Nancy Pelosi claims the Dems will keep the House. Is she lying, or do Dems have a big steal in mind, because all the polls contradict her.

I have no faith in the integrity of our elections after 2020, and Clinton rigging her primaries in 2016, then The Obama, Biden Clinton FBI Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP, then Martial Law DemTard Covid 19 Lockdowns and Illegal Voting Law Changes.

All the fraud machinery is still in place. Especially in states like PA.

If you as a conservative are even thinking about sitting it out this election, you are a gullible fool.
the demofks rigged the primaries for 2020 for Xiden. it's hilarious, all of the sudden all states go silent and sleepy joe is the candidate. amazing.
unless one is conservative. It's what you all are saying. how can you be all inclusive and then not be? how does that work exactly?
No, we embrace conservative cure as well. You need to purge the Trump whacko's from your party!
No, we embrace conservative cure as well. You need to purge the Trump whacko's from your party!
no, no you don't, you fail on your very next sentence, purge Trump supporters. why? how aren't they unlike all other peoples exactly? if you are all inclusive, the "all" part is what you're failing.
no, no you don't, you fail on your very next sentence, purge Trump supporters. why? how aren't they unlike all other peoples exactly? if you are all inclusive, the "all" part is what you're failing.
The MAGA crowd are dumbass, brsin-dead whacko's dumber than the Tea Party. They believe absolute garbage, like 2020 election fraud or Jan 6th was not violent. These scumbag Neanderthals do not have the mental capacity to be any where near a public office.
The MAGA crowd are dumbass, brsin-dead whacko's dumber than the Tea Party. They believe absolute garbage, like 2020 election fraud or Jan 6th was not violent. These scumbag Neanderthals do not have the mental capacity to be any where near a public office.
but you said "all" Inclusive. Funny you can't even figure out the word "all"
Fuck off with your semantic bullshit! Why don't you address the point I was making, instead of making this about me?
I see you weren't up for the challenge. You have no fking clue what all inclusive means. you're noninclusive you fk fart!!
I see you weren't up for the challenge. You have no fking clue what all inclusive means. you're noninclusive you fk fart!!
So you do want to make this thread about me? So go ahead, make up "all" the shit you want!
You asked me a question and I answered it. Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answers to.
I did, you said you were all inclusive except. There's no except in all inclusive. What is it, you don't know what all inclusive means? That's the question. Again, you dropped trump TDS misinformation mute.
I did, you said you were all inclusive except. There's no except in all inclusive. What is it, you don't know what all inclusive means? That's the question. Again, you dropped trump TDS misinformation mute.
Do you have a real point to make?

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