Nancy Pelosi On Twitter Just Compared Police Officers To Nazi Stormtroopers

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.

Biden doesn't know which ear to put his shoes on. Biden is an empty shell - like Mueller - run by the most radical of the Stalinist faction of the democrats.

You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

Jackoffinthesoup is Khmer Rouge. He seeks to end the United States in favor of a global Marxist dictatorship. I posted Rapey Joe calling to defund the police - we'll see if the Commie fuck lies or runs..
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

You heard what you wanted to hear...probably from some dubious alt-right source. Nothing. You just make shit up.
Unfreaking believable!

That we have DHS officers acting like Stormtroopers, yes it is.

That we have domestic terrorists emboldened to disrupt lives by blocking elderly from crossing streets, ripping drivers from their cars, beating journalists, doxxing law enforcement - all of which is accepted by Democrat politicians- is more disturbing.
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

Jackoffinthesoup is Khmer Rouge. He seeks to end the United States in favor of a global Marxist dictatorship. I posted Rapey Joe calling to defund the police - we'll see if the Commie fuck lies or runs..

Go back to your alt-right hidey-hole. Maybe those "patriots" you adore from Project Veritas have something that will soothe your righteous indignation.
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

You heard what you wanted to hear...probably from some dubious alt-right source. Nothing. You just make shit up.
Lol, you aren't hearing what you should. Like I said get rid of the police and we will get rid of the trouble makers.
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

Jackoffinthesoup is Khmer Rouge. He seeks to end the United States in favor of a global Marxist dictatorship. I posted Rapey Joe calling to defund the police - we'll see if the Commie fuck lies or runs..

Go back to your alt-right hidey-hole. Maybe those "patriots" you adore from Project Veritas have something that will soothe your righteous indignation.
Let me ask you this. Be honest. Would you be in favor of funding law enforcement officers?
Go back to your alt-right hidey-hole. Maybe those "patriots" you adore from Project Veritas have something that will soothe your righteous indignation.

Poor little commie fuck, being exposed as the lying pile of shit you are, yet again.

You vile traitors have sued Project Veritas 7 times, how many have you won?

Oh yeah, zero. Why? Because they have the facts.

Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.
They should grab the Portland Mayor and tar and feather him and parade him around Portland.
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

Jackoffinthesoup is Khmer Rouge. He seeks to end the United States in favor of a global Marxist dictatorship. I posted Rapey Joe calling to defund the police - we'll see if the Commie fuck lies or runs..

Go back to your alt-right hidey-hole. Maybe those "patriots" you adore from Project Veritas have something that will soothe your righteous indignation.
Let me ask you this. Be honest. Would you be in favor of funding law enforcement officers?

Well, you would have to fund law enforcement to, you know, have law enforcement officers, so this question is kind of a red herring.
What you need to ask is, how are those funds allocated and used for let's say, training, oversight, certification, community interaction?
What programs are there to weed out the bad apples? What programs are there to make sure bad apples don't make it in the first place?
The people who want to defund the police and redirect those funds elsewhere will have to answer similar questions about how those
funds will help interaction between law enforcement and the community.
Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.

These tactics are needed to put down an Insurrection by destructive anarchists and violent negroes from Black Lives Matter.
You heard what you wanted to hear...probably from some dubious alt-right source. Nothing. You just make shit up.

Nah, you're just a fucking liar.

Typical for you Maoists.

You post some Twitter mash up by the Trump campaign and expect me to bow?
You're an idiot. You also appear to be too lazy to read.
Look three posts down on the feed.
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

Jackoffinthesoup is Khmer Rouge. He seeks to end the United States in favor of a global Marxist dictatorship. I posted Rapey Joe calling to defund the police - we'll see if the Commie fuck lies or runs..

Go back to your alt-right hidey-hole. Maybe those "patriots" you adore from Project Veritas have something that will soothe your righteous indignation.
Let me ask you this. Be honest. Would you be in favor of funding law enforcement officers?

Well, you would have to fund law enforcement to, you know, have law enforcement officers, so this question is kind of a red herring.
What you need to ask is, how are those funds allocated and used for let's say, training, oversight, certification, community interaction?
What programs are there to weed out the bad apples? What programs are there to make sure bad apples don't make it in the first place?
The people who want to defund the police and redirect those funds elsewhere will have to answer similar questions about how those
funds will help interaction between law enforcement and the community.
Get rid of liberals and our problems would be gone. Floyd was killed by one of your own and protected by one of your own.
Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.

You do grasp that this didn't actually happen and that You Tuber Mark Pettibone is the ONLY source of the claim?

Not that you care, facts get in your way.

You're so dishonest you could work for CNN.
You heard what you wanted to hear...probably from some dubious alt-right source. Nothing. You just make shit up.

Nah, you're just a fucking liar.

Typical for you Maoists.

You post some Twitter mash up by the Trump campaign and expect me to bow?
You're an idiot. You also appear to be too lazy to read.
Look three posts down on the feed.


I post Joe Biden.

Hard for you to lie when he is right there, calling to defund the police.

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