Nader: Impeach Obama for War Crimes.

Oh look... A Yale law professor, agreeith with The Obama:

No existing statute or treaty allows this action. Gaddafi isn't linked to Al Qaeda, so an attack against him isn't supported by the resolution authorizing force against terrorists involved in 9/11. If Obama goes it alone, he must return to Bush-era assertions that the president, as commander-in-chief, can unilaterally launch the nation into war. . . .
-Yale Law Professors Bruce Ackerman, et al
Obama on presidential war-making powers - Glenn Greenwald -

I suppose Jillian will tell us exactly how this guy is wrong, too - just like she did for The Obama's statement.

I don't get it -- why can't you people be honest about this guy and call him out on this?
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I love how a mental midget like you is a constitutional expert! Art 1 Sec 8 Cl 11 gives Congress the Power to Declare War and back during the Bush Administration right after 9/11 they gave the President the authority to take military action in Afghanistan! We were attacked by Afghanistan, you remember that little thing called 9/11!

Art 3 Sectio 2 Cl 1 - "The President shall be Commander in Chief Military and Navy of the United States and of the Militias of the United States..."

It is widely know by any constitutional scholar that the Commander in Chief has extremely BROAD discretionary powers!
We weren't attacked by Afghanistan.
We were attacked by Al Qa'ida who planned some of the attack in Afghanistan.
Some of the attack was planned in Florida.
If they're on the table, I say we wait 'till late August and start carpet bombing in Gainesville.
See if that slows these guys down a litttle (or just makes them mad)

Hey as long as you go after The Gators and leave the 'Noles alone, I suspect half the state will be cheering you on. ;)

Are you forgetting somebody...
We weren't attacked by Afghanistan.
We were attacked by Al Qa'ida who planned some of the attack in Afghanistan.
Some of the attack was planned in Florida.
If they're on the table, I say we wait 'till late August and start carpet bombing in Gainesville.
See if that slows these guys down a litttle (or just makes them mad)

Hey as long as you go after The Gators and leave the 'Noles alone, I suspect half the state will be cheering you on. ;)

Are you forgetting somebody...

No, didn't forget them, the 'canes are a distant third in College Football popularity around here. That is gonna get me in trouble with some! :D But for the most part, in Northern Florida meaning north of Alligator Alley okay maybe Lake Okeechobee, the 'canes may as well play Pop Warner ball.

There's not much room for argument that the State of Florida has dominated college football since the '90s. Miami's been in the wilderness lately, but '91...2001...2011?

Maybe that's the only way the SEC doesn't win another consecutive BCS Championship?
There's not much room for argument that the State of Florida has dominated college football since the '90s. Miami's been in the wilderness lately, but '91...2001...2011?

Maybe that's the only way the SEC doesn't win another consecutive BCS Championship?

Nobody North of Lake Okeechobee would bat an eye if the 'canes won in 2011. As far as Northern Florida is concerned, it may as well be Boise State. :lol:

Okay, "nobody" is not exactly true. There have been a very few that have migrated north over the years... but not many! :D

looks as if nader is in the crackpot catagory
Would your opinion change if it's true that Operation Odyssey Dawn was being planned years before reforms swept Egypt and Tunisia?

From: Global Research:

"The bombing of Libya has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for several years as confirmed by former NATO commander General Wesley Clark.

"Operation Odyssey Dawn is acknowledged as the 'biggest Western military intervention in the Arab world since the invasion of Iraq began exactly eight years ago.' (Russia: Stop "indiscriminate" bombing of Libya - Taiwan News Online, March 19, 2011).

"This war is part of the battle for oil.

"Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.

"The underlying objective is to gain control over Libya's oil and gas reserves under the disguise of a humanitarian interventiion"
looks as if nader is in the crackpot catagory
Would your opinion change if it's true that Operation Odyssey Dawn was being planned years before reforms swept Egypt and Tunisia?

From: Global Research:

"The bombing of Libya has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for several years as confirmed by former NATO commander General Wesley Clark.

"Operation Odyssey Dawn is acknowledged as the 'biggest Western military intervention in the Arab world since the invasion of Iraq began exactly eight years ago.' (Russia: Stop "indiscriminate" bombing of Libya - Taiwan News Online, March 19, 2011).

"This war is part of the battle for oil.

"Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.

"The underlying objective is to gain control over Libya's oil and gas reserves under the disguise of a humanitarian interventiion"

Good to see at least SOME liberals have a political spine.
Like Clinton in Yugoslavia?

"'Operation Odyssey Dawn ' is part of a broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which consists in gaining control and corporate ownership over more than sixty percent of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas, including oil and gas pipeline routes.

