are disappointed they couldn't ruin him.


This time. If the next civil servant also refused? And the next?

It happened to black men like this judge when they tried to marry white women.

Makes this civil servant's actions all the more unconscionable.
Well, maybe you can get him fired.


He shouldn't be a civil servant if he can't serve the taxpaying populace.
Please don't tell me you're surprised by this. And we both know, sadly, that there is more of this to come, perhaps a lot more.

You have had public opinion moving your way for years. Gay marriage has been inevitable for, what, at least a decade. Good, nice to see. And instead of guiding it home by changing hearts and minds with patience and reason, you have chosen to force and intimidate and punish and attack and control.

Did you really think that this type of behavior was not going to exacerbate animosities and tensions? Really?

Maybe this should be considered good news. No doubt you'll have several more opportunities to issue "consequences". Have at it, that'll change hearts and minds, I'm sure.


Forced compliance is much more fun.
Yep, evidently.

I wouldn't want to be married by someone who didn't believe in what I was doing.

Yeah, well if you just wanted to be married, bought your goddamn license and waited in line for an official to marry you, you'd expect that public servant to just do his or her fucking job wouldn't you?
I wouldn't get married by a judge in a court house to begin with. Where is the romance in that?

That is a deflection from the question. If you had paid your fee and waited in line like everyone else, you would expect to be served like all the all taxpaying citizens in the clerks office.

They another judge. No denial of service can be cited and, as usual, there are no victims championed by Leftists' phony outrage.

I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.
This time. If the next civil servant also refused? And the next?

It happened to black men like this judge when they tried to marry white women.

Makes this civil servant's actions all the more unconscionable.
Well, maybe you can get him fired.


He shouldn't be a civil servant if he can't serve the taxpaying populace.
Please don't tell me you're surprised by this. And we both know, sadly, that there is more of this to come, perhaps a lot more.

You have had public opinion moving your way for years. Gay marriage has been inevitable for, what, at least a decade. Good, nice to see. And instead of guiding it home by changing hearts and minds with patience and reason, you have chosen to force and intimidate and punish and attack and control.

Did you really think that this type of behavior was not going to exacerbate animosities and tensions? Really?

Maybe this should be considered good news. No doubt you'll have several more opportunities to issue "consequences". Have at it, that'll change hearts and minds, I'm sure.


Oh please. The guy is a public servant, not a bigot baker. He is not doing his job. If I refused to serve Republicans in MY job, I'd lose it. He should lose his for not doing his job, period.

If you refused to serve Republicans they'd give you a medal.....

Funny, the two Republican Central Committee members I just assisted would disagree with your assessment of my office and its conduct.
The government isn't forcing them, Skippy, their congregations are. (As it should be)
LOL...Not.... You're lah..lah .land.sweetie some leftist "churches" will perform them. You can go there if you like. All in all though not gonna happen.

I suppose it makes you feel better to think so, but I just provided the stats. Increasing rapidly.
And what about Muslims. They are demanding a gay marriage exemption in Britain. Do you think they will be forced to marry gays?

Do we live in Britain? Does Britain have a 1st Amendment or anything like it? Are Christians in Britain "forced" to marry gays?
Obama seems to want to become Britain.

Everything here is focusing on Christians not marrying gays but Christian don't hate gays.

Islam hates gays. Kills gays. And Muslims here are not forced to preform Jewish weddings and so far not gay weddings either.

Don't they? It wasn't a Muslim Imam that threatened to set himself on fire over the ruling was it? Muslims in the United States are more open to gays marrying than evangelical Christians. This is a fact.
Yeah, well if you just wanted to be married, bought your goddamn license and waited in line for an official to marry you, you'd expect that public servant to just do his or her fucking job wouldn't you?
I wouldn't get married by a judge in a court house to begin with. Where is the romance in that?

That is a deflection from the question. If you had paid your fee and waited in line like everyone else, you would expect to be served like all the all taxpaying citizens in the clerks office.

They another judge. No denial of service can be cited and, as usual, there are no victims championed by Leftists' phony outrage.

I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I wouldn't get married by a judge in a court house to begin with. Where is the romance in that?

That is a deflection from the question. If you had paid your fee and waited in line like everyone else, you would expect to be served like all the all taxpaying citizens in the clerks office.

They another judge. No denial of service can be cited and, as usual, there are no victims championed by Leftists' phony outrage.

I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I love history. Did you know, for instance, that Republicans not only championed civil rights but also women's suffrage? Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. History is awesome because we have always been on the right side of it and you people have always been on the wrong side.
That is a deflection from the question. If you had paid your fee and waited in line like everyone else, you would expect to be served like all the all taxpaying citizens in the clerks office.

They another judge. No denial of service can be cited and, as usual, there are no victims championed by Leftists' phony outrage.

