Nancy Pelosi Net Worth? $185M

It's a tired non-issue. Most didn't vote for Trump over tax issues. Most saw the alternative, and said Trump all the way. They could care less about his personal tax situation. If Trump just sticks to accomplishing a couple main goals, he'll be fine. Immigration and the Supreme Court. If he's successful on those two fronts, he'll continue to have a lot of support. I mean, imagine Hillary Clinton on those two issues. Trump was the logical choice. It really boils down to that in the end.
If his tax reform fails he's a dead man walking

Nah, most of his supporters didn't vote for him on that single issue. They voted for him based on considering the alternative. Most understood Hillary Clinton was gonna go the Merkel route, and open the border flood gates. They also understood her Supreme Court appointees were gonna be extremist Leftist Globalists.

Those two issues mattered most to Trump supporters. If he makes progress on those two issues, he'll be fine. When in doubt, they'll consider what the alternative was. Hillary Clinton could be the President right now. It's easy to bitch & moan, but once you chill and think about the alternative, it strongly reaffirms your support for Trump. There are more important issues. Cutting taxes isn't the most important.
Please,,,, McConnell your senate AH leader said Hillary would never get a SC choice What scum republicans are

If Trump can get 2-3 Supreme Court Justices in there, it will amount to a Coup. It will tip the Court in favor of Conservatives/Republicans for several decades. That and the Immigration nightmare, were the issues that concerned me most. Like i said, consider the alternative. Tax Cuts would be good, but it's not an issue that concerns me too much.
Maybe no concern to you but to all those over taxed businesses ???

Did they have a better chance of getting tax cuts with Hillary Clinton? Trump will do his best to get it done. But again, it's not the most important issue. The two issues that matter most to our country, are Immigration and the Supreme Court.

Those two issues will decide the future of our country. The Courts are running the show now. Our elected officials aren't running things anymore. It's not right, but it is the current reality. And on those two issues that matter most, i thank the Lord everyday we got Trump in there rather than Hillary Clinton.
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When Trump argued that his financial disclosures were "the most extensive financial review of anybody in the history of politics," we rated that claim False.

The two most obvious pieces of the puzzle missing without Trump’s tax returns are the effective rate of tax he pays on his income, and the extent and nature of his charitable giving.

Tax returns also can give a clearer picture of Trump’s liquid assets and what specific mix of taxes the candidate paid. The returns would also show if Trump has access to specialized tax breaks.

"It is true that Trump's businesses have received a lot of attention, but without the release of Trump's tax returns, we don't know a lot about his personal financial situation," Lawrence White, an economist at New York University’s Stern School of Business, told PolitiFact in October.

Trump was the first major presidential nominee in 40 years not to release his tax returns, citing a routine audit. In 1976, President Gerald Ford, did not release his tax returns but instead provided a summary of his taxes. His opponent, Jimmy Carter, did release his tax returns that year — and every major-party nominee since Carter has released them to the public, until Trump.

SPINNER. You were posting who he owe to, ties to whom. Now you spin to tax rate? He is 70 years old. The IRS has been all over billionaire taxes. 1040 Tax forms don't show who you owe to or whom you have ties to. Go read it. Find your gold nugget.......then post it.
WHY have 40 years worth of presidents from BOTH parties shown their tax returns ?? Answer ,,,because they had nothing to hide

So...what is your point? Why is it that we need to see the taxes and not have a requirement for a candidate release their taxes?

You need to contact your Congressmen!
Can you tell me pap why 40 years worth of presidents did what that pos trump won't??

Because he doesn't want to and isn't required to, it is really pretty simple. I don't care what his reason is, I wouldn't care in other candidates followed suit. Release or don't release, it is up to the candidate.

It doesn't look like it was a big issue for those that voted for him.
I'll wager that close to half of his votes came from those who hated Hillary and held their noses in the voting boothes The repub party did a fantastic job demeaning her
It's a tired non-issue. Most didn't vote for Trump over tax issues. Most saw the alternative, and said Trump all the way. They could care less about his personal tax situation. If Trump just sticks to accomplishing a couple main goals, he'll be fine. Immigration and the Supreme Court. If he's successful on those two fronts, he'll continue to have a lot of support. I mean, imagine Hillary Clinton on those two issues. Trump was the logical choice. It really boils down to that in the end.

