NAACP Member Claims Michael Brown's Stepfather Wasn't Inciting Violence


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NAACP President: ‘Burn This Bi*** Down’ Not ‘A Call For Violence’
By Jeffrey Meyer | November 26, 2014 | 8:18 AM EST
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On Tuesday night, Cornell Brooks, president of the NAACP, appeared on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront to discuss the shooting death of Michael Brown and dismissed calls for violence by a member of Michael Brown’s immediate family as inciting violence.


Burnett played video of Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, telling a crowd of protestors to “burn this bi*** down” after the grand jury decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson and asked Brooks if “that served as a call for violence?” Rather than condemn Brown’s stepfather’s highly charged rhetoric, the president of the NAACP proclaimed “I don't think that was a call for violence or it caused violence.”

After the CNN host made sure to mention that Michael Brown’s stepfather “was in a lot of pain, he was in the moment” Cornell Brooks continued to deflect away from Michael Brown’s stepfather’s comments:

The fact of the matter is, a single act of violence set this tragic set of consequences into motion. That being the shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. That's what, in fact, caused all of this. And one of the ways that we can respond to this tragedy is to focus anger and turn anger into action and reform the criminal justice system. We can do no less… Think about it this way. Michael Brown’s mother lost her son. Her use of an obscenity should not be a reason for us to condemn her humanity in her grief.

Erin Burnett never once challenged the NAACP president’s defense of Louis Head and instead allowed him to go on a long rant excusing the supposed call for violence as insignificant in the larger debate surrounding the shooting death of Michael Brown.

- See more at: NAACP President Burn This Bi Down Not A Call For Violence
NAACP President: ‘Burn This Bi*** Down’ Not ‘A Call For Violence’
By Jeffrey Meyer | November 26, 2014 | 8:18 AM EST
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On Tuesday night, Cornell Brooks, president of the NAACP, appeared on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront to discuss the shooting death of Michael Brown and dismissed calls for violence by a member of Michael Brown’s immediate family as inciting violence.


Burnett played video of Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, telling a crowd of protestors to “burn this bi*** down” after the grand jury decided not to indict Officer Darren Wilson and asked Brooks if “that served as a call for violence?” Rather than condemn Brown’s stepfather’s highly charged rhetoric, the president of the NAACP proclaimed “I don't think that was a call for violence or it caused violence.”

After the CNN host made sure to mention that Michael Brown’s stepfather “was in a lot of pain, he was in the moment” Cornell Brooks continued to deflect away from Michael Brown’s stepfather’s comments:

The fact of the matter is, a single act of violence set this tragic set of consequences into motion. That being the shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. That's what, in fact, caused all of this. And one of the ways that we can respond to this tragedy is to focus anger and turn anger into action and reform the criminal justice system. We can do no less… Think about it this way. Michael Brown’s mother lost her son. Her use of an obscenity should not be a reason for us to condemn her humanity in her grief.

Erin Burnett never once challenged the NAACP president’s defense of Louis Head and instead allowed him to go on a long rant excusing the supposed call for violence as insignificant in the larger debate surrounding the shooting death of Michael Brown.

- See more at: NAACP President Burn This Bi Down Not A Call For Violence

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Brooks is a lair and a malicious anti-white racist, and supporter and pusher of Affirmative Action. He knows damn well Louis Head incited a riot last Monday night with his "Burn this bitch down!!!" rant. He's a guy who doesn't say what should properly be said. He says what he thinks, proper or not, will advance the status of Blacks. Just at the title of his racist organization > Nation Association for the ADVANCEment of Colored People.

CDZ - NAACP You Are Not Oppressed. You Are the Oppressors US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Erin Burnett never once challenged the NAACP president’s defense of Louis Head and instead allowed him to go on a long rant excusing the supposed call for violence as insignificant in the larger debate surrounding the shooting death of Michael Brown.

CNN is a bit better than the lunacy we see on HLN and MSNBC, but too much of it just panders to irrational (if not pathological) Blacks, presenting ludicrous and foolish rants. This off-base moderating tends to lend credibility to these false prophets, and even contribute to inciting more rioting.
Who says that the NAACP isn't full of racists.

The color of the person's skin seems to be a get out of jail free card for them. Anyone who watched that video at the link provided can objectively say MBs stepfather was inciting violence.
Louis Head should be charged with inciting a riot, since that was the immediate result of his rant.
Louis Head should be charged with inciting a riot, since that was the immediate result of his rant.
He did say "Burn this bitch down". Rioting commenced that included starting fires. I fail to understand why he hasn't been arrested yet for this action.
Michael Brown's Stepfather should be in jail at this point trying to figure out how to post bond, because he is black the powers to be failed to do their jobs because they did not want to be considered racist.
Who says that the NAACP isn't full of racists.

The color of the person's skin seems to be a get out of jail free card for them. Anyone who watched that video at the link provided can objectively say MBs stepfather was inciting violence.
The NAACP says the NAACP isn't full of racists, and every person in the march they're conducting right now.
He won't be charged or ndicted, it would be very tough to prove intent.
The technicality of intent is probably the only thing that is saving him right now. I wouldn't say he did not intend to incite a riot. He may very well have intended to do just that. I'd just say that a prosecuter might find it tricky to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt.

In the prosecuters favor however, would be the reality that Head could have said lots of other things. If he was so upset, so what ? He could said a variety of expletives. He could have said >"This is wrong", "This sucks!" "This is Bullshit", but he CHOSE to say "Burn this bitch down".
He won't be charged or indicted, it would be very tough to prove intent.
It also is probably wise to use a little prosecutional discretion here. At the point in time that the semi-famous video occurred, the riots were already on there way to occurring regardless of what he said. Arresting him now will infame the situation rather letting things calm down.

What I would like to see is as many people as possible that actually participated in the violence during the riots rounded up and prosecuted based on the video evidence. I doubt this will happen either.
He won't be charged or indicted, it would be very tough to prove intent.
Wasn't hard for the left to say Darren Wilson got up that day with the intent of going ****** hunting.

Did someone actually say that?

Is that the official position of "the left"? Or is that your extrapolation of the countless words that have been spoken that didn't immediately praise and exonerate Darren Wilson as a hero?
...The fact of the matter is, a single act of violence set this tragic set of consequences into motion. That being the shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. That's what, in fact, caused all of this...

Sigh. That is simply not the truth. If that scenero were true, Wilson's life holds no value to them.
...The fact of the matter is, a single act of violence set this tragic set of consequences into motion. That being the shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. That's what, in fact, caused all of this...

Sigh. That is simply not the truth. If that scenero were true, Wilson's life holds no value to them.

The single act of violence set this tragic set of consequences into motion was Michael Brown and his friend robbing the convenience store.
Still wondering why Michael Brown's friend has not been charged as an accomplice.

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