Naming Names? Maxwell trial soon, judge says NAMES!!!

Lie. Cult lie, made up on the spot. Trump knew for years that Epstein was recruiting young women at his club. He only nixed epstein once epstein bought a property out from under him. Moving on...
Sorry it does not confirm your feelings, Trump was around him 1-2 times and then booted him. The fact that the lie has been well fed simply means it’s a well fed falsity which naturally you gobble up to feed your feelings
If Jeff Epstein had dirt on the Trumpster- anything at all- he would be held up as a role model by the libs.

Mr. Epstein may have been a piece of shit, but he wasn't stupid. He saw how other pieces of shit who hated Trump were given a pass and would have undoubtably taken advantage of that and would not have wound up in a jail cell at all.
Exposing those on high levels of society who participate in sex trafficking will I hope go a long way in shutting down a lot of this depraved business. And save some lives from a nightmare that will end in their deaths
Dream on. Its been going on for centuries and will continue to do so. Be nice to see a few go down though.
Prince Andrew is all yours, it lefties always praising Europe.

Best Friends with Creepy Donnie


There is no Democrat media. There is corporate media and there is Republican propaganda. You have to search online for any left-leaning media, like Young Turks.
95% of the Media preaches the far left talking points

24/7 imaginary Trump scandals
Outright LIES about Rittenhouse and Sandman and Trayvon and all the other black criminals and complete silence when it comes to Bidens crimes
A photo without context is useless as an example. If it was an official meeting, some decorum is expected. Do you seriously want to get into a photo competition with Biden as your guy?
Against Creepy Donnie?
Bring it on

Will she be Epsteined before the trial? especially since the judge rules names to be released? Lame stream media will probably try to sweep it all under the rug and not follow the trial at all, much less report on it. No cameras allowed in courtroom, but that doesn't mean what is said in there will stay in there.

Her only hope is to spill the beans completely, and publicly.

Otherwise she is toast.
A reminder that Epstein died in the care of Federal prison employees under Bill Barr, working for Donald Trump, who has a long history of friendship with Epstein, and has been credibly accused of raping underage girls.
Yeah.....and we all know that everyone in the Federal Prison system voted for Trump and wouldn't take a bribe to disable their video equipment soes that the Clintons could have one of their button men sneak in and strangle the guy.
Everyone that works in the federal government was given their job by the current president. The turnover is horrendous. That's why nobody stays in government long enough to collect retirement.

And if you believe that then I have a bridge in Jersey to sell you too.
I have a hard time believing that with the insidious absurdities that are being forced upon Americans that this person will be permitted to provide a list of very powerful people who like to diddle
I can see some proclaimation mandate being issued that disclosure violates .something or that us knowing is “not for our health safety and well being”
I heard they've relocated the DC Madam's shed next to Maxwell's cell.

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