Nancy & Chuck Can't Get Legislation On Trump's Desk. How Is He Responsible?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats are claiming the President is holding the country hostage; however, there is no budget legislation on the Presiden's desk to sign.

Pelosi wanted the gavel, she got the gavel, and then she immediately shut down the government by refusing to work and compromise with the Republicans in the Senate or the President.

Just this afternoon Pelosi once again told the President that if he agreed to open the government (by signing legislation that reaches his desk) and gives her everything she wants she will still give him nothing.

Afrer this, any further claims that President Trump is to blame for this shutdown is moot because Pelosi just proved that to be a false narrative.

As of right now Nancy Pelosi is a FAILURE as Speaker of the House because she can't get legislation that will become law passed because she refuses to negotiate or compromise. She wants what she wants - period. That's not how American politics works....this is all on her now.

Nancy, do your job and work to get REAL legislation passed and on the President's desk instead of engaging in partisan political theatrics that is hurting Americans!
Wait...what has the Senate passed?

The GOP controlled Senate.

The Dem House already passed a Continuing Resolution INCLUDING money for border security
Democrats are claiming the President is holding the country hostage; however, there is no budget legislation on the Presiden's desk to sign.

Pelosi wanted the gavel, she got the gavel, and then she immediately shut down the government by refusing to work and compromise with the Republicans in the Senate or the President.
Horseshit. As soon as Pelosi took the gavel, she passed the very same two funding bills the Republican Senate passed a couple months ago.

And now the Republican Senate refuses to pass their own bills in this new session because Trump won't sign them.

Nice try, idiot.
Could they create their own board to have their factual fantasy circle jerk? I mean it gets tiresome reminding of the thing not present in Trumpworld .. reality It might make everyone's life better. I mean I don't mind disagreements over real facts, that's actually what makes a board interesting. But this is just an insult to everyone not in Trumpworld.
Wait...what has the Senate passed?

The GOP controlled Senate.

The Dem House already passed a Continuing Resolution INCLUDING money for border security
As the failed House Speaker has learned, she can not impose her will on the a Senate and President. She has to work with them, negotiate, and compromise to successfully get a bill that will make it to the President's desk.

She has openly declared she will not do that, continues to try to impose her edicts / will on the Senate and President, and thus has completely failed to do her job, resulting in this shut down.

It is HER that is the reason she can not even get a bill through the Senate.

This shutdown is completely on her and her '100% commitment' to obstruct and prevent the GOP and President to accomplish anything!
Could they create their own board to have their factual fantasy circle jerk? I mean it gets tiresome reminding of the thing not present in Trumpworld .. reality It might make everyone's life better. I mean I don't mind disagreements over real facts, that's actually what makes a board interesting. But this is just an insult to everyone not in Trumpworld.
Who passes legislation?
- Cingress: the House & Senate

Provide a link to the legislation on the President's desk he refuses to sign or has vetoed....THERE IS NONE.

Because of her 100% commitment to obstruct and deny Pelosi refuses to negotiate or compromise. She demands her way or no way. That is the signature of a failed leader and negotiator.

She is proving she hates this President more than she loves Americans and has more loyalty to party than nation.

Her job is simple - negotiate, compromise, and work to pass legislation that reaches the desk of the President. She has and continues to not only FAIL but REFUSES to do so.

This is all on Pelosi!

Congrats, snowflakes - the Dems voted her back as Speaker of the House, even those who knew she was a f*-up and hated her.
Wait...what has the Senate passed?

The GOP controlled Senate.

The Dem House already passed a Continuing Resolution INCLUDING money for border security
As the failed House Speaker has learned, she can not impose her will on the a Senate and President. She has to work with them, negotiate, and compromise to successfully get a bill that will make it to the President's desk.

She has openly declared she will not do that, continues to try to impose her edicts / will on the Senate and President, and thus has completely failed to do her job, resulting in this shut down.

It is HER that is the reason she can not even get a bill through the Senate.

This shutdown is completely on her and her '100% commitment' to obstruct and prevent the GOP and President to accomplish anything!
May I remind you of a few things

1.The Democrats are offering the exact same deal that TRump said that he would accept Ann Coulter call him spineless ( which he is) and he had a melt down over it.

