Nancy Pelosi: Go To Jail !

Of course your more important. Intellectual mountains like you know everything.
You're beaten you childish fool. Fick off.
The contraction of the words you and are, is spelled >> YOU'RE.

Back to the 4th grade for you, dunce.

The funny part is, you got it right in your 3rd sentence. Wrong in your 1st. :rolleyes:
That's all very interesting, but you can't change reality by repeatedly spouting your silly thoughts. Let me know if you come up with something other than the same old goofy shit.
No need to. I've said all that needs to be said. You can't comprehend ? Not my problem.

Now how about the question I asked in Post # 79 ?
Nancy Pelosi broke the law 2 years ago, when she ripped up a State of the Union Address given by then President Trump. She violated US Code 18, Section 2071
Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Yes, it's been 2 years since this happened, but people have been arrested after much longer times that that for a wide variety of crimes. Pelosi was lucky that she had the worthless bum, Bill Barr in the DOJ, at the time, and now Biden's lapdogs in charge. I wonder if she could be taken to task though, if anyone were to file an official complaint.

Pelosi made the situation even worse when she and members of her office fought fiercly against Facebook to remove the video of the tearing of the speech.


Who says that a copy of a public speech was a government record under US Code 18, Section 2071?

Not the DOJ.
Who says that a copy of a public speech was a government record under US Code 18, Section 2071?

Not the DOJ.
"any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing,"

Helps if you READ the statute. Especially when you're quoting it. LOL.
"any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing,"

Helps if you READ the statute. Especially when you're quoting it. LOL.
Lets ready again:

a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

A print out of a public speech that wasn't filed or deposited in a manner consist with the law you're citing.....isn't bound by it. No more so than ripping a newspaper with text from Trump's speech printed on it.

So I again, who says that a print out of a public speech was a government record under US Code 18, Section 2071?

Its not the DOJ. Who then? There's you...citing you.

Is this more of your Sovereign Citizen bullshit, where you insist that you unilaterally define any law?
Lets ready again:

a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

A print out of a public speech that wasn't filed or deposited in a manner consist with the law you're citing.....isn't bound by it. No more so than ripping a newspaper with text from Trump's speech printed on it.

So I again, who says that a print out of a public speech was a government record under US Code 18, Section 2071?

Its not the DOJ. Who then? There's you...citing you.

Is this more of your Sovereign Citizen bullshit, where you insist that you unilaterally define any law?
But it WAS filed or deposited in a manner consist with the law I'm citing. It was that when Trump handed it to Pelosi.

I dont know why you keep yammering about a government record ? I already corrected you on that. Are you dense ?

Everyone is free to define the law as they see it. Juries and judges decide if their definitions hold water.
But it WAS filed or deposited in a manner consist with the law I'm citing. It was that when Trump handed it to Pelosi.

Says who? Handing a piece of paper to someone isn't filing it with a clerk. Not according to the DOJ or any law enforcement agency. If you feel it is, quote them finding that Pelosi violated federal law by ripping up a print out of a public speech.

Its just you, insisting that your personal opinion is legally binding to everyone.

How's that working out for you?
The contraction of the words you and are, is spelled >> YOU'RE.

Back to the 4th grade for you, dunce.

The funny part is, you got it right in your 3rd sentence. Wrong in your 1st. :rolleyes:
When you focus on grammar, your argument is empty. Just like it us now.
As If you are some English teacher.
From a country where they spell foetus, fetus, aluminium, as aluminum and pronounce God as gard.

Please check the spelling.
I don't want to spin your tiny brain.
Makes NO DIFFERENCE if she tore it 1,000 times or once. Yes of course she wanted the video stopped. It showed her committing a CRIME. Go to jail, Pelosi.