The funny thing is that the one tax return someone found and stole from a few years ago showed that he more than paid his fair share! More than any of the other presidents. He has already saved the Supreme Court with Gorsuch and without laying one yard of border wall, his very presence has already cut immigration by 60-70%. And if that wasn't good enough, that only covers 10% of what he's done in 100 days. Slashing regulations, Dodd-Frank, saving coal, fighting to step up vetting at the borders and ports, working to fix the VA, got the bill moving on healthcare through the House into the Senate, and soon, tax reform. Then there is stomping on that jackass in Syria, kicking ISIS in the ass and putting N. Korea on notice that we won't take his crap, and meeting with all kinds of world leaders building trust and bridges. And the guy hasn't even had his morning coffee yet.

Had Hillary gotten into office, she would be working on free contraception.
WHY have 40 years worth of presidents from BOTH parties shown their tax returns ?? Answer ,,,because they had nothing to hide

So...what is your point? Why is it that we need to see the taxes and not have a requirement for a candidate release their taxes?

You need to contact your Congressmen!
Can you tell me pap why 40 years worth of presidents did what that pos trump won't??

Why did Obama dog out Bush when former Presidents almost universally didn't call out former Presidents?

I think Carter and Obama were the only cvnts to whine about former Trump is. Thanks for the precedent.
The letter sent by George W. Bush to Barack Obama ahead of his 2009 inauguration has been made public for the first time by the National Archives.

The letter, which is part of a tradition by outgoing presidents reads:

"Dear Barack,

Congratulations on becoming our President. You have just begun a fantastic chapter in your life.

Very few have had the honor of knowing the responsibility you now feel. Very few know the excitement of the moment and the challenges you will face.

There will be trying moments. The critics will rage. Your 'friends' will disappoint you. But, you will have an Almighty God to comfort you, a family who loves you, and a country that is pulling for you, including me. No matter what comes, you will be inspired by the character and compassion of the people you now lead.

God bless you."


You forgot about the TORTURE
Another issue. 1/2 don't pay any Fed tax, some get credit or cash back but do not pay.

Of course ANY Tax changes are going to affect those that pay a Trump. Unless you want change where more is taken from business or stock traders and bigger credit back to the 50%. If so you should have voted in Sanders not Beast.
Trump is in the half that doesn't pay taxes

Didn't a recent tax return that was leaked showed he payed taxes?
Another issue. 1/2 don't pay any Fed tax, some get credit or cash back but do not pay.

Of course ANY Tax changes are going to affect those that pay a Trump. Unless you want change where more is taken from business or stock traders and bigger credit back to the 50%. If so you should have voted in Sanders not Beast.
Trump is in the half that doesn't pay taxes

Didn't a recent tax return that was leaked showed he payed taxes?

...and lots of them...

Maddow "SCOOPED" the world in proving that Trump paid plenty of taxes....THANKS SCOOTER!
Another issue. 1/2 don't pay any Fed tax, some get credit or cash back but do not pay.

Of course ANY Tax changes are going to affect those that pay a Trump. Unless you want change where more is taken from business or stock traders and bigger credit back to the 50%. If so you should have voted in Sanders not Beast.
Trump is in the half that doesn't pay taxes

Didn't a recent tax return that was leaked showed he payed taxes?
12 years ago......even Trump admitted he hasn't paid recently
It makes him smart
SPINNER. You were posting who he owe to, ties to whom. Now you spin to tax rate? He is 70 years old. The IRS has been all over billionaire taxes. 1040 Tax forms don't show who you owe to or whom you have ties to. Go read it. Find your gold nugget.......then post it.
WHY have 40 years worth of presidents from BOTH parties shown their tax returns ?? Answer ,,,because they had nothing to hide

So...what is your point? Why is it that we need to see the taxes and not have a requirement for a candidate release their taxes?

