Name the places where Democrats firmly control - where you'd want to live

It's difficult to read what Dems, who create these messes, then defend them as if it doesn't exist....without realizing that they are not very bright.

When, for example, you promise to pay pensions that far exceed the guarantors ability to meet those obligations, you get a Blue area.

Which of you Smirfs wants to list a side by side honest comparison of Blue vs Red in budget deficits?
which is why people are RUNNING from Blue areas after getting those enormous they DON'T have to pay the taxes to support their own pensions :abgg2q.jpg:

If it wasn't so harmful to everyone else, it'd be hilarious.
Any of you Smirfs have ANY CLUE just how many of yours FLED your Blue States in the last 5 years?

Florida now tops NewYork in population fueled by dems escaping BLUE areas. WHY?

We ALL know why. Cause Blue areas SUCK. (Literally) They suck the taxes and freedom from you like there's no tomorrow.
Even Amazon and other large corporations are either leaving or considering leaving Blue areas over the stupidity.
Las Vegas is another (Nevada's 1'st Congressional). It's Democratic from way back (and again tonight).

Not sure if it's the best place for a family. But it's a great place - tons of fun.

Should I go on?
Vegas is great place to visit but it certainly isn't for everyone. It is unbelievable hot in summer, has huge water problems, and not really a great place for kids. It can be a good place to retire if you like what Vegas has to offer. I lived there about 4 months and really enjoyed it. It's pretty conservative except when it's liberal.
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Another is Iowa's 2'nd District (where I went to university). Tonight - yet again - it is Dem.

A nice place with great people, IMO.

Go Hawkeyes!!!
New Orleans is a blue city surrounded by a sea of red. I lived there two years and wouldn't mind going back. It's a really laid back city with great food, the birthplace of jazz, history everywhere, and a city looking for an excuse for a party but also a city with lot's problems, poverty, education, public facilities, and crime. And did I mention hurricanes and depending on levies to keep the water out of your living room. It's also 60% black which may turn a lot of people off.
Name the places where Democrats firmly control - where you'd want to live

There is no such place on this planet that meets this description.
I'll take anywhere in New York state California Oregon Washington Massachusetts New England except New Hampshire Maybe etc etc. You Dupes seem to think blacks rule everywhere democratic. And San Francisco Seattle Los Angeles are covered in feces everywhere, not just a few neighborhoods. LOL
First you still said a few neighborhoods covered in feces...think about that...and the fact it's no big deal to you
Second, no one mentioned blacks, so you think blacks make an area worse? That's what your post sounds like.
Who knows? For all I know They have fixed the problem already, certainly Fox Rush Etc would never report a fix... Blacks are discriminated against by GOP racists so yes things get worse where they gather... Democratic cities are much better for the homeless while in GOP cities they have to hide.
Name the places where Democrats firmly control - where you'd want to live

There is no such place on this planet that meets this description.
I'll take anywhere in New York state California Oregon Washington Massachusetts New England except New Hampshire Maybe etc etc. You Dupes seem to think blacks rule everywhere democratic. And San Francisco Seattle Los Angeles are covered in feces everywhere, not just a few neighborhoods. LOL
All major cities in US have their problems. Cities that are red or blue are not a heaven on earth or a hell on earth. That lies in eye of the beholder. I've live in almost every major city in the US in my lifetime and have found good and bad in all of them regardless of the politics of the people.
True. I just want to know why is it we are the only rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure and vacations cheap college and training ID card to stop illegal immigration living wage and taxing the rich more than the rest for crying out loud...
Because we fought a war to get out of central government control. Europeans love them some monarchies
Yes the answer is the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. That is the answer to the question...
It's difficult to read what Dems, who create these messes, then defend them as if it doesn't exist....without realizing that they are not very bright.

When, for example, you promise to pay pensions that far exceed the guarantors ability to meet those obligations, you get a Blue area.

Which of you Smirfs wants to list a side by side honest comparison of Blue vs Red in budget deficits?
which is why people are RUNNING from Blue areas after getting those enormous they DON'T have to pay the taxes to support their own pensions :abgg2q.jpg:

If it wasn't so harmful to everyone else, it'd be hilarious.
I got my pension and am very content to live here in San Francisco bay area. It is SS and is 1257 a month. The biggest reason for exodus is housing costs. When two or three jobs cannot generate enough income to afford rent how you gonna live? You have to go to the ghetto where it is cheap to live.
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?
View attachment 227360
That looks more like what trump wants for america.
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?
I don't believe there are any cities over half population that meet your criteria. To find places with exceptionally low crime rates, a strong financial position, and well run you have to look at small to medium sized towns, often that exclude the poor in one way or another, not our cities.
I don't believe there are any cities over half population that meet your criteria. To find places with exceptionally low crime rates, a strong financial position, and well run you have to look at small to medium sized towns, often that exclude the poor in one way or another, not our cities.

The question then becomes, is there a correlation between small to medium towns where the Blue population is the majority, and crime and financial problems?

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