Name the places where Democrats firmly control - where you'd want to live

We have the highest population of all. That's why we have more Congressional seats.

You must not like Mexicans.
Did you know the US for all intents and purposes took California from Mexico after the Mexican-American war?

How can you feel good about such evil done to Mexicans?
Is that why you vote in favor of illegals and against US citizens?
you must not know any Mexicans.....just about every Mexican i went to school with and worked with would laugh in your face about how California was "stolen" from Mexico...
Hawaii, California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington.

No, I already posted evidence for about Colorado and California. Oregon and Washington are pretty bad too from what I hear (and getting worse quickly)
What's bad about them? People are moving in much more than they are moving out.

The Democrat controlled areas are becoming drug hubs and violent. even NPR (on your side) says so. sorry your indoctrination blinds you.
you must not know any Mexicans.....just about every Mexican i went to school with and worked with would laugh in your face about how California was "stolen" from Mexico...

Not "stolen", taken. although we did give them 15 million for California, NewMex, Texas, Colorado and a few other states that are now part of the Union..

It's in the History books what happened.
Look up - Mexican / American war. No need to make anything up.

I know MANY Mexicans. BUH-LEIVE-ME !!!!

Hablo Espanol mi amigo
Dumbass California soaks up an entire 20% of the nation’s welfare dollars. Think about that!
California is the largest state in population....and we've got the most Congressional Representatives due to that.
Hawaii, California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington.

No, I already posted evidence for about Colorado and California. Oregon and Washington are pretty bad too from what I hear (and getting worse quickly)
What's bad about them? People are moving in much more than they are moving out.

The Democrat controlled areas are becoming drug hubs and violent. even NPR (on your side) says so. sorry your indoctrination blinds you.
Really? How's that meth problem in red states doing?
California is the largest state in population....and we've got the most Congressional Representatives due to that.

Did you know Californias "Undocumented" population exceeds that of many small states?
Trying reading all my posts in this thread from the start. It doesn’t exactly take a cryptologist to puzzle it out.

Do you have anything other than name calling and empty rhetoric to add?
Your "liberal" is showing....

It’s okay if you can’t figure it out. I am making fun of the wank-fest I know this thread would become. Blind partisan Democrats will claim the Republican controlled areas are all shitholes and the blind partisan Republicans will claim the areas controlled by Democrats are all shitholes. In short, I am fucking with you idiots. :lol:
you must not know any Mexicans.....just about every Mexican i went to school with and worked with would laugh in your face about how California was "stolen" from Mexico...

Not "stolen", taken. although we did give them 15 million for California, NewMex, Texas, Colorado and a few other states that are now part of the Union..

It's in the History books what happened.
Look up - Mexican / American war. No need to make anything up.

I know MANY Mexicans. BUH-LEIVE-ME !!!!

Hablo Espanol mi amigo
in a war to the victor goes the spoils....
Southern Cal is nice, but the people are weird. the crazies on Hollywood Blvd scared the crap out of my wife. So, I cant think of any, but they do ruin the best places.
California is like a country. It is so big and diverse both in landscape and cultures, driving around California is like driving around another country. There're great and terrible places. Irving CA, has one of the lowest violent crime rates in the country. Compton has one the highest. In California, you'll find some of the highest and lowest poverty rates, one of the hottest places in America and one the coldest, some of the highest and lowest population density, and mile after mile of farm land, and mile after mile of urban sprawl.
Forgot about Hawaii.
Yeah, haven't heard much in the way of problems in Hawaii and it's solid Blue.

Any idea why it's different?

It is a bona fide official banana republic... Identity politics, graft on top of corruption and corruption on top of graft... Unions are subsidiaries of the State DNC... Nepotism runs amuck...

But the weather is absatively freaking wonderful... :04:

The Republican Party is almost extinct in Hawaii – and it's only getting worse - Los Angeles Times
It’s okay if you can’t figure it out. I am making fun of the wank-fest I know this thread would become. Blind partisan Democrats will claim the Republican controlled areas are all shitholes and the blind partisan Republicans will claim the areas controlled by Democrats are all shitholes. In short, I am fucking with you idiots. :lol:

Well Dayum Bro...I'm slow....why din't ya say so ?
Yeah, it's a shitfest...the whole damn country is a shitfest.
It’s okay if you can’t figure it out. I am making fun of the wank-fest I know this thread would become. Blind partisan Democrats will claim the Republican controlled areas are all shitholes and the blind partisan Republicans will claim the areas controlled by Democrats are all shitholes. In short, I am fucking with you idiots. :lol:

Well Dayum Bro...I'm slow....why din't ya say so ?
Yeah, it's a shitfest...the whole damn country is a shitfest.

No worries. I am feeling a bit froggy today. I think it is all this cold medicine. :lol:
And a few pieces written means they are undesirable to live there? And you heard that Oregon and Washington are bad? I have been to those places and they are fine. Pretty sure you can find problems with any location but I have been to them to work. Each was pretty agreeable to me.

But then, so is Hillary....nuff said

So besides being an idiot you are a liar. I did not vote for the Hildabeast, but I sure as hell would never vote for general Bone Spur either! Please lie on!
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Hawaii, California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington.

No, I already posted evidence for about Colorado and California. Oregon and Washington are pretty bad too from what I hear (and getting worse quickly)
What's bad about them? People are moving in much more than they are moving out.

The Democrat controlled areas are becoming drug hubs and violent. even NPR (on your side) says so. sorry your indoctrination blinds you.
Really? How's that meth problem in red states doing?

Ask Ohio or WV HOW their opiod problems are going? And that thing you do so well and lie about it even more!
Given time, Communists/Democrats decimate every location they seize control of. Why are so many Americans rushing out to vote for inevitable ruin? Very sad and perplexing.
we've had more Republican governors than Democrat governors, and our current GOP Governor Charlie Baker enjoys a 70% approval rating (and has repeatedly denounced Trumpism).


Didnt he ask for areas "Democrats firmly control"? What... your states fabulous education system didnt catch your ADD?
No, fucktard, Democrats control the majority of government in Massachusetts and have for many decades. Are you too much of a moron to look up a map and see that Massachusetts is BLUE and has been forever? Learn to use your brain - and apostrophes, too, while you're at it.

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