Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again

Don't bother: Pelosi says Trump 'just not worth' impeaching

The Democrats say that Trump is not worth impeaching.

What does that exactly mean? And if Trump is not worth it, who is or who will be in the future?

Do they have to do something far worse than all the things he has been accused of?
It means they don't have a case for impeachment and never did but have to pretend they do because admitting it would insure defeat in 2020.
Another pointless vote by democrats to investigate Trump for possible impeachment.

So the Idiots voted to continue to do what they have been doing for months... And the sheep will eat this up not thinking for one minuet that this is exactly what they have been doing for 3 years already...


Comedy Relief

Democrats really stepped in it..... And they dont even realize it.. This flopped like a dead fish..
Independents and moderates are looking at this circle jerk and wondering how any of these democrats won office being as ignorant and ill informed as they are. Useful Idiots is the perfect term to describe these fools and Nadler is the king of fools. AOC and their Muslim traitor have these people scared shitless and its time to remove them from office permanently!

I was talking with a couple of pollsters and they say the democrats are bleeding support with their far left agenda. They are down to just 5% support from these groups and their sycophant media refuses to show the US just how unpopular their agenda is. 2020 is going to be a blood bath for these people..
You know, I would love to put my boots on and kick Jackson Lee square in the jaw, That pig is one of the lowest forms of life on the planet
They need to be calling folks from the FBI and putting them under oath questions about what they knew and when about Kavenaugh and what pressures if any they faced hindering their investigation.

Aww, you poor thing. There's actually nothing you can say that can alter the findings by the Republican-led investigation which concluded neither Hillary nor Obama lied.

How'd you like your Dem Tard Leadership being made a mockery of by Lewandowski?

That Dumb Pollack took your IDIOT DEMNAZI heros to The CLEANERS!

No, he did good. I don't want trump impeached and he didn't help Democrats.
So why have you changed your tune then Faun?

He not only didn't help Democrats, he damaged them severely.

Why.....don't you want Trump impeached now?

Are you coming to the realization that there are some bad actors in The Democrat Party drowning out the voices of reasonable and good patriotic Democrats?
I haven't changed my tune, ya flaming imbecile. I've been saying this all along. You just can't comprehend English.
You were on The Impeachment Loony Train, Moron. Your Avatar is Of Mad Moscow Mueller.

Who in the Hell are you trying to con here?

You're fucking deranged, conservative. I've never once said I want trump impeached. This would be merely another case where you falsely claim I said things I never actually said. I haven't seen where trump has done anything worthy of impeachment. I said it before Mueller's report an I said it before Mueller released a report...
Sadly, you’re deranged. I neither called for Trump’s impeachment nor claimed he committed an impeachable.
... and I said it after he released his report...
I've always said trump has done nothing worthy of impeachment and I hope Dems don't impeach him.
"Nadler and Democrats vote to Investigate Trump... Again"

Aww. Just like the good ol' days when Clinton was president and Republicans ran the Congress. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?

Two wrongs make a right ?
No, but three lefts do. What are you saying? Democrats should just take it on the chin?

Lefties whine about the GOP pushing on Clinton....and I happen to agree.

If you want to keep doing wrong things...have at it.

I can't laugh any harder than when the stupid little fucker Jerry Nadler waddles has ass in front of a mike to confirm he is beyond help ?

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