Name one good thing Democrats have accomplished

Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who served as president from 1912 to 1920, is widely regarded by historians as one of the nation’s greatest presidents because of his advocacy for democracy and world peace. Among Wilson’s accomplishments are the creation of the Labor Department in the Cabinet and the workers’ compensation program. In the finance and banking arena, Wilson signed the Clayton Anti-Trust Act and the Farm Loan Bank Act into law. He is also credited with the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank. He also signed into law the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, arguably the most famous of the Democratic presidents, is renowned for the New Deal, which lifted the U.S. out of a six-year depression by creating jobs through the Civilian Conservation Corps and other employment programs. He signed minimum wage and unemployment compensation legislation into law and is responsible for the National Labor Relations Act. He signed the Social Security Act into law, allowing some level of income security for elderly Americans, and signed the Securities Exchange Act, which requires companies to file detailed annual reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission in order to have their securities publicly traded on the stock exchanges. Roosevelt also established the Farmers Home Administration and the Rural Electrification Administration. He was one of the principal parties in the establishment of the United Nations after World War II. Finally, Roosevelt signed the GI Bill of Rights, which established low-interest home loan programs and college benefits for veterans.
Democrat Harry Truman signed the Federal Loan Housing Act, established the Fulbright-Hughes Scholarship program, and signed the Rural Telephone Act, ensuring that Americans all across the country had access to the telephone. Truman was one of the signatories of the Marshall Plan, an aid package to European nations that had been devastated by World War II, and one of the national leaders who established NATO, a mutual protection pact between nations who were threatened by the expansion of Soviet Communism.
John F. Kennedy laid the groundwork for many accomplishments by Democratic administration. He also established the Peace Corps, whose mission was to combat communism by bringing young adults from America to developing nations to engage in tasks ranging from teaching English to building homes and wells. Kennedy’s VISTA (Volunteers In Service to America) program was “the domestic Peace Corps,” working toward educational equality and resource availability for underserved urban and rural communities.
Lyndon B. Johnson, who inherited the presidential seat when Kennedy was assassinated and then won election in his own right, is responsible for signing numerous pieces of landmark legislation including the Civil Rights Act, outlawing discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; and the Voting Rights Act, making it illegal to discriminate against people of color in the voting process. He also established the Head Start program and the Medicare and Medicaid programs to ensure that the elderly and the poor could receive adequate medical care.
Democrat Jimmy Carter established the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He created the Department of Education and the Department of Energy and negotiated the Camp David Accords, which led to the signing of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Carter was also responsible for renegotiating the Panama Canal treaty in ways that were favorable for America.
Bill Clinton was responsible for signing several laws we take for granted today—the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Clinton also established the National Voter Registration Act (also known as the “Motor Voter” act), which requires state governments to offer voter registration to people who apply for or renew their driver’s license or apply for public assistance.
Democrat Barack Obama is best known for the Affordable Care Act which, although it didn’t do everything he hoped healthcare reform would do, did require insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions and established “exchanges” where individuals could purchase high-quality health insurance at an affordable price. He also signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act, and a nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia.
No party is as pure as people would like to believe it is. The Democrats definitely have a checkered history, but overall, Democratic presidents have led many reform efforts and created many programs that we still hold sacred even today.
Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who served as president from 1912 to 1920, is widely regarded by historians as one of the nation’s greatest presidents because of his advocacy for democracy and world peace. Among Wilson’s accomplishments are the creation of the Labor Department in the Cabinet and the workers’ compensation program. In the finance and banking arena, Wilson signed the Clayton Anti-Trust Act and the Farm Loan Bank Act into law. He is also credited with the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank. He also signed into law the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, arguably the most famous of the Democratic presidents, is renowned for the New Deal, which lifted the U.S. out of a six-year depression by creating jobs through the Civilian Conservation Corps and other employment programs. He signed minimum wage and unemployment compensation legislation into law and is responsible for the National Labor Relations Act. He signed the Social Security Act into law, allowing some level of income security for elderly Americans, and signed the Securities Exchange Act, which requires companies to file detailed annual reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission in order to have their securities publicly traded on the stock exchanges. Roosevelt also established the Farmers Home Administration and the Rural Electrification Administration. He was one of the principal parties in the establishment of the United Nations after World War II. Finally, Roosevelt signed the GI Bill of Rights, which established low-interest home loan programs and college benefits for veterans.
Democrat Harry Truman signed the Federal Loan Housing Act, established the Fulbright-Hughes Scholarship program, and signed the Rural Telephone Act, ensuring that Americans all across the country had access to the telephone. Truman was one of the signatories of the Marshall Plan, an aid package to European nations that had been devastated by World War II, and one of the national leaders who established NATO, a mutual protection pact between nations who were threatened by the expansion of Soviet Communism.
John F. Kennedy laid the groundwork for many accomplishments by Democratic administration. He also established the Peace Corps, whose mission was to combat communism by bringing young adults from America to developing nations to engage in tasks ranging from teaching English to building homes and wells. Kennedy’s VISTA (Volunteers In Service to America) program was “the domestic Peace Corps,” working toward educational equality and resource availability for underserved urban and rural communities.
Lyndon B. Johnson, who inherited the presidential seat when Kennedy was assassinated and then won election in his own right, is responsible for signing numerous pieces of landmark legislation including the Civil Rights Act, outlawing discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; and the Voting Rights Act, making it illegal to discriminate against people of color in the voting process. He also established the Head Start program and the Medicare and Medicaid programs to ensure that the elderly and the poor could receive adequate medical care.
Democrat Jimmy Carter established the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He created the Department of Education and the Department of Energy and negotiated the Camp David Accords, which led to the signing of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Carter was also responsible for renegotiating the Panama Canal treaty in ways that were favorable for America.
Bill Clinton was responsible for signing several laws we take for granted today—the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Clinton also established the National Voter Registration Act (also known as the “Motor Voter” act), which requires state governments to offer voter registration to people who apply for or renew their driver’s license or apply for public assistance.nand
Democrat Barack Obama is best known for the Affordable Care Act which, although it didn’t do everything he hoped healthcare reform would do, did require insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions and established “exchanges” where individuals could purchase high-quality health insurance at an affordable price. He also signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act, and a nuclear arms reduction pact with Russia.
No party is as pure as people would like to believe it is. The Democrats definitely have a checkered history, but overall, Democratic presidents have led many reform efforts and created many programs that we still hold sacred even today.
and FDR gave us nuclear bombs...good stuff
And in doing so, the Democratic Party re-emerges as the party it once was. That part that gave us the "N" word.