"With 46.5 billion barrels of proven reserves, (10 times those of Egypt), Libya is the largest oil economy in the African continent followed by Nigeria and Algeria (Oil and Gas Journal).

"In contrast, US proven oil reserves are of the order of 20.6 billion barrels (December 2008) according to the Energy Information Administration. U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves).

Global Research

Maybe Obama is serving his corporate masters like Bush and Clinton before him?
looks as if nader is in the crackpot catagory
Would your opinion change if it's true that Operation Odyssey Dawn was being planned years before reforms swept Egypt and Tunisia?

From: Global Research:

"The bombing of Libya has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for several years as confirmed by former NATO commander General Wesley Clark.

"Operation Odyssey Dawn is acknowledged as the 'biggest Western military intervention in the Arab world since the invasion of Iraq began exactly eight years ago.' (Russia: Stop "indiscriminate" bombing of Libya - Taiwan News Online, March 19, 2011).

"This war is part of the battle for oil.

"Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.

"The underlying objective is to gain control over Libya's oil and gas reserves under the disguise of a humanitarian interventiion"

I'm not entirely sure that having bombing plans on hand is really the smoking gun proving that this intervention is contrived, GP.

Having WHAT IF? plans for fighting against other nations is SOP.

Let's bear in mind that this isn't the first time Libya and the West have been at odds.

Remember Gadffi's infamous " line of death"?

The one our ari forces crossed when they set out to kill him and instead killed his step child?
You basically just described every military action after WWII and quite a few before it.
Red Herring.
That doesn't make the current action any less criminal.

Legal and Constitutional precedent does
Is blood for oil morally acceptable when a Democrat serves as Commander in Chief?

"Libyan oil reserves are the largest in Africa and the ninth largest in the world with 41.5 billion barrels (6.60×10^9 m3) as of 2007.
looks as if nader is in the crackpot catagory
Would your opinion change if it's true that Operation Odyssey Dawn was being planned years before reforms swept Egypt and Tunisia?

From: Global Research:

"The bombing of Libya has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for several years as confirmed by former NATO commander General Wesley Clark.

"Operation Odyssey Dawn is acknowledged as the 'biggest Western military intervention in the Arab world since the invasion of Iraq began exactly eight years ago.' (Russia: Stop "indiscriminate" bombing of Libya - Taiwan News Online, March 19, 2011).

"This war is part of the battle for oil.

"Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.

"The underlying objective is to gain control over Libya's oil and gas reserves under the disguise of a humanitarian interventiion"

I'm not entirely sure that having bombing plans on hand is really the smoking gun proving that this intervention is contrived, GP.

Having WHAT IF? plans for fighting against other nations is SOP.

Let's bear in mind that this isn't the first time Libya and the West have been at odds.

Remember Gadffi's infamous " line of death"?

The one our ari forces crossed when they set out to kill him and instead killed his step child?
I didn't mean to offer Global Research's opinion as a smoking gun, ed. It's just a little scary to see how many Democrats don't wait long enough to consider the "blood for oil" scenario when one of theirs occupies the White House.

The really scary part is considering the possibility that US/Corporate control of Middle East and North African oil will be the only thing keeping the lights on in America within the next generation.
Good to see at least SOME liberals have a political spine.
Like Clinton in Yugoslavia?

"'Operation Odyssey Dawn ' is part of a broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which consists in gaining control and corporate ownership over more than sixty percent of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas, including oil and gas pipeline routes.

"With 46.5 billion barrels of proven reserves, (10 times those of Egypt), Libya is the largest oil economy in the African continent followed by Nigeria and Algeria (Oil and Gas Journal).

"In contrast, US proven oil reserves are of the order of 20.6 billion barrels (December 2008) according to the Energy Information Administration. U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves).

Global Research

Maybe Obama is serving his corporate masters like Bush and Clinton before him?

sure... the corporations are the unions in his case
Claiming that "innocents are being slaughtered" in Afghanistan and beyond, former presidential candidate Ralph Nader called for impeaching President Obama for committing war crimes.

"Why don't we say what's on the minds of many legal experts; that the Obama administration is committing war crimes and if Bush should have been impeached, Obama should be impeached,.."

The Hill...

Nader is Sarah Palin in drag; both are only relevant to the fringe of their respective wings.
Impeachment for "War Crimes" is a stretch but these bombings are wrong. I mean Saddam Hussein was gassing his people and invading Nations. I'm not defending the Iraq Wars but i can see some kind of argument there. This Libyan War is a Civil War. It's an internal conflict. Our Government shouldn't have anything to do with it. Gaddafi has never invaded other Nations either. So this latest Intervention is definitely wrong but it's not an Impeachable offense.
The first question to answer regarding this latest intervention is when it began.