You need to contact your Congressmen!
Can you tell me pap why 40 years worth of presidents did what that pos trump won't??

Because he doesn't want to and isn't required to, it is really pretty simple. I don't care what his reason is, I wouldn't care in other candidates followed suit. Release or don't release, it is up to the candidate.

It doesn't look like it was a big issue for those that voted for him.
I'll wager that close to half of his votes came from those who hated Hillary and held their noses in the voting boothes The repub party did a fantastic job demeaning her

I thought she did a good job of demeaning herself, why would the Democrats have put forth such a bad candidate, I couldn't think of a candidate worse than Trump, yet the Democrats managed to pick one.
Another issue. 1/2 don't pay any Fed tax, some get credit or cash back but do not pay.

Of course ANY Tax changes are going to affect those that pay a Trump. Unless you want change where more is taken from business or stock traders and bigger credit back to the 50%. If so you should have voted in Sanders not Beast.
Trump is in the half that doesn't pay taxes

Didn't a recent tax return that was leaked showed he payed taxes?
12 years ago......even Trump admitted he hasn't paid recently
It makes him smart

Sure he hasn't! Lol! If you don't like the tax laws, call your Congressman, it seems you have a whole list of ideas to talk with him about.
You ask me why not ? I'll ask you what is trump hiding?


he has no legal obligation to release his tax returns
he's been audited multiple times I'm sure ad hasn't been charged with tax fraud has he?

so why don't you pay more in taxes than you have to after all if you want to keep your money you're just another one of those I got mine so fuck you people aren't you?
Another issue. 1/2 don't pay any Fed tax, some get credit or cash back but do not pay.

Of course ANY Tax changes are going to affect those that pay a Trump. Unless you want change where more is taken from business or stock traders and bigger credit back to the 50%. If so you should have voted in Sanders not Beast.
Trump is in the half that doesn't pay taxes

Didn't a recent tax return that was leaked showed he payed taxes?
12 years ago......even Trump admitted he hasn't paid recently
It makes him smart

So what do you suggest, we just ignore Rachel Maddow's earth shattering discovery.
You ask me why not ? I'll ask you what is trump hiding?
What Trump is hiding

The fact that he pays no taxes
How little he gives to charity and the questionable charities he gives to
How he gives nothing to veterans organizations
His foreign entanglements
Questionable business deductions
How he is not as rich as he claims

show me the statute that says he has to release his tax returns
There is no obligation, no law, nothing that says a candidate has to give you his taxes, if you don't like the law, change it and quit crying like babies. Write your Congressman, while you are at it have them change the Electoral College, that should fix everything for you. I don't know how you people would cry about then, but you will find something to cry about.
it amazes me that someone who seems to have all the brains god gave him can so lightly put aside the problems that trump the con man can possibly have with his taxes the people he's involved with, the money he owes, to who ,who will get paid off etc etc

I am getting tired of this sort of nonsense. In 2015 Trump filed a 92 page financial disclosure as required. It shows what he owns, holds, owes (to whom) etc. Go read it. CNN posted it. I glanced through it. He assets far outweigh any debts. Debt holders are banks etc. I could get specifics (Barclys?) but hyenas will never stop tearing at flesh.
When Trump argued that his financial disclosures were "the most extensive financial review of anybody in the history of politics," we rated that claim False.

The two most obvious pieces of the puzzle missing without Trump’s tax returns are the effective rate of tax he pays on his income, and the extent and nature of his charitable giving.

Tax returns also can give a clearer picture of Trump’s liquid assets and what specific mix of taxes the candidate paid. The returns would also show if Trump has access to specialized tax breaks.

"It is true that Trump's businesses have received a lot of attention, but without the release of Trump's tax returns, we don't know a lot about his personal financial situation," Lawrence White, an economist at New York University’s Stern School of Business, told PolitiFact in October.

Trump was the first major presidential nominee in 40 years not to release his tax returns, citing a routine audit. In 1976, President Gerald Ford, did not release his tax returns but instead provided a summary of his taxes. His opponent, Jimmy Carter, did release his tax returns that year — and every major-party nominee since Carter has released them to the public, until Trump.

SPINNER. You were posting who he owe to, ties to whom. Now you spin to tax rate? He is 70 years old. The IRS has been all over billionaire taxes. 1040 Tax forms don't show who you owe to or whom you have ties to. Go read it. Find your gold nugget.......then post it.
WHY have 40 years worth of presidents from BOTH parties shown their tax returns ?? Answer ,,,because they had nothing to hide

there was no legal requirement to do so and there still isn't
I'll wager that close to half of his votes came from those who hated Hillary and held their noses in the voting booths The repub party did a fantastic job demeaning her

And how would anyone ever prove that? No one could possibly match Hillary for the smackdown that she put on herself. She was so bad they tried to limit her meeting with the press for up to 9 months at one point I think! While Trump met with all comers friendly or otherwise 4, 5, 6 times a day, Hillary measured her press conferences by the season. Whenever she could stand up, walk and catch her breath. Then there was that god-awful faked smile and false humility. She thinks she is God. Her message was that she was Hillary and she was going to win because it was her turn and she was entitled. As far as I'm concerned, they could have put Pee Wee Herman up there, Little Richard or Tiny Tim, and I would have picked any of them over Clinton.

We would be infinitely better off with a spinning wheel with random decisions written on it with Alfie The Chimp throwing darts at it for all the important national decisions and would still come infinitely farther ahead than with Hillary Clinton.

At least with the Chimp, you have a 50/50 shot at him getting some things right. Zero chance with Hillary, and in 8 years in office, not once with Obama. If someone were deliberately trying to undermine the country, they could not do a better job than Obama's voting record. No one can be wrong on every issue day after day! Always 180° opposite of every common sense decision. Unless they deliberately intend on being so. And that was Hillary and Obama. People are so busy blaming Trump for Hillary's loss, they seem to keep forgetting Hillary's REAL worst adversary---- OBAMA! He cost the democrats the House, the Senate, the White House and now the Supreme Court! And Libs are so blinded, that now they are paying him $400k to come lecture them on what they want to hear! Better than a fricking comedy!
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What is Trump's net worth?

Oh, right, he refuses to show us.

We don't know his net worth yet. He's too cowardly to release his tax returns.

We do know his intrinsic value. The cost of a jar of pig's feet carried around by a mental patient.
You do know, don't you, that tax returns do NOT reveal net worth? I mean, I understand blind hate, but at least be accurate.
Another issue. 1/2 don't pay any Fed tax, some get credit or cash back but do not pay.

Of course ANY Tax changes are going to affect those that pay a Trump. Unless you want change where more is taken from business or stock traders and bigger credit back to the 50%. If so you should have voted in Sanders not Beast.
Trump is in the half that doesn't pay taxes

Didn't a recent tax return that was leaked showed he payed taxes?
12 years ago......even Trump admitted he hasn't paid recently
It makes him smart

So what do you suggest, we just ignore Rachel Maddow's earth shattering discovery.
I never asked to see a partial return from twelve years ago
I am concerned with his current finances and conflicts of interest
You ask me why not ? I'll ask you what is trump hiding?
What Trump is hiding

The fact that he pays no taxes
How little he gives to charity and the questionable charities he gives to
How he gives nothing to veterans organizations
His foreign entanglements
Questionable business deductions
How he is not as rich as he claims

show me the statute that says he has to release his tax returns
He doesn't have to....and I am free to draw my own conclusions

What is he hiding?
You ask me why not ? I'll ask you what is trump hiding?
What Trump is hiding

The fact that he pays no taxes
How little he gives to charity and the questionable charities he gives to
How he gives nothing to veterans organizations
His foreign entanglements
Questionable business deductions
How he is not as rich as he claims

show me the statute that says he has to release his tax returns
He doesn't have to....and I am free to draw my own conclusions

What is he hiding?

none of your business
if it was your business there wold be a law requiring him to make his returns public

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