Kondor (a vulture that scavenges from that which is the life of another) shows how hate, insulting, is has been revived from it's brief absence in the Democratic Party.

Yes, look at the insults the Democrats sling, is there any doubt, kondor is giving us the evidence, that the democratic party was the party of bigotry, calling people the "N" word. They have replaced the "N" word with every insult and slur directed at Trump, and us, who for a brief moment enjoyed a life we can no longer afford while we are under the boot of the Democratic Party's tyranny.
The Democrats are corrupt and racist... conceded... happily... but also immaterial to the context in which the observation was made.

That has nothing whatsoever to do with the very real need to get the Orange Sociopath out of the White House in 2020.
40 hour work week
Who works 40hour work weeks in all of your blue shitholes?
clean water
Like in that blue shithole Flint, MI
Link to show how Mexicrats are responsible for overtime?
Labor Day
Link to show how Mexicrats are responsible for Labor Day?
compulsory public schooling
Didn’t the wetbacks you begged to invade destroy public education in blue shitholes?
the very fabric of our society--liberal ideas.
Expectation of free shit?
Millions of wetbacks?
Disdain for sovereignty?
Normalizing chicks with dicks?
Glamorizing abortion?
The multiculturalism that’s destroying and dividing America?
That fabric? Those ideals?
democrats almost won the civil war in a valiant effort to keep their black slaves
Rich Democrats owned plantations and slaves very much as John Kerry, Al Gore, George Soros, Raunchy Pelosi, and the Clintons would have if they were alive then. There are more slaves in the world today than at any time in history, the largest number of which are in India. (National Geographic)
The Democrats are corrupt and racist... conceded... happily... but also immaterial to the context in which the observation was made.