"The geopolitical and economic implications of a US-NATO led military intervention directed against Libya are far-reaching.

"'Operation Odyssey Dawn ' is part of a broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which consists in gaining control and corporate ownership over more than sixty percent of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas, including oil and gas pipeline routes.

"With 46.5 billion barrels of proven reserves, (10 times those of Egypt), Libya is the largest oil economy in the African continent followed by Nigeria and Algeria (Oil and Gas Journal). In contrast, US proven oil reserves are of the order of 20.6 billion barrels (December 2008) according to the Energy Information Administration. U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves)."

If you consider Wesley Clark a credible source, the Pentagon was laying plans in November of 2001 for a series of seven interventions in the Middle East and North Africa.

Libya was one of the seven, as was Iraq:

"Libya is targeted because it is one among several remaining countries outside America's sphere of influence, which fail to conform to US demands.

"Libya is a country which has been selected as part of a military 'road map' which consists of 'multiple simultaneous theater wars'.

"In the words of former NATO Commander Chief General Wesley Clark:

"'in the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat.

"'Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.... (Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars, p. 130)."

"Operation Libya"...
Even though my political agreement with him is pretty close to zero, Nader is one of the few liberals I respect. Liberals will say not to trust politicians, then worship Democrats. They will say politicians are the same, then mindlessly incant liberal talking points and challenge them on nothing, even when they don't do what they said. But Nader has been one who actually says Democrats are the same as Republicans and he actually doesn't support them for that reason. The same path I followed leaving the Republican party when I realized they really weren't different. The parties are tweedle dum and tweedle dee with the only difference being one lies to the Left and the other lies to the Right. But in the end, the same.
And for millions of voters across the US with established third party candidates already appearing on their ballots BOTH Republican AND Democratic incumbents could be FLUSHED by the hundreds from DC in November of 2012.

Political leap of faith?

You bet.

Keep "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat and the American Republic vanishes from the page of time.

The problem with two parties is that the easier path to power is to tear the other one down more then they tear you down. So they both "scare" their voters for this point exactly, don't vote for me and you get "them." You can't risk that. It's only when you realize they are pointing in a mirror you can.... can use the new technology to tear down 5000 years of Force or Fraud.

For at least the last 500 years all politicians have known the only thing worse than getting caught doing business with organized crime is to lose control of the revenue streams that organized criminal activity generate.

Republicans AND Democrats serve war and debt in the same ways all elite crime structures before them have. The internet could change that in the US in ways similar to what we're seeing in the Middle East and North Africa today.

FLUSHING as many Republicans AND Democrats from DC as possible in November of 2012 would, in no uncertain terms, fire the Second Shot Heard 'Round the World.
Claiming that "innocents are being slaughtered" in Afghanistan and beyond, former presidential candidate Ralph Nader called for impeaching President Obama for committing war crimes.

"Why don't we say what's on the minds of many legal experts; that the Obama administration is committing war crimes and if Bush should have been impeached, Obama should be impeached,.."

The Hill...

Nader is Sarah Palin in drag; both are only relevant to the fringe of their respective wings.

I -love- Nadir. I hope he runs in 2012.
You wanna see some real dishonesty & hypocrisy coming from the Lefty loons on this Board? Wait til their Hero Michael Mooron comes out and criticizes the Hopey Changey One on this. Heads will explode fo sho. They'll turn on him almost as fast as they've turned on ole Ralph Nader. The Left/Democrats are completely clueless at this point. Cheerleading for bombing & killing Libyans? What a bunch of shallow hypocrites.

Your pomposity is what is really funny. You just think you know it all. And you wouldn't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Good to see at least SOME liberals have a political spine.
Like Clinton in Yugoslavia?

"'Operation Odyssey Dawn ' is part of a broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which consists in gaining control and corporate ownership over more than sixty percent of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas, including oil and gas pipeline routes.

"With 46.5 billion barrels of proven reserves, (10 times those of Egypt), Libya is the largest oil economy in the African continent followed by Nigeria and Algeria (Oil and Gas Journal).

"In contrast, US proven oil reserves are of the order of 20.6 billion barrels (December 2008) according to the Energy Information Administration. U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves).

Global Research

Maybe Obama is serving his corporate masters like Bush and Clinton before him?

Hey retard! You do realize we helped Kuwait and they barely provide us oil (when they have one of the largest production on earth). We invaded Iraq and we barely get any oil from them despite the fact they are what 4th or 5th on the list. So take your baseless conspiracy theories and stick them up your ass!

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