Nader: Impeach Obama for War Crimes.

According to the guy who, we are SO often told, used to be a professor of Constitutional law:
The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.

As Commander-in-Chief, the President does have a duty to protect and defend the United States. In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent.
-The Obama
Obama on presidential war-making powers - Glenn Greenwald -

or perhaps this book might help?
It appears it would help --you-- quite a lot.

The problem is that you're confusing opinion and commentary with actual study and looking at one document without looking at the War Powers Act. You are also, interestingly relying on a leftie's view because it suits you at the moment. There are, of course, conflicting views and I don't believe that our actions in Korea were ever approved by Congress either. I believe that they called it a "police action", yes? It seems that we have lived within certain rules for a very long time. Of course, rightwingnuts only want to shriek about them when a democratic president acts. And if he didn't act, you'd shriek about that.

As for me, I aced con law and passed two bar exams. I figure i did ok.

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Nader is a Classic Liberal. He's not a Socialist/Progressive. Too many people are still confusing the two. I don't agree with him on much but i understand where he's coming from on this one.
The problem is that you're confusing opinion and commentary with actual study and looking at one document without looking at the War Powers Act.
Wait... are you arging that The Obama, The Constitutional Professor, is wrong about the Constitution?
As for me, I aced con law and passed two bar exams. I figure i did ok.
This claim is not supprted by -anything- you have -ever- posted here.
Thus, I call this a lie.
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This is a criminal use of force. The Constitution authorizes military for the defense of the United States, and this isn't it. Congress has no basis to declare war for that reason either. There is no Constitutional authority for our involvement in this no matter how you slice it.
May I suggest a course in Constitutional law?
According to the guy who, we are SO often told, used to be a professor of Constitutional law:
The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.

As Commander-in-Chief, the President does have a duty to protect and defend the United States. In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent.
-The Obama
Obama on presidential war-making powers - Glenn Greenwald -

or perhaps this book might help?
It appears it would help --you-- quite a lot.

M 14 is right. also there my be an imminant and credible threat that we "just citizens" don't know about, the area is a breeding ground for al qaeda
The problem is that you're confusing opinion and commentary with actual study and looking at one document without looking at the War Powers Act.
Wait... are you arging that The Obama, The Constitutional Professor, is wrong about the Constitution?
As for me, I aced con law and passed two bar exams. I figure i did ok.
This claim is not supprted by -anything- you have -ever- posted here.
Thus, I call this a lie.

my billable hours say otherwise.

and i really truly and without equivocation couldn't care less what subliterate rightwingnuts think.

i'm funny that way. :thup:
The problem is that you're confusing opinion and commentary with actual study and looking at one document without looking at the War Powers Act.
Wait... are you arging that The Obama, The Constitutional Professor, is wrong about the Constitution?
As for me, I aced con law and passed two bar exams. I figure i did ok.
This claim is not supprted by -anything- you have -ever- posted here.
Thus, I call this a lie.

my billable hours say otherwise.

and i really truly and without equivocation couldn't care less what subliterate rightwingnuts think.

i'm funny that way. :thup:

you are funny sometimes and i'm guessing your billables aren't related to interpreting the constitution. LOL unless your the invisible 10th member of the supremes. don't feel badly, i'm not sure obama knows the constitution that well.
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The problem is that you're confusing opinion and commentary with actual study and looking at one document without looking at the War Powers Act.
Wait... are you arging that The Obama, The Constitutional Professor, is wrong about the Constitution?
As for me, I aced con law and passed two bar exams. I figure i did ok.
This claim is not supprted by -anything- you have -ever- posted here.
Thus, I call this a lie.
my billable hours say otherwise.
You did not answer the question:
Are you arguing that The Obama, The Constitutional Professor, is wrong about the Constitution?
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Wait... are you arging that The Obama, The Constitutional Professor, is wrong about the Constitution?

This claim is not supprted by -anything- you have -ever- posted here.
Thus, I call this a lie.

my billable hours say otherwise.

and i really truly and without equivocation couldn't care less what subliterate rightwingnuts think.

i'm funny that way. :thup:

you are funny sometimes and i'm guessing your billables aren't related to interpreting the constitution. LOL
Janitors are paid hourly...
lately i think that obama doesn't really take the job seriously. in fact i think he's just there for the ride, and to enjoy the trappings of royalty, do a little preaching to the world. he seems awefully lazy to me. i don't care if he can eat fifty eggs or not. he's enchanted with the sound of his own voice.
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lately i think that obama doesn't really take the job seriously. in fact i think he's just there for the ride, and to enjoy the trappings of royalty, do a little preaching to the world. he seems awefully lazy to me. i don't care if he can eat fifty eggs or not. he's enchanted with the sound of his own voice.

You forgot the Teleprompter part
A rare time Im going to back Obama. Nader is a fcukking k00k who also has dementia. Wars suck.......there are always civilian caualties. Like Bush......Obama has zero control over the madness of war on the front lines. Soldiers snap in those conditions no matter how well they are trained..............US soldiers.......French Soldiers..........Japanese soldiers. Its war.......on balance though, nobody conducts themselves ion war more efficiently and morally than US forces. Some just snap however and some follow bad, overzealous leaders when they are this close to melting down mentally.

The fact of the matter is.........these people...........these civilians are going to have a life of shit until they decide to join the 16th century and form some semblence of government. They need to buckle up their chinstraps and stand up to radical Islam that keeps the population in terror. However many decades or centuries it takes.
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Wait... are you arging that The Obama, The Constitutional Professor, is wrong about the Constitution?

This claim is not supprted by -anything- you have -ever- posted here.
Thus, I call this a lie.

my billable hours say otherwise.

and i really truly and without equivocation couldn't care less what subliterate rightwingnuts think.

i'm funny that way. :thup:

you are funny sometimes and i'm guessing your billables aren't related to interpreting the constitution. LOL unless your the invisible 10th member of the supremes. don't feel badly, i'm not sure obama knows the constitution that well.

Obama the Global Military Expansionist (His Words) | Young Americans for Liberty

well, i don't spend my time obsessing about the "constitution" like the rightwingnuts. but i also haven't forgotten my studies. And I certainly understand constitutional construction and resent, heavily, the rightwinnut loons' diminishing the document by trying to interpret it in some self-serving manner not based on any of our 200 years of caselaw.

so i figure that puts me ahead of the game. and i'm pretty sure i'm the only person here who's admitted to practice before the supreme court.

so i don't know, does getting paid to oppose petitions for certiorari count?

i'm pretty sure it does.
Nader's done alot of good. Many of the consumer protections we now enjoy are due to Nader. That said he's as loony as Ron Paul.

Good point, anyone who's anti-war in 2011 will now and forever in the future be deemed as loony.

To be a mainstream politician in america today you have to be pro-war, as well as to be a mainstream voter.
I wonder if that has anything to do with the amount of money the richest 1% of Americans (and others) earn from wars they seldom get close to?

Where is Smedley Butler when we really need him?
Claiming that "innocents are being slaughtered" in Afghanistan and beyond, former presidential candidate Ralph Nader called for impeaching President Obama for committing war crimes.

"Why don't we say what's on the minds of many legal experts; that the Obama administration is committing war crimes and if Bush should have been impeached, Obama should be impeached,.."

The Hill...

Oh, please. Who in the hell cares what Ralph Nader thinks???

you beat me to it. i, personally, couldn't care less what that megalomanic thinks.

Great minds think alike, Jillian!!! :)

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