I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I love history. Did you know, for instance, that Republicans not only championed civil rights but also women's suffrage? Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. History is awesome because we have always been on the right side of it and you people have always been on the wrong side.

You forgot the qualifier...Northern Republicans and Democrats championed civil rights. Conservatives in the south are still fighting Civil Rights.

Interracial couples were denied licenses just like gays. Same bigots, different decade.
They another judge. No denial of service can be cited and, as usual, there are no victims championed by Leftists' phony outrage.

I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I love history. Did you know, for instance, that Republicans not only championed civil rights but also women's suffrage? Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. History is awesome because we have always been on the right side of it and you people have always been on the wrong side.

You forgot the qualifier...Northern Republicans and Democrats championed civil rights. Conservatives in the south are still fighting Civil Rights.

Interracial couples were denied licenses just like gays. Same bigots, different decade.

What Southern conservatives are still fighting against Civil Rights?

And the gag order against political speech by the baker in Oregon, was that done by Southern conservatives too?
I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I love history. Did you know, for instance, that Republicans not only championed civil rights but also women's suffrage? Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. History is awesome because we have always been on the right side of it and you people have always been on the wrong side.

You forgot the qualifier...Northern Republicans and Democrats championed civil rights. Conservatives in the south are still fighting Civil Rights.

Interracial couples were denied licenses just like gays. Same bigots, different decade.

What Southern conservatives are still fighting against Civil Rights?

And the gag order against political speech by the baker in Oregon, was that done by Southern conservatives too?

The ones not issuing marriage licenses.

There was no gag order. Why repeat lies after being shown over and over that they're lies?
That is a deflection from the question. If you had paid your fee and waited in line like everyone else, you would expect to be served like all the all taxpaying citizens in the clerks office.

They another judge. No denial of service can be cited and, as usual, there are no victims championed by Leftists' phony outrage.

I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I love history. Did you know, for instance, that Republicans not only championed civil rights but also women's suffrage? Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. History is awesome because we have always been on the right side of it and you people have always been on the wrong side.

So you think that the 1964 Civil Rights Act is the right side of history- and support it?
They another judge. No denial of service can be cited and, as usual, there are no victims championed by Leftists' phony outrage.

I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I love history. Did you know, for instance, that Republicans not only championed civil rights but also women's suffrage? Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. History is awesome because we have always been on the right side of it and you people have always been on the wrong side.

So you think that the 1964 Civil Rights Act is the right side of history- and support it?

The parts that are constitutional, yes.
I know you're not that young Mikey. You've heard the stories of interracial couples denied licenses. Judge after judge, clerk after clerk, refusing to issue the license of N words and N word lovers. Now it's the F words.

Same bigots, different decade.

How about if you are a civil servant and you refuse to do your job, you lose it. Like this...

Kentucky Governor Orders Clerk to Issue Marriage Licenses or Quit Job
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I love history. Did you know, for instance, that Republicans not only championed civil rights but also women's suffrage? Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. History is awesome because we have always been on the right side of it and you people have always been on the wrong side.

So you think that the 1964 Civil Rights Act is the right side of history- and support it?

The parts that are constitutional, yes.

So which parts of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the Republican Party on the 'right side of it'?
No, I've never heard of an interracial couple being denied, but I have heard the N word a lot right here on this forum, particularly from Paintmyhouse, one of your guys.

I'm 40.

Then you need to study history more.
I love history. Did you know, for instance, that Republicans not only championed civil rights but also women's suffrage? Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote. History is awesome because we have always been on the right side of it and you people have always been on the wrong side.

So you think that the 1964 Civil Rights Act is the right side of history- and support it?

The parts that are constitutional, yes.

So which parts of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the Republican Party on the 'right side of it'?
Strong protection for voters rights, prohibition of discrimination by government, penalties for civil rights violations, ending segregation of schools, and the enforcement of specific rights under the 14th and 15th Amendments.
Full disclosure: I am a conservative capitalist that supports gay marriage.The Left keeps taking white guys to task for being anti-gay but never call out blacks, latinos, and muslims for being anti gay. You Think the same black minister wagging his finger over Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin is going to support gay marriage? All the Hispanics calling for 'rights', think their position on gay marriage aligns with the libs? What is CAIR's position on gay marriage?
Full disclosure: I am a conservative capitalist that supports gay marriage.The Left keeps taking white guys to task for being anti-gay but never call out blacks, latinos, and muslims for being anti gay. You Think the same black minister wagging his finger over Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin is going to support gay marriage? All the Hispanics calling for 'rights', think their position on gay marriage aligns with the libs? What is CAIR's position on gay marriage?
You're not alone. I support gay marriage too....but that's not good enough for the Fag Militia who wants to force everyone to accept and accommodate SSM and goddess help ANYONE that dares to decline to marry a gay couple.

SSM isn't evil, but the gay rights movement is. It's demonic.

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