Name the places where Democrats firmly control - where you'd want to live


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?
Southern Cal is nice, but the people are weird. the crazies on Hollywood Blvd scared the crap out of my wife. So, I cant think of any, but they do ruin the best places.
Only places that support my partisan politics are nice places to live.

So stupid.
California is very nice - I live in San Diego and I have lived in Hollywood and NY City. I love NY City - even though every time I registered as a Rep. there my paperwork was mysteriously "lost."

Now in San Diego I had a run-in with a friend who claimed the new Tax Law would "cost her $4000" - because she cannot deduct her state taxes from her Federal taxes anymore - and that is the rub. NY, San Fran, and San Diego are expensive cities - especially the state, county and even CITY taxes in NY City are outrageous - but they didn't care because it would be financed by the good federal taxpayers in the other 48 states. We have been financing the lifestyle of the people in NY and CA for decades now, since they could deduct all of their (very expensive) local taxes and let the rest of us make up the difference.

Now they are paying their fair share - and they are pissed off.

I hear so many CA people bragging about how advanced they are in their liberal thinking, and none of them have a clue about how selfish they sound when they say it.
Southern Cal is nice, but the people are weird. the crazies on Hollywood Blvd scared the crap out of my wife. So, I cant think of any, but they do ruin the best places.
S.Cal was even nicer 20-30 years ago...
yeah, I can imagine it would have been great when run by normal people. I went there in September and it was really really great...except the crazies. The cost of living and control by democrats prevent me from even thinking of moving there, even though the natural beauty is second only to Colorado from what I've seen.
Southern Cal is nice, but the people are weird. the crazies on Hollywood Blvd scared the crap out of my wife. So, I cant think of any, but they do ruin the best places.
S.Cal was even nicer 20-30 years ago...
yeah, I can imagine it would have been great when run by normal people. I went there in September and it was really really great...except the crazies. The cost of living and control by democrats prevent me from even thinking of moving there, even though the natural beauty is second only to Colorado from what I've seen.
at one time California was arguably the best place on the planet to live....
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
Southern Cal is nice, but the people are weird. the crazies on Hollywood Blvd scared the crap out of my wife. So, I cant think of any, but they do ruin the best places.
S.Cal was even nicer 20-30 years ago...
yeah, I can imagine it would have been great when run by normal people. I went there in September and it was really really great...except the crazies. The cost of living and control by democrats prevent me from even thinking of moving there, even though the natural beauty is second only to Colorado from what I've seen.
at one time California was arguably the best place on the planet to live....

Yup at one time it was the State everyone wanted to live in.

Now?? Not so much.
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?

Democratic policy ALWAYS leads to degradation; Mexifornia serves as the the perfect model to prove such a thing.
Every Republican region is clean and well kept, there’s a feel of law and order. These areas are full of decent, moral, productive citizens while every Democratic region is a lawless, disgusting shithole full of degenerate filth.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
typical of a Californian with your head up your ass....i lived there from 1967-2013....and for you to blame the states problems on just the republicans proves what i just said about you....
I already live there: Massachusetts

Excels in:
education (#1 in the nation, with 50% of the population college educated);
healthcare quality (some of the best hospitals and doctors in the world) and access (Romneycare was the model for ACA, we are #1 in healthcare enrollment);
has the lowest rate of firearm deaths in the nation thanks to strong sensible gun laws that still allow for a vibrant hunting and firearms enthusiast culture;
excellent cultural opportunities from opera, symphony, and theater to some of the best sports teams in the nation, and everything in between;
effective environmental policies that result in a clean and beautiful environment enjoyable both on private lands and by accessing one of the best state park systems in the country;
fantastic culinary options on offer from just about every cultural background in the world;
strong economy and excellent job and other betterment opportunities;
very strong protections of citizens' civil rights;
a deep tradition of civic engagement and a functional state government that has for decades included a sharing of power between the parties - we've had more Republican governors than Democrat governors, and our current GOP Governor Charlie Baker enjoys a 70% approval rating (and has repeatedly denounced Trumpism).

Yes, we have too much traffic and our roads and bridges could be better - no place is perfect! But generally speaking - and I've lived all over the country - this is one of the very best places to live in the USA, for Democrats and Republicans alike.
Southern Cal is nice, but the people are weird. the crazies on Hollywood Blvd scared the crap out of my wife. So, I cant think of any, but they do ruin the best places.
S.Cal was even nicer 20-30 years ago...
yeah, I can imagine it would have been great when run by normal people. I went there in September and it was really really great...except the crazies. The cost of living and control by democrats prevent me from even thinking of moving there, even though the natural beauty is second only to Colorado from what I've seen.
at one time California was arguably the best place on the planet to live....
Oh I don't just shows you the left can really fuck up a do you screw that area up??? But they did.....unreal.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
typical of a Californian with your head up your ass....i lived there from 1967-2013....and for you to blame the states problems on just the republicans proves what i just said about you....
You are the one with a head up your ass. George, the joke, dukmajian, and pete the sleaze wilson and Arnie to loser got the state so in debt it is ridiculous. I have been here since 1950. I have seen it all. And republicans are the worst at being in government.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
yeah all those republicans in California....LOL they left man.
and regressive, nothing is more regressive than a progressive
Southern Cal is nice, but the people are weird. the crazies on Hollywood Blvd scared the crap out of my wife. So, I cant think of any, but they do ruin the best places.
S.Cal was even nicer 20-30 years ago...
yeah, I can imagine it would have been great when run by normal people. I went there in September and it was really really great...except the crazies. The cost of living and control by democrats prevent me from even thinking of moving there, even though the natural beauty is second only to Colorado from what I've seen.
at one time California was arguably the best place on the planet to live....

Yup at one time it was the State everyone wanted to live in.

Now?? Not so much.
Consider that the majority of people do make enough money to even rent here what do you expect?
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
yeah all those republicans in California....LOL they left man.
and regressive, nothing is more regressive than a progressive
So silly to talk California with people who do not understand California. Kinda like talking to low IQ people.

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