2. The Republicans still control the Senate and Mitch "turtle " McConnel will not bring anything to the floor that TRump does not signal approval of

3. ALL border security experts say that a physical barrier the entire length of the border is a bad and unworkable idea .

4.TRump lies like a fucking rug when he claims that the Dems do not want border security.
It is HER that is the reason she can not even get a bill through the Senate.
You do know that many Republicans are becoming very uneasy about the shut down and you cant possibly know what the Senate would do with something that the hose sends over because McConnel will block it.? Holy shit! You didn't know that? It's worse than I thought .
The govt was shut down before Pelosi was elected as majority leader...Trump shut it down with the last sitting Congress..
Democrats are claiming the President is holding the country hostage; however, there is no budget legislation on the Presiden's desk to sign.

Pelosi wanted the gavel, she got the gavel, and then she immediately shut down the government by refusing to work and compromise with the Republicans in the Senate or the President.

Just this afternoon Pelosi once again told the President that if he agreed to open the government (by signing legislation that reaches his desk) and gives her everything she wants she will still give him nothing.

Afrer this, any further claims that President Trump is to blame for this shutdown is moot because Pelosi just proved that to be a false narrative.

As of right now Nancy Pelosi is a FAILURE as Speaker of the House because she can't get legislation that will become law passed because she refuses to negotiate or compromise. She wants what she wants - period. That's not how American politics works....this is all on her now.

Nancy, do your job and work to get REAL legislation passed and on the President's desk instead of engaging in partisan political theatrics that is hurting Americans!
May I remind you of a few things

1.The Democrats are offering the exact same deal that TRump said that he would accept Ann Coulter call him spineless ( which he is) and he had a melt down over it.

2. The Republicans still control the Senate and Mitch "turtle " McConnel will not bring anything to the floor that TRump does not signal approval of

3. ALL border security experts say that a physical barrier the entire length of the border is a bad and unworkable idea .

4.TRump lies like a fucking rug when he claims that the Dems do not want border security.

Trump is not the only one who lies...

1. Pelosi admitted this afternoon that she will not compromise even if Trump agrees to open the govt (which only she and Congress can do by working together to pass legislation together)

2. McConnell will not bring anything to the Senate floor that does not have a chance of being signed by the President, which will require COMPROMISE by Pelosi. Since she continues to signal she will not do so and only wants her way SHE is still the roadblock here, not McConnell & not the President

3. You LIE. Border Patrol says we need a wall. Obama's own hand-picked Chief of Border Patrol says the President is right, walls 'absolutely work's, that there is NO REASONABLE REASON not to use / build them, & HE said (Not Nacy & Chuck) said experts agree with him and the President.

Also, we are not talking about thousands of miles for a complete wall. You really think $5 billion would pay for that?

4. Democrats DO NOT want border security! They are standing with Violet illegals instead of with the American people who elected them right now to shut down the government to make sure our borders are not made secure and that is illegal immigration does not stop. They are even running illegal Sanctuary cities that violate federal law and protect human traffickers, thieves, and cop killers from existing immigration law and from law enforcement.
As said, Pelosi and Congress has passed the legislation to end the government shut down, and it is the precise legislation the Senate passed right prior to the shutdown that Ryan refused to bring to the floor for a vote in the House. nancy brought the Senate legislation to the floor, the one that Mike Pence and the President also APPROVED, and the House members passed it... and she also took other measures to the floor to reopen the government, which passed the House, and McConnell is refusing to let our Senators, vote on it.
didn't know that? It's worse than I thought .
You"re the only one who said that, idiot!

Pelosi's job is to negotiate, and it is not McConnell's job to pass Pelosi's mandates.

Again, Pelosi stated again she wants what she wants and will not compromise with the President - everyone knows why. Day 1 of this Presidency Schumer declared the Democrats were / are 100% committed to blocking / obstructing everything ... and they are proving it.

That is their strategy / plan, they are executing that plan - no negotiations, no compromise...and that has resulted because of their plan / Pelosi's refusal to do her job: Negotiate, compromise, and work WITH Republicans to get legislation passed and on the President's desk!


