Nadler is abusing his power


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Nadler is abusing his subpoena power to harass and smear President Trump.
This is not oversight, it's just a dirty political game.
Are there really people who can't see what is going on?

He is doing his job, and if he weren't you might be bowing before King tramp.
Seems to me, this is what the voters wanted... otherwise they wouldn't have flipped the house in 2018 to give Nadler the power.
A stroll down memory lane

trump quotes

"There was no collusion everyone knows there was no collusion"
said after a meeting with Putin

"Nobody has better respect for intelligence than Donald Trump"
Speaking in the third person is a sure sign of intelligence

"Why would Kim Jong insult me by calling me old, when I would never call him short and fat, oh well, I try so hard to be his friend, and maybe someday that will happen"
They are friends Kim calls him old man, and trump calls him shorty or fatty of course trump is sitting in his office with his finger on the trigger

"I need loyalty, I expect loyalty"
The truth is he can't handle the truth

"I'll probably do it maybe definitely"
Anyone for waffles or pancakes
maybe, definitely, oh shucks I only have biscuits

After his shithole comments
"I am the least raciest person you have interviewed".
take your time on that one it will come to you

When friends have a falling out
"If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest you don.t retain the services of Michael Cohen"
He is doing his job, and if he weren't you might be bowing before King tramp.

Nadler is a big fat liar and he is abusing his subpoena power.
View attachment 260127

Don't pretend to know what his power is as chairman of the committee, you likely never finished high school and for sure never passed a course in civics.
Actually I made good grades in high school and college.
I loved my history and civic courses.

Pelosi Doubles Down On Stupid, Claims Nadler’s "right", this is a constitutional crisis

“The administration has decided that they’re not going to honor their oath of office.”

This cynical strategy of shouting “constitutional crisis!”, which is clearly aimed at appeasing pro-impeachment progressives, will backfire by stoking their desire for impeachment instead. Even friendly outlets like CNN have taken to asking Democratic guests why, if the White House’s refusal to comply with subpoenas is really a “constitutional crisis,” they don’t just impeach Trump already. Democrats seem to have no good answer except to mumble vaguely that “we’re not there yet” or that “there are other options.” Pelosi was asked about it in her presser today too. Quote: “Impeach or nothing — it’s not that. It’s a path that is producing results and gathering information.”

She’ll get back to you. In the meantime, please enjoy some complimentary heavy breathing about a “constitutional crisis” instead.

Democrats are serious about this? Here’s one, I guess:

Mr. Cummings also said Democrats should consider “inherent contempt” — the congressional power, last used in the 1930s, to jail officials who defy subpoenas. Mr. Connolly, who leads an oversight subcommittee, agreed.

“We should be putting people in jail,” Mr. Connolly said.​

Imprisoning cabinet officials would be hard to reconcile the crocodile tears that were shed in 2016 over Trumpers chanting “Lock her up” about a political opponent with literally jailing the Attorney General of the United States for making the sort of executive privilege claim that every presidential administration eventually ends up making.

Keith Whittington, a Princeton professor who’s writing a book on constitutional crises, knows a stunt when he sees one:

Nadler feels the need to elevate a relatively routine dispute over the scope of executive privilege into the last gasp of democracy. Only if the House gains access to the last few sentences under redaction in the Mueller report can America be spared the collapse of the republic and the ascension of a “monarchy.” Only if Attorney General William Barr can be cross-examined by committee staff in a public hearing will we be able to avoid Donald Trump making “himself a king.” Someone has been watching too much Game of Thrones.

Politicians have become incentivized to declare constitutional crises because it enhances their own importance as saviors and demonizes their opponents as illegitimate. The rhetoric of constitutional crisis attempts to short-circuit routine constitutional processes and justify extraordinary and extraconstitutional responses.​
Pelosi Doubles Down On Stupid, Claims Nadler’s "right", this is a constitutional crisis

“The administration has decided that they’re not going to honor their oath of office.”

This cynical strategy of shouting “constitutional crisis!”, which is clearly aimed at appeasing pro-impeachment progressives, will backfire by stoking their desire for impeachment instead. Even friendly outlets like CNN have taken to asking Democratic guests why, if the White House’s refusal to comply with subpoenas is really a “constitutional crisis,” they don’t just impeach Trump already. Democrats seem to have no good answer except to mumble vaguely that “we’re not there yet” or that “there are other options.” Pelosi was asked about it in her presser today too. Quote: “Impeach or nothing — it’s not that. It’s a path that is producing results and gathering information.”

She’ll get back to you. In the meantime, please enjoy some complimentary heavy breathing about a “constitutional crisis” instead.

Democrats are serious about this? Here’s one, I guess:

Mr. Cummings also said Democrats should consider “inherent contempt” — the congressional power, last used in the 1930s, to jail officials who defy subpoenas. Mr. Connolly, who leads an oversight subcommittee, agreed.

“We should be putting people in jail,” Mr. Connolly said.​

Imprisoning cabinet officials would be hard to reconcile the crocodile tears that were shed in 2016 over Trumpers chanting “Lock her up” about a political opponent with literally jailing the Attorney General of the United States for making the sort of executive privilege claim that every presidential administration eventually ends up making.

Keith Whittington, a Princeton professor who’s writing a book on constitutional crises, knows a stunt when he sees one:

Nadler feels the need to elevate a relatively routine dispute over the scope of executive privilege into the last gasp of democracy. Only if the House gains access to the last few sentences under redaction in the Mueller report can America be spared the collapse of the republic and the ascension of a “monarchy.” Only if Attorney General William Barr can be cross-examined by committee staff in a public hearing will we be able to avoid Donald Trump making “himself a king.” Someone has been watching too much Game of Thrones.

Politicians have become incentivized to declare constitutional crises because it enhances their own importance as saviors and demonizes their opponents as illegitimate. The rhetoric of constitutional crisis attempts to short-circuit routine constitutional processes and justify extraordinary and extraconstitutional responses.​

And FBIgate was the real assault on our democracy*
He is doing his job, and if he weren't you might be bowing before King tramp.

Nadler is a big fat liar and he is abusing his subpoena power.
View attachment 260127

Don't pretend to know what his power is as chairman of the committee, you likely never finished high school and for sure never passed a course in civics.
Actually I made good grades in high school and college.
I loved my history and civic courses.

View attachment 260136

Really, how many civics courses did you take?
Well Nadler ain't to bright.

He's an attorney yet he's trying to subpoena Barr?? He wants Barr to break the law to give him what he wants??

A box of rocks is smarter than Attorney Nadler is.
He is doing his job, and if he weren't you might be bowing before King tramp.

Nadler is a big fat liar and he is abusing his subpoena power.
View attachment 260127

You are making fun of how he looks? A Trump supporter making fun of how another politician looks?...

Trump, a guy that had his physician LIE about his height and weight. :abgg2q.jpg:
Jerry Wadler is going to subpoena a corned beefed sandwich for lunch next

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