There were some good points that video though. Like when Trump reported that unemployment for blacks & hispanics reached their lowest points in US history. Strange, why liberals hate Trump. Really strange.
I don't care about the video. Don't change the subject. You are wrong about her committing a crime so suck eggs dickhead. Get over it.
You'll say anything because you hate democrats. That's how ignorant your emptyheads are. Fuck off and stick to your filthy bible we.
When you focus on grammar, your argument is empty. Just like it us now.
As If you are some English teacher.
From a country where they spell foetus, fetus, aluminium, as aluminum and pronounce God as gard.

Please check the spelling.
I don't want to spin your tiny brain.
If anybody has any idea what this Gooneybird is babbling about, please don't tell me. :rolleyes:
Says who? Handing a piece of paper to someone isn't filing it with a clerk. Not according to the DOJ or any law enforcement agency.
Wow, you've got some serious reading comprehension problems. Making it worse, is I already corrected them for you , yet you come back again with the same dumb comment.

EARTH TO CN: "clerk" is only ONE of the people the statute mentions for the filing. You missed this part ? >> "or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, (ex. Nancy Pelosi)
I don't care about the video. Don't change the subject. You are wrong about her committing a crime so suck eggs dickhead. Get over it.
You'll say anything because you hate democrats. That's how ignorant your emptyheads are. Fuck off and stick to your filthy bible we.
:lame2: Guys like this fuck up a forum like this. :slap:
No excuses for the speaker of the house intentionally making her evil self a pissant in public.

So you want to ignore the law and just declare Pelosi a criminal because you want to believe that.
Try reading the statute, SLOWLY, Bozo.
You moron, I posted the statute in post #43 and I highlighted the relevant section...

filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States

Since you're an idiot, allow me to explain that to you... in order for Pelosi to have violated that law, she would have had to rip up a copy of that speech had it been filed or deposited with any of the above jurisdictions.

And because you're senile, allow me to point out at the time she tore it up, it had not yet been filed; meaning she couldn't have violated the law.

If you weren't such a crackhead, you would have already known she broke no law if for no other reason, Trump's own Department of Justice never went after her for that.

But sadly, you're just another brain-dead sap who simply just can't figure these things out.

Sucks to be you, gramps.
REFUTED by Post # 29. Ho hum. Yawn**** :rolleyes:

Nope, post #29 actually proves I'm right and proves you're an idiot. From post #29...

... filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States

The document she tore up hadn't yet been filed or deposited as described above. So that law was not broken by her actions.
Here's where you fail, puppy. The key to this is even in your post, though you didn't highlight it because you're simply too ignorant to have caught it without my help...."or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States,"

Now then...the speech was filed with a "public officer of the United States" (Nancy Pelosi, in the "public office" > the House of Representititves. :badgrin:

Dumbfuck, handing a copy of the speech to Pelosi is not filing or depositing it. If it was, it wouldn't have been filed the next day with the Clerk of the House as it was.

The actual version which is sent to the National Archives is recorded by the Official Reporters of the House, not Pelosi. It's the duty of the Clerk of the House to preserve documents transmitted to them. The Clerk of the House received Trump's prepared State of the Union remarks electronically the next day. That was the official record.

Remarks are also published in the Compilation of Presidential Documents, a compilation of the official publication of materials released by the White House Press Secretary and published by the Office of the Federal Register.
Makes NO DIFFERENCE if she tore it 1,000 times or once. Yes of course she wanted the video stopped. It showed her committing a CRIME. Go to jail, Pelosi.

There were some good points that video though. Like when Trump reported that unemployment for blacks & hispanics reached their lowest points in US history. Strange, why liberals hate Trump. Really strange.
Now you're just lying. That particular video was edited which is why she wanted it taken down.

That you have to lie to prop up your failed position reveals even you know you’re full of shit.
FAIL! The link says > "the material, which it collected in January, should have been turned over when former president left office" But it wasn't.

So you allege this to be "stealing" ? That's your whole argument ? HA HA HA. Guess what. You DON'T HAVE an argument.
What do you call being in possession of something which does not belong to you?

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