That has nothing whatsoever to do with the very real need to get the Orange Sociopath out of the White House in 2020.
yes, we really needed to get back to rapidly rising food prices and endless wars, so that their law breaking corruption abuse of power was needed?

And it is nice to see that you have reverted to the old democrat hate by replacing the use of the "N" word with "O S".
Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who served as president from 1912 to 1920, is widely regarded by historians as one of the nation’s greatest presidents because of his advocacy for democracy and world peace. Among Wilson’s accomplishments are...
...No party is as pure as people would like to believe it is. The Democrats definitely have a checkered history, but overall, Democratic presidents have led many reform efforts and created many programs that we still hold sacred even today.
How Woodrow Wilson Tried to Reverse Black American Progress By promoting the Ku Klux Klan and overseeing segregation of the federal workforce, the 28th president helped erase gains African Americans had made since Reconstruction.

WOODROW WILSON WAS A RACIST! What more can be said, that is written, factual, history.
It’s also important to know that, on the home front, he perpetuated violence and inequality for Black Americans. Here's how.
Wilson’s five-volume history textbook, A History Of The American People, echoes those attitudes. The book adheres to what historians call the “Lost Cause” narrative, a non-factual view of history that romanticizes the Confederacy, describes the institution of slavery as a gentle patrician affair, recasts the Civil War as being about states’ rights instead of slavery and demonizes Reconstruction-era efforts to improve the lives of the formerly enslaved.

Wilson wrote that Reconstruction placed southern white men under “the intolerable burden of governments sustained by the votes of ignorant negroes,” and that those white men responded by forming the Ku Klux Klan. He described the Klan as “an ‘Invisible Empire of the South,’ bound together in loose organization to protect the southern country from some of the ugliest hazards of a time of revolution.”

In reality, the KKK was a violent terrorist group that targeted Black Americans.
True. It was a real surprise to me and others when I was in high school and did a report on him. You can't call it the times he was in because he was an academic and there were other schools of thought back then. But it does not take away from his accomplishments.
True. It was a real surprise to me and others when I was in high school and did a report on him. You can't call it the times he was in because he was an academic and there were other schools of thought back then. But it does not take away from his accomplishments.
well, your response is a breath of fresh air, thank you
yes, we really needed to get back to rapidly rising food prices and endless wars, so that their law breaking corruption abuse of power was needed?
No. We do not. I want the Dems out-of-power. But not bad enough to let a traitorous, ignorant, arrogant sociopath to get his hands on the wheel again.
And it is nice to see that you have reverted to the old democrat hate by replacing the use of the "N" word with "O S".
Immaterial and non sequitur.
Democrat President, Woodrow Wilson gave us the personal income tax

Under Democrat Woodrow Wilson federal spending rose 2500%

Woodrow Wilson was not a fan of the constitution, Wilson was an early leader in progressivism, socialism
No. We do not. I want the Dems out-of-power. But not bad enough to let a traitorous, ignorant, arrogant sociopath to get his hands on the wheel again.

Immaterial and non sequitur.
of course, Trump was never a traitor, nor ignorant, nor a sociopath

arrogant, sure, but you know, you must love high gas prices, high food prices, food shortages, and wars, cause that is what we got without trump
No. We do not. I want the Dems out-of-power. But not bad enough to let a traitorous, ignorant, arrogant sociopath to get his hands on the wheel again.

You are an arrogant liar. You voted for a traitorous, ignorant, arrogant sociopath who is now "President."
He ruins everything he touches and you approve of it. Despicable of you and all his other enablers.

Biden destroying America.jpg

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