Name the places where Democrats firmly control - where you'd want to live

we have the Patriots
we have the Red Sox
we have the Celtics
we have the Bruins
show me a state that can do better !!!
And yes, New England always votes democrat.

And more than your share of drug problems and crime.
California, at one time they were trying to regulate what size tv you could purchase they love government control. Meanwhile up in California liberal infested Oregon, trees are now protected from evil home owners. Dare to trim or cut down a tree on your property and face fines in the 10's of thousands of dollars. After protecting the trees...wait for it...they passed a tree leaf clean up tax.
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?

Democratic policy ALWAYS leads to degradation; Mexifornia serves as the the perfect model to prove such a thing.
Every Republican region is clean and well kept, there’s a feel of law and order. These areas are full of decent, moral, productive citizens while every Democratic region is a lawless, disgusting shithole full of degenerate filth.
Orange county turned blue , nice.
Beverly hills ultra blue nice
Santa monica ultra blue, nice.
Manhattan beach, blue...super nice.
Culver city, blue...nice..
Riverside, red ...nasty.
San bernadino, red ...ewww.
OC is not blue....there are still many red areas....
And a few pieces written means they are undesirable to live there? And you heard that Oregon and Washington are bad? I have been to those places and they are fine. Pretty sure you can find problems with any location but I have been to them to work. Each was pretty agreeable to me.

But then, so is Hillary....nuff said
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch? state , 6th biggest economy in the world. Most diverse, not many racists here.
not many racist?.....hold on a second...........
Not as many.....that kind of thing is not tolerated as much....tho one can never get rid of it.
not as many?....and you live there and you would say that?....oh thats right,thats what your party tells you...not as many...hilarious...
That's right. Not as many. I live here....I have also lived in the South.....Not as many racists wouldn't work considering how many of all sorts we have here.
I often think what it would be like to live in a Republican controlled area, but I know I would likely become a statistic of a hate crime by roving hoards of bigots, white nationalists, and uneducated hayseeds.

The ramblings of a true racist indeed......betcha didn't know you were one....

It’s not shocking you don’t see what I am doing in this thread. The other blind partisan retards can’t either.
We, in California, pay our own way and support the welfare states of the south and midwest. I would not live anywhere else as I can not tolerate regressive people, also known as republicans. And our state is doing just fine and our republican constructed deficit is getting smaller year by year with Brown.

Horseshit. California soaks up 20% of all the welfare dollars! The other 49 states share the other 80%.
We have the highest population of all. That's why we have more Congressional seats.
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch?
According US NEWS and World Report, 6 of the 10 most desirable cities to live in are Austin, Denver, Minneapolis, Portland Oregon, Washington DC, and Seattle, all liberal.
These are the 10 best places to live in America in 2018

The problem with most conservative cities in America, Mesa Arizona, Oklahoma City, Virginia Beech, Jacksonville, FL, Arlington, Tx, Omaha, Nebraska, they are about as exciting as a trip to a local landfill.
We have the highest population of all. That's why we have more Congressional seats.

You must not like Mexicans.
Did you know the US for all intents and purposes took California from Mexico after the Mexican-American war?

How can you feel good about such evil done to Mexicans?
Is that why you vote in favor of illegals and against US citizens?
Having lived in several Dem strongholds here's what destroyed them, GREED. At every level of Dem government its about getting yours, screw the taxpayer, screw businesses, they don't care. Every year the taxes and fees and tolls and any other revenue source they can fabricate go up and up. The government employees scam the system, early retirement after 20 with red carpet pensions and benefits for life. No that's not enough, they scam the pension system in their last year, whoever is scheduled to retire gets all the overtime bloating their pension amount. Result, for many their pension is more than they were making working. When questioned on this scam they claim its fair because they were underpaid for those 20 years.

In summary Dem controlled states are corrupt to the core.
Democrats fight hard to rule. But usually the places where they do are crime infested cesspools. Drug use is often out of control. Municipal bankruptcies are common and budgets are blown regularly.

Ignorant Dems in denial will, as programmed, scream BS!...but even their own propaganda sites say it's so.
San Francisco Squalor: City Streets Strewn With Trash, Needles And Human Feces

Their shining star - San Francisco has become a place where hyperdermic needles and human feces litter the streets and infectious disease spreads routinely. Is this the "Democratic Dream" where "Stronger Together" has made every day live less than 3rd world ?

Then we have Colorado which has a surging crime rate and increasing drug problem even as Democrats hail the "Victories" of their failing policies.

Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country – The Denver Post

Next we can look to Chicago....a domestic replica of Somalia, perhaps even more dangerous.
One could go on all day long listing the places Dems have control where living conditions have deteriorated significantly from coast to coast....yet they continue to advocate they alone are qualified to run things.

Dems have laid waste to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and have succeeded in laying waste to our political system and our entire society.

So where are the places Democrats have exclusively controlled for more than 10 years where budgets are balanced, drug abuse is rare, the communities are safe and the streets are clean?

Are there any?
Why are Democrats so committed to destroying everything they touch? state , 6th biggest economy in the world. Most diverse, not many racists here.
not many racist?.....hold on a second...........
Not as many.....that kind of thing is not tolerated as much....tho one can never get rid of it.
not as many?....and you live there and you would say that?....oh thats right,thats what your party tells you...not as many...hilarious...
That's right. Not as many. I live here....I have also lived in the South.....Not as many racists wouldn't work considering how many of all sorts we have here.
well at least you bought the party shit they did not waste their time with you....
According US NEWS and World Report, 6 of the 10 most desirable cities to live in are Austin, Denver, Minneapolis, Portland Oregon, Washington DC, and Seattle, all liberal.
These are the 10 best places to live in America in 2018

The problem with most conservative cities in America, Mesa Arizona, Oklahoma City, Virginia Beech, Jacksonville, FL, Arlington, Tx, Omaha, Nebraska, they are about as exciting as a trip to a local landfill.

Sorry, I've been to them all. JAX is NOT Conservative in reality AT ALL (that one makes me laugh)
Seattle USED to be nice. Not any more.
Your post represents some pretty heavy bias. That's about all.
we've had more Republican governors than Democrat governors, and our current GOP Governor Charlie Baker enjoys a 70% approval rating (and has repeatedly denounced Trumpism).


Didnt he ask for areas "Democrats firmly control"? What... your states fabulous education system didnt catch your ADD?
Trying reading all my posts in this thread from the start. It doesn’t exactly take a cryptologist to puzzle it out.

Do you have anything other than name calling and empty rhetoric to add?
Your "liberal" is showing....

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