Name this "Dan"

Hello Ringel. Thanks for the tip. I'm quite a name-caller. If "mountebank" or "blackguard" is still free, I can contribute immediately.

Here the usual names are libtard, wingnut, asshat, Obamabot, etc............ But you can use whatever names you like. I know those because I've been call each of them at one time or another. Be creative, it's so much more fun.

I ran across "libtard" a lot in another forum I was shopping earlier. "Asshat" I just plain never got, tho depending on who's ass is serving as the hat...

Until we piss each other off and stop talking altogether, I just call you my new libtard pal. You can call me a fascist homophobe AGW denier. I'll feel right at e-home.

Works for me! Although is is kinda hard to piss off someone who doesn't give a shit. :eusa_angel:
Hello, Dilloduck (I see we're neighbors) and Mr. H. Thanks for the welcome.

Ringel, I like apathetic people, for that very reason. If I go off on them, then feel bad and come around to apologize, they just say, "Apologize for what? Oh. That. Don't worry about it."
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Hello, Dilloduck (I see we're neighbors) and Mr. H. Thanks for the welcome.

Ringel, I like apathetic people, for that very reason. If I go off on them, then feel bad and come around to apologize, they just say, "Apologize for what? Oh. That. Don't worry about it."

Oh no. I hold grudges. There was this one guy who.... did .......... errrr, well, never mind.
I've been looking for a place to talk politics, current events, and just general whatever that isn't too heavily moderated and allows YouTube vid links, and other media, which I've just learned I can't do until I've posted 15 times, so you'll forgive me if my next dozen or so posts are very brief.

I was hoping to post a vid of the Stones playing "Gimme Shelter." Alternatively, Joe Cocker's "A Little Help from my Friends" would work nicely here, too.
Welcome, LuckyDan.

Since you are currently sitting at 11 wanting to get to 15, please allow me to demonstrate how you can rapidly add four posts and be allowed to show videos. Read carefully below.

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Thanks, asaritis. I had in mind an alpha-based scheme, to throw the post-counters off, but the numeric is a more open and direct approach.
Hello, Dilloduck (I see we're neighbors) and Mr. H. Thanks for the welcome.

Ringel, I like apathetic people, for that very reason. If I go off on them, then feel bad and come around to apologize, they just say, "Apologize for what? Oh. That. Don't worry about it."

Oh no. I hold grudges. There was this one guy who.... did .......... errrr, well, never mind.

Well, one can be apathetic to the point of self-detriment. Nothing wrong with grudges. Without them, we'd never be able to savor vengeance. It's important to make the right enemies.
They've both been posted, dozens of times.

Welcome, RedundantDan.

You must be the resident that's-been-posted-already guy. Do you correct spelling and grammar, as well?
No, I merely point out the carelessness and sloppiness that causes those spelling and grammatical errors. It's the same carelessness and sloppiness that permeates the thought processes of those who either cannot or choose not to make some modicum of effort to be somewhat literate.

Posting videos which have been posted dozens of times though, that's just simple, good old unoriginality.

There are 455 esses in that post. Are you poking fun at the new guy's lisp?
Hello, Dilloduck (I see we're neighbors) and Mr. H. Thanks for the welcome.

Ringel, I like apathetic people, for that very reason. If I go off on them, then feel bad and come around to apologize, they just say, "Apologize for what? Oh. That. Don't worry about it."

Oh no. I hold grudges. There was this one guy who.... did .......... errrr, well, never mind.

Well, one can be apathetic to the point of self-detriment. Nothing wrong with grudges. Without them, we'd never be able to savor vengeance. It's important to make the right enemies.

And the right friends. So, when are you going to introduce me to the Don? Oh wait, you said Italian, not Sicilian, sorry. By the way, you wouldn't happen to know anyone named Billy Bunny would ya?
I've been looking for a place to talk politics, current events, and just general whatever that isn't too heavily moderated and allows YouTube vid links, and other media, which I've just learned I can't do until I've posted 15 times, so you'll forgive me if my next dozen or so posts are very brief.

I was hoping to post a vid of the Stones playing "Gimme Shelter." Alternatively, Joe Cocker's "A Little Help from my Friends" would work nicely here, too.

Welcome. I used to work in Carrollton, TX at a Semiconductor company. Bet you can't guess which one! :cool:
Welcome. I used to work in Carrollton, TX at a Semiconductor company. Bet you can't guess which one! :cool:

Uhhhh...honestly I can't. But then I keep pretty much to QuikTrip and Jack in the Box. Thanks for the welcome, xsited.
1. He Knows His Stones
2. He fucking POSTS without sounding like a goddamn rambling idjot
3. I've never met anyone like him (see #2)


Thank you for the Shelter, Samson. I was waiting for someone to take the hint. You Got the Silver.

You, sir, rock.

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