NAACP Releasing 94 Page Report On Candidates With Platforms for Anti-Semites & Bigots


May 29, 2010
And it's coming out today. This is typical of them to do this just in time for the elections and as usual they are resorting to the race card as a act of desperation. This clearly proves that the NAACP getting involved like this shows that they are the ones that are racist. There is no proof that these candidates provide platforms for anti-semites and bigots.

NAACP releases report accusing tea party groups of links to bigots -

Three months ago in Kansas City, the NAACP first raised charges of racism within the tea party movement. Today a report is being released accusing tea party groups of providing platforms to anti-Semites and other bigots.

“These groups and individuals are out there, and we ignore them at our own peril,” said NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous in a statement announcing the report. “They are speaking at tea party events, recruiting at rallies, and in some cases remain in the tea party leadership itself.”

The 94-page report is being released by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in a teleconference today.

In July, NAACP delegates passed a resolution at their national convention in Kansas City condemning racism within the tea party movement, creating a national furor. The NAACP board of directors ratified the resolution last week.

Tea party leaders condemned the report on Tuesday.

“Here we go again,” said Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation. “This is typical of this liberal group’s smear tactics.”

A Kansas City Star article in July found ties between several racist groups and tea parties, but tea party leaders said such incidents were not widespread.

The new report describes what it calls links between tea party factions and white supremacist groups, anti-immigrant organizations and militias, according

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why yes I'll look forward to this exercise in race baiting.....of course I can always skipthe NAACP report just look up the page for GOP or tea party sponsors/contributors... etc...

I have a sneaking suspicion, just a suspicion mind you , a surreal coincidence develops that will find them all there in the report......
The NAACP has every right to make their case, we all know you rightiest NEVER listen to black people unless they already agree with you.

The right has tried to fuck black voters for decades

1. And what Governor of Arkansas made the Saturday before Easter "Confederate Flag Day"?
The Arkansas Code, Section 1-5-107. Confederate Flag Day.
(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as "Confederate Flag Day" in this state.
No person, firm, or corporation shall display any Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Did ya' guess, Ms. Truthie?

2. Do Democrats in Congress support blacks by practicing affirmative action in their hiring…and of course this would be our of moral convictions, as they are legally exempt from affirmative action requirements. More than passing interesting, the ‘National Journal,’ a survey of congressional staffers revealed that Democrats hired black employees at the same rate as Republicans: 2 percent. “The Racial Breakdown of Congressional Staffs,” National Journal, June 21, 2005
a. Schweitzer, “Do As I Say,” p. 9

And so dies another 'urban legend.'
So keeping black voters from voting is just fine with you people on the right?

Of course, another bumper-sticker of left wing propaganda...let's see how difficult it is to shoot this one down:

"Although liberal media support the old wives tale of GOP voter suppression by requiring identification, careful analysis shows a quite different reality:

“The findings of this analysis suggest that voter identification requirements, such as requiring non-photo and photo identification, have virtually no suppressive effect on reported voter turnout.

Controlling for factors that influence voter turn¬out, states with stricter voter identification laws largely do not have the claimed negative impact on voter turnout when compared to states with more lenient voter identification laws.

Based on the Eagleton Institute's findings, some members of the media have claimed that voter identification law suppress voter turnout, especially among minori¬ties.[80] Their conclusion is unfounded. When statistically significant and negative relationships are found in our analysis, the effects are so small that the findings offer little policy significance.

More important, minority respondents in states that required photo identification are just as likely to report voting as are minority respondents from states that only required voters to say their name.”
For a thorough statistical analysis of the effect of voter identification requirements:
New Analysis Shows Voter Identification Laws Do Not Reduce Turnout | The Heritage Foundation
(emphasis mine)

You're not one of those 'old wives,' are you, Ms. Truthie?
The NAACP has every right to make their case, we all know you rightiest NEVER listen to black people unless they already agree with you.

And blacks who don't vote Democrat are told by white liberals that they're voting against their best interests.

Funny how it's in blacks' best interests to keep white liberals in power, isn't it?

The right has tried to fuck black voters for decades

Don't mind if I do...

The NAACP has every right to make their case, we all know you rightiest NEVER listen to black people unless they already agree with you.

And blacks who don't vote Democrat are told by white liberals that they're voting against their best interests.

Funny how it's in blacks' best interests to keep white liberals in power, isn't it?

You mean white liberals like President Obama?
The NAACP has every right to make their case, we all know you rightiest NEVER listen to black people unless they already agree with you.

And blacks who don't vote Democrat are told by white liberals that they're voting against their best interests.

Funny how it's in blacks' best interests to keep white liberals in power, isn't it?

You mean white liberals like President Obama?

Well..., he is half white.... :eusa_whistle:
And blacks who don't vote Democrat are told by white liberals that they're voting against their best interests.

Funny how it's in blacks' best interests to keep white liberals in power, isn't it?

You mean white liberals like President Obama?

Well..., he is half white.... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, but his wife is a thoroughbred darkie and I suspect he doesn't do much that she doesn't approve first, kind of like FDR with Eleanor.
The NAACP has every right to make their case, we all know you rightiest NEVER listen to black people unless they already agree with you.

And blacks who don't vote Democrat are told by white liberals that they're voting against their best interests.

Funny how it's in blacks' best interests to keep white liberals in power, isn't it?

You mean white liberals like President Obama?
No, like Pelosi, Reid, and the others who pander to minorities.

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