Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
SanFran Nan just finished telling reporters who were allowed in her presence, that the GOP healthcare overhaul and subsequent new tax plan, will be "the largest transfer of wealth to the 1% in US history". Pelosi, 77, has served in Congress for 24 years. She has benefited entirely from taxpayer dollars in legislation she's engineered. She does particularly well with IPO's she allows when the timing and stock price will make her the largest profit. Her husband has been given government no-bid construction contracts for years without the press or her colleagues raising an eyebrow. So the question is, after the GOP healthcare bill, and tax cut passes the House and Senate, will Nancy refuse to profit from it? Will she send the Treasury her income tax dollars at the old rate in defiance of the GOP? :uhh:


Nancy Pelosi Net Worth 2017
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth - Celebrity Net Worth
Pelosi has a long record of advocating that her own tax rate be raised

Republicans. led by a billionaire, are advocating slashing benefits for the poor
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Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

"intrinsically objectionable"?...WTF? She's a member of Congress not a financier or may have no problem with crooks in Congress but the vast majority of us do.
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

"intrinsically objectionable"?...WTF? She's a member of Congress not a financier or may have no problem with crooks in Congress but the vast majority of us do.
Her husband owns 17 million in Starkist stock...Be sure to only purchase Bumble Bee tuna...
Pelosi has a long record of advocating that her own tax rate be raised

Republicans. led by a billionaire, are advocating slashing benefits for the poor
Uh huh. Pelosi advocates giving more of her money to the government, meanwhile Trump donated his first paycheck to the National Park Service.
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.
So you are okay when CEO's have a 10 million dollar raise? And to think moronic liberals were out in force picketing the 1%'ers just a few years ago. I guess "President" Trump is starting to change the way a liberal thinks towards rich people<SARCASM>

She's just one of the 'little people' and 'feels your pain'... :p
She just claimed that TrumpCare "steals from Medicare" after her program stole $500B from Medicare. Lying through her false teeth she's trying to terrify the public with lunatic claims....the old broad has finally lost her mind.
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

Yo, the point is? She screwed the American Taxpayers, period!!!

Excuse me?
  • Are you saying she screwed taxpayers by availing herself of the opportunity to make money?
  • Are you suggesting that, in violation SEC rules/laws, she engaged in insider trading?
What are you implying/saying?
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.
So you are okay when CEO's have a 10 million dollar raise? And to think moronic liberals were out in force picketing the 1%'ers just a few years ago. I guess "President" Trump is starting to change the way a liberal thinks towards rich people<SARCASM>

View attachment 124745
So you are okay when CEO's have a 10 million dollar raise?

In a word, yes.

I may have a different viewpoint with regard to the CEOs of companies in which I own stock and the CEO's performance doesn't merit such a compensation increase, but the mere abstract fact of a CEO receiving that sum as a pay bump doesn't bother me.
Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.

Yo, the point is? She screwed the American Taxpayers, period!!!

Pelosi Subsidies Benefit Husband’s Investment in Dem Mega-Donor’s Company
The top Democrat in the House of Representatives steered more than a billion dollars in subsidies to a light rail project that benefitted a company run by a high-dollar Democratic donor and in which her husband is a major investor.
Anyone remember how the libtards were howling at the moon when Bush steered contracts in Iraq to Haliburton? As long as a liberals does it, liberals don't care. That is liberal thinking. Warren Buffet screwed over the middle class union member because he had Obama veto the Keystone pipeline so Buffets railroads would carry the oil to the same place, making Warren billions. Always remember liberal thinking when a liberal mouths off.

Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

So what? Why does anyone care what someone else's net worth is? There's nothing intrinsically objectionable about being wealthy or not.
So you are okay when CEO's have a 10 million dollar raise? And to think moronic liberals were out in force picketing the 1%'ers just a few years ago. I guess "President" Trump is starting to change the way a liberal thinks towards rich people<SARCASM>

View attachment 124745

Oh please ! This thread brought to you by the people who "don't care about trumps taxes ". Lol! There's your hypocrisy.
Excuse me?
  • Are you saying she screwed taxpayers by availing herself of the opportunity to make money?
  • Are you suggesting that, in violation SEC rules/laws, she engaged in insider trading?
What are you implying/saying?

That's exactly what we're it? Google how she handled the VIsa IPO.

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