Nancy Pelosi claims the Dems will keep the House. Is she lying, or do Dems have a big steal in mind, because all the polls contradict her.

the TWAT---PIG-LOUSY, doesn't think

Anyone care to speculate on what Nancy will do when she loses the Speaker's gavel? One would assume that she and Paulie have made enough money from insider trading to last them for two lifetimes! Is it time for her to ride off into the sunset? Before the GOP subpoena's start flying?
You're in for a rude awakening. The polls don't count these young voters, because they can't. Mobile phones, VPN, and a host of other factors make polling young people difficult.

Because some retarded woke white guilt whacko whore in cyberspace said so?

What does she know that no one else does?

The polls do not support her prediction….so why is she saying it? Is she just lying?

Do you normally believe the polls?
If your belief that Biden's imaginary job-creation is what's going to determine the outcome of the midterm elections, you're in for a rude awakening, pal. The jobs have been there all along, any decrease in the unemployment numbers is a natural occurrence after coming out of the COVID shutdowns. That would have happened no matter who had been elected in 2020.

What's really going to kill you guys and girls is the economy. Even those people who have jobs realize how much harder they're having to work to keep up with inflation and high prices. Simply telling them "Well duhhhh inflation is a global thing" isn't going to get any sympathy from working families who are having to do without the things they had three years ago, or struggle to keep what they have.

It is the economy, stupid. And regardless of the glib economic numbers this administration is fudging, Biden's economy is shit, compared to Trump's pre-pandemic economy. People aren't so stupid that they don't remember those years.
Pre-pandemic, Trump was still riding the coattails of Obama's economy. President Obama thanks you for the kind words.

If you think I'm wrong, then post numbers from January, 2020 that are markedly better than January 2017. Should be simple for you, right? :lol:
After a Democrat controlled White House, Senate, House and head of all the worthless government agencies have given the American people massive inflation, two quarters of recession, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, astronomical high cost of fuel, decreased family income and a weakened military why could anybody in their right mind vote for the Leftest scum?

Just welfare Negroes, Illegals and stupid confused uneducated Moon Bats, right?

There are not enough of that scum to elect Democrats to control the House so Pelosi and the Democrat filth must have fraud up their sleeves to win elections. Just like in 2020.
There was no fraud in the 2020 elections. BTW, employment is back to pre-covid levels.

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