So unless some snowflake can post a link to the legislation sitting on the President's desk he refuses to sign or has vetoed, the claim that the President / Executive Branch is holding the country hostage is a false narrative.
As said, Pelosi and Congress has passed the legislation to end the government shut down, and it is the precise legislation the Senate passed right prior to the shutdown that Ryan refused to bring to the floor for a vote in the House. nancy brought the Senate legislation to the floor, the one that Mike Pence and the President also APPROVED, and the House members passed it... and she also took other measures to the floor to reopen the government, which passed the House, and McConnell is refusing to let our Senators, vote on it.
Post the link to that legislation both have signed and is sitting on his desk...
Democrats are claiming the President is holding the country hostage; however, there is no budget legislation on the Presiden's desk to sign.

Pelosi wanted the gavel, she got the gavel, and then she immediately shut down the government by refusing to work and compromise with the Republicans in the Senate or the President.

Just this afternoon Pelosi once again told the President that if he agreed to open the government (by signing legislation that reaches his desk) and gives her everything she wants she will still give him nothing.

Afrer this, any further claims that President Trump is to blame for this shutdown is moot because Pelosi just proved that to be a false narrative.

As of right now Nancy Pelosi is a FAILURE as Speaker of the House because she can't get legislation that will become law passed because she refuses to negotiate or compromise. She wants what she wants - period. That's not how American politics works....this is all on her now.

Nancy, do your job and work to get REAL legislation passed and on the President's desk instead of engaging in partisan political theatrics that is hurting Americans!
AAAAAWWWWWWWWWW, is poor little Tiinker Bell upset.

Don't you ever get tired of sucking this guy's dick, all day, everyday?
Wait...what has the Senate passed?

The GOP controlled Senate.

The Dem House already passed a Continuing Resolution INCLUDING money for border security
As the failed House Speaker has learned, she can not impose her will on the a Senate and President. She has to work with them, negotiate, and compromise to successfully get a bill that will make it to the President's desk.

She has openly declared she will not do that, continues to try to impose her edicts / will on the Senate and President, and thus has completely failed to do her job, resulting in this shut down.

It is HER that is the reason she can not even get a bill through the Senate.
Hey dumbass.

It's not the Speaker of the House's job to get a bill through the Senate. That's McConnell's job.

Pelosi did her part. She passed two bills passed by the Republican Senate. Now the Senate won't pass their own bills. That's all on McConnell.

Democrats are claiming the President is holding the country hostage; however, there is no budget legislation on the Presiden's desk to sign.

Pelosi wanted the gavel, she got the gavel, and then she immediately shut down the government by refusing to work and compromise with the Republicans in the Senate or the President.

Just this afternoon Pelosi once again told the President that if he agreed to open the government (by signing legislation that reaches his desk) and gives her everything she wants she will still give him nothing.

Afrer this, any further claims that President Trump is to blame for this shutdown is moot because Pelosi just proved that to be a false narrative.

As of right now Nancy Pelosi is a FAILURE as Speaker of the House because she can't get legislation that will become law passed because she refuses to negotiate or compromise. She wants what she wants - period. That's not how American politics works....this is all on her now.

Nancy, do your job and work to get REAL legislation passed and on the President's desk instead of engaging in partisan political theatrics that is hurting Americans!
Pelocchio and Jewphetto had no intention of negotiating on any serious effort at border security.
The two bills are sitting on McConnell's desk. They are not on Pelosi's desk. They are on McConnell's desk.

McConnell won't let those bills come to a vote.

Because he knows they will pass.

This shutdown is all on McConnell and Trump.

To end the shutdown, McConnell merely has to bring those two bills WHICH HE ALREADY PASSED ONCE, to the floor for a vote.

All caught up now, easytard?
Trump already declared on national tv that the shutdown is his fault...are you calling him a liar?
Cant remember what day it was, but did Hear Mc Connell say he would Not bring the bills to the floor, he had an excuse for it, but the bottom line was that if it came to the floor it could pass. that's why he wont bring it forward.

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