Name the places where Democrats firmly control - where you'd want to live

Southern Cal is nice, but the people are weird. the crazies on Hollywood Blvd scared the crap out of my wife. So, I cant think of any, but they do ruin the best places.
S.Cal was even nicer 20-30 years ago...
yeah, I can imagine it would have been great when run by normal people. I went there in September and it was really really great...except the crazies. The cost of living and control by democrats prevent me from even thinking of moving there, even though the natural beauty is second only to Colorado from what I've seen.
at one time California was arguably the best place on the planet to live....

Yup at one time it was the State everyone wanted to live in.

Now?? Not so much.
Consider that the majority of people do make enough money to even rent here what do you expect?

I don't know how anyone can afford to live in Cali.

Hell a shack will cost you a million.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
typical of a Californian with your head up your ass....i lived there from 1967-2013....and for you to blame the states problems on just the republicans proves what i just said about you....
You are the one with a head up your ass. George, the joke, dukmajian, and pete the sleaze wilson and Arnie to loser got the state so in debt it is ridiculous. I have been here since 1950. I have seen it all. And republicans are the worst at being in government.
really? come wilson left the state with a 13 billion dollar surplus?.....california was doing pretty dam good last century...look i get it,you are a good little democrat,but dont let that party cloud reality....both parties led to this states problems.....
I often think what it would be like to live in a Republican controlled area, but I know I would likely become a statistic of a hate crime by roving hoards of bigots, white nationalists, and uneducated hayseeds.
I often think what it would be like to live in an area controlled by Democrats, but I know I would likely become a statistic of a violent crime by roving hoards of darkies, MS-13, and antifascists.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
yeah all those republicans in California....LOL they left man.
and regressive, nothing is more regressive than a progressive
So silly to talk California with people who do not understand California. Kinda like talking to low IQ people.

My multimillionaire daughter lives in Pleasanton and loves it.
Went to Alabama on a business trip and couldn't believe the confederates.
Couldn't get home fast enough
I often think what it would be like to live in an area controlled by Democrats, but I know I would likely become a statistic of a violent crime by roving hoards of darkies, MS-13, and antifascists.
What a pantywaist idiot.
Gotta watch out for the darkies.
Higher IQ than our old white farts here I'm sure.
Ever been to Delaware? Or anywhere out of the Deep South?
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?
CA, NY, MA, CT, RI, WA...for examples.
S.Cal was even nicer 20-30 years ago...
yeah, I can imagine it would have been great when run by normal people. I went there in September and it was really really great...except the crazies. The cost of living and control by democrats prevent me from even thinking of moving there, even though the natural beauty is second only to Colorado from what I've seen.
at one time California was arguably the best place on the planet to live....

Yup at one time it was the State everyone wanted to live in.

Now?? Not so much.
Consider that the majority of people do make enough money to even rent here what do you expect?

I don't know how anyone can afford to live in Cali.

Hell a shack will cost you a million.
Well pay is commensurate to the cost of living for the most part. If you work for facebook or youtube the starting wage is 107,000 a year.
I often think what it would be like to live in an area controlled by Democrats, but I know I would likely become a statistic of a violent crime by roving hoards of darkies, MS-13, and antifascists.
Those people are Los Angeles people. In the Bay Area we do not have that sort of rif raf only conservatives who cause problems.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
yeah all those republicans in California....LOL they left man.
and regressive, nothing is more regressive than a progressive
Duncan Hunter....before that....Duke Cunningham. For some reason here in North San Diego County, we attract crooks as our Republican Congressmen.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
typical of a Californian with your head up your ass....i lived there from 1967-2013....and for you to blame the states problems on just the republicans proves what i just said about you....
You are the one with a head up your ass. George, the joke, dukmajian, and pete the sleaze wilson and Arnie to loser got the state so in debt it is ridiculous. I have been here since 1950. I have seen it all. And republicans are the worst at being in government.
really? come wilson left the state with a 13 billion dollar surplus?.....california was doing pretty dam good last century...look i get it,you are a good little democrat,but dont let that party cloud reality....both parties led to this states problems.....
Wilson had his debt off the books for the next governor to get bit by.
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?

Dude . Blue states out perform red states in any quality of life indicator you can think of.

Why don’t you give us some examples of the republican utopias ?

Cause conservatives control those Bible Belt states , which are the biggest shitholes in the country .
I often think what it would be like to live in an area controlled by Democrats, but I know I would likely become a statistic of a violent crime by roving hoards of darkies, MS-13, and antifascists.
Those people are Los Angeles people. In the Bay Area we do not have that sort of rif raf only conservatives who cause problems.
and LA is Democrat country...maxine is in that area....
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch? state , 6th biggest economy in the world. Most diverse, not many racists here.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
typical of a Californian with your head up your ass....i lived there from 1967-2013....and for you to blame the states problems on just the republicans proves what i just said about you....
You are the one with a head up your ass. George, the joke, dukmajian, and pete the sleaze wilson and Arnie to loser got the state so in debt it is ridiculous. I have been here since 1950. I have seen it all. And republicans are the worst at being in government.
really? come wilson left the state with a 13 billion dollar surplus?.....california was doing pretty dam good last century...look i get it,you are a good little democrat,but dont let that party cloud reality....both parties led to this states problems.....
Wilson had his debt off the books for the next governor to get bit by.
sure he that what your party told you?....
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
yeah all those republicans in California....LOL they left man.
and regressive, nothing is more regressive than a progressive
Duncan Hunter....before that....Duke Cunningham. For some reason here in North San Diego County, we attract crooks as our Republican Congressmen.
Well they aren't anymore corrupt than Maxine "I need cash for you to be on my list" Watters. But it's the terrible policies of allowing homeless to just run around and shit everywhere, and the dirtiness and just the lack of giving a shit from democrats.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.
typical of a Californian with your head up your ass....i lived there from 1967-2013....and for you to blame the states problems on just the republicans proves what i just said about you....
You are the one with a head up your ass. George, the joke, dukmajian, and pete the sleaze wilson and Arnie to loser got the state so in debt it is ridiculous. I have been here since 1950. I have seen it all. And republicans are the worst at being in government.
really? come wilson left the state with a 13 billion dollar surplus?.....california was doing pretty dam good last century...look i get it,you are a good little democrat,but dont let that party cloud reality....both parties led to this states problems.....
Wilson had his debt off the books for the next governor to get bit by.
Wilson....he was a piece of work. We had him as San Diego mayor....met him when he was Senator accompanying Reagan on one of his weekends at Santa Barbara (would come thru Pt. Mugu)......Wilson came across as someone who would sell his own mother to advance his political career.

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