Nancy Pelosi: Obamacare Was ‘Bipartisan’ Legislation

If it wasn't bipartisan we'd have single payer and none of the bullshit attacks and changes republicans have used to sabotage it would have been enacted.

That is some really screwed up logic you've got there...
Actually they're trying to say that Obamacare is really Romneycare......only bigger.
They try a bunch of different tacts on this. First they said it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.....but as it becomes more obvious that it's a total disaster, they're trying to blame it all on Republicans.

Now their bullshit talking points are:

- What about those currently on Obamacare?
- it's going to be difficult to unravel

Complete bullshit reasons to NOT repeal a bad bill.

Again, snowflake logic. Don't get rid of something horrible, because the transition might be challenging.
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If it wasn't bipartisan we'd have single payer and none of the bullshit attacks and changes republicans have used to sabotage it would have been enacted.
So name the Republicans in the bipartisanship! List them.
Many republican Senators and Congressmen were present and contributed when the ACA was being written. Nvm that much of it drew inspiration from a healthcare law enacted by a republican Presidential nominee.
Name the Republicans who participated in writing Obamacare!
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
ACA was bipartisan. It would have been a lot better without republican input.
Fucking delusional old bat - This crazy biatch is 2nd in line to the Presidency.. That's frightening shit right there.

Edit to add: Thanks to someone, I forgot.. Dimwits aren't in control of the House.. That fuckwad Paul Ryan is 2nd in line which is nearly just as bad.
No, Biden is second in line. Paul Ryan is third.
Are you leftists ever embarrassed at having a leadership that is clearly brain dead, psychotic? WTF is wrong with you people.. Honest to God, the whole lot of you are loathsome.. seriously, just get the fack out already.. go start your own country.

Nancy Pelosi: Obamacare Was ‘Bipartisan’ Legislation - Breitbart
Democrats seem to think they can make up any lie and the media will parrot it like it's the truth.
Probably because they do.
If it wasn't bipartisan we'd have single payer and none of the bullshit attacks and changes republicans have used to sabotage it would have been enacted.
So name the Republicans in the bipartisanship! List them.
Many republican Senators and Congressmen were present and contributed when the ACA was being written. Nvm that much of it drew inspiration from a healthcare law enacted by a republican Presidential nominee.
Name the Republicans who participated in writing Obamacare!
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
So, Republicans had 161 amendments accepted and all Republicans voted against their own amendments? Is this correct? Do you know what amendments were accepted? I cannot find this information.
If it wasn't bipartisan we'd have single payer and none of the bullshit attacks and changes republicans have used to sabotage it would have been enacted.
So name the Republicans in the bipartisanship! List them.
Many republican Senators and Congressmen were present and contributed when the ACA was being written. Nvm that much of it drew inspiration from a healthcare law enacted by a republican Presidential nominee.
Name the Republicans who participated in writing Obamacare!
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
So, Republicans had 161 amendments accepted and all Republicans voted against their own amendments? Is this correct? Do you know what amendments were accepted? I cannot find this information.
All of the amendments were killed by democrats as they were designed to kill major portions of the law. Dimwits own this mess and they are trying like hell to throw off their cloak of failure onto everyone around them and take no responsibility for it. Even Obama wants to call it Trump care now.. That's how toxic the law has become.
The bill itself was worked on by both Republicans and Democrats.

The Republicans in the Senate alone had 160 amendments introduced to the Bill that passed.

Just because R's decided for political posturing, in unison not vote yea on the bill, does not in any way diminish the fact that the Republicans introduced and passed well over a hundred amendments to the ACA bill.
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If it wasn't bipartisan we'd have single payer and none of the bullshit attacks and changes republicans have used to sabotage it would have been enacted.
So name the Republicans in the bipartisanship! List them.
Many republican Senators and Congressmen were present and contributed when the ACA was being written. Nvm that much of it drew inspiration from a healthcare law enacted by a republican Presidential nominee.
Nonsense. The GOP had no input and none of them voted for the piece of shit. The biggest roadblock to the ACA was not every Democrat supported single-payer. The bill itself was only just over 900 pages, but most of the damage was done in all of the regulations that were put in it after it was passed.
If it wasn't bipartisan we'd have single payer and none of the bullshit attacks and changes republicans have used to sabotage it would have been enacted.
So name the Republicans in the bipartisanship! List them.
Many republican Senators and Congressmen were present and contributed when the ACA was being written. Nvm that much of it drew inspiration from a healthcare law enacted by a republican Presidential nominee.
Name the Republicans who participated in writing Obamacare!
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
So, Republicans had 161 amendments accepted and all Republicans voted against their own amendments? Is this correct? Do you know what amendments were accepted? I cannot find this information.
Pg. 32848

Congressional Record
Obamacare was bipartisan in the sense that Republicans also had input.

Right, even negative input is still an input.

If you go that way, every legislation is bipartisan.
Are you leftists ever embarrassed at having a leadership that is clearly brain dead, psychotic? WTF is wrong with you people.. Honest to God, the whole lot of you are loathsome.. seriously, just get the fack out already.. go start your own country.

Nancy Pelosi: Obamacare Was ‘Bipartisan’ Legislation - Breitbart

Breitbart? Please provide "credible" proof that Nancy Pelosi ever said Obamacare was bipartisan legislation.

Pelosi: Obamacare Was ‘Bipartisan,’ Only Final ‘Tweaks’ Made in Reconciliation

Here you go.

Swing and a miss on your first pitch. I know snowflakes always try to discredit the source.

Now that you know a snowflake reliable source (CBS News) is reporting the same thing the snowflake unreliable source (Brietbart) is reporting, maybe we can just get on to you defending what Nancy said, because there is no doubt you will defend her calling it bipartisan without any Republican votes.

Obamacare was bipartisan in the sense that Republicans also had input.
Are you on the same drugs Crazy Nancy is taking?

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