Nancy Pelosi On Twitter Just Compared Police Officers To Nazi Stormtroopers

Shut up. Jack Posobiec is a credible source. He a reporter for One America News Network.

About as credible as the guys from Project Veritas....NOT!!
Never cite Twitter as a source. The only thing waiting for you is pain!!
So, did Nazi post that or not?

Again, I didn't have the full story last night. Went to bed. Her tweet appears to be 100% on the nose.
Dictators use governmental organizations to suppress legitimate protest. We don't do this in a democracy.
Defacing buildings and threatening to burn them down is not 'legitimate protest", you raving lunatic.
Let's see.
If Police enforce useless mandatory mask mandates and unconstitutional gun laws, they are virtuous arbiters of the law.
If they put and end to violence, looting, arson and rape, they are Nazi Stormtroopers.

Got it.
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Shut up. Jack Posobiec is a credible source. He a reporter for One America News Network.

About as credible as the guys from Project Veritas....NOT!!
Never cite Twitter as a source. The only thing waiting for you is pain!!
So, did Nazi post that or not?

Again, I didn't have the full story last night. Went to bed. Her tweet appears to be 100% on the nose.
Dictators use governmental organizations to suppress legitimate protest. We don't do this in a democracy.
Bullcrap... Demon-cratzi's have been using government since the 1960's, and are salivating on getting control of it again for these very reason's.... They can't believe that they lost control of something that they had been grooming minorities for years to take control of... Then along came Obama who decided to turn up the process by leaps and bounds in order to hopefully complete the agenda by placing his army into strategic positions within the government, and then spying on the opposition candidate to try and insure victory over them (keep the agenda alive), and then promote Hillary Clinton as a shill/puppet who would continue the transformation without question due her greedyness for power.

Now it's back to trying it again with poor old Biden who is to ill to run, but they have to have what they figure is still a powerful Democrat that will put them back behind the wheel again, even though they will have Biden riding in the back seat trying to figure out what day of the week it is. If they hit a bump, and look back and he's gone, then that's even better for them, because they will have been key in his pick for vice.
Antifa is the equivalent of the NAZI thugs of the 1920's.

November 1923, Hitler and his associates had concocted a plot to seize power of the Bavarian state government,
They stormed a beer hall where an opponent was speaking, kidnapping him and others, and declaring a revolution. It was the state police and the military that stopped him, and Hitler was arrested.

The similarities between Antifa and the NAZI's are scary. Antifa is for violent censorship. Of course they are financed by NAZI collaborator, George Soros.
Again, I didn't have the full story last night. Went to bed. Her tweet appears to be 100% on the nose.
Dictators use governmental organizations to suppress legitimate protest. We don't do this in a democracy.

Legitimate Protest..


Which one is you, JacksOffintheSoup?
Antifa is the equivalent of the NAZI thugs of the 1920's.

November 1923, Hitler and his associates had concocted a plot to seize power of the Bavarian state government,
They stormed a beer hall where an opponent was speaking, kidnapping him and others, and declaring a revolution. It was the state police and the military that stopped him, and Hitler was arrested.

The similarities between Antifa and the NAZI's are scary. Antifa is for violent censorship. Of course they are financed by NAZI collaborator, George Soros.

ANTIFA are Brown Shirts. This is a 6 week Kristalnacht that the democrats have waged against America.
oh fuck that shit.

there's no reason to be tearing down statues and throwing bricks at the officers. THIS IS WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO THAT.

Again, your side is more concerned with statues of dead people than live ones... that's why you'll lose.
Lol, get rid of the police. Who will protect you from us? Go a head little boy!

Again, you guys are the last thing I worry about. Most of you are cowards clinging to your guns and your bibles.

No one said get rid of the police. Reform them, get rid of the bad apples, reroute some money where it can be used more effectively.
That we have domestic terrorists emboldened to disrupt lives by blocking elderly from crossing streets, ripping drivers from their cars, beating journalists, doxxing law enforcement - all of which is accepted by Democrat politicians- is more disturbing.

Again. They asked nicely for years.

You didn't listen.

Shame on you.
Let's see.
If Police enforce useless mandatory mask mandates and unconstitutional gun laws, they are virtuous arbiters of the law.
If they put and end to violence, looting, arson and rape, they are Nazi Stormtroopers.

Um. Yeah.

When I was in the National Guard, an officer told us, "When you are called out for Civil Disturbance Duty, those are not the enemy out there. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned mad about something, and they have every right to be."

The problem is, we needed a president to call for calm, instead we got one who inflamed the rhetoric.
Again, your side is more concerned with statues of dead people than live ones... that's why you'll lose.
actually his "side" is more interested in "your sides" attempt at erasing its fingerprints from "your sides" enslavery of other men by removing its proof of "your" inhumanity by taking down the evidence.
Are you an American, or are you a Democrat?

You are a Trump supporter so you are a Nazi not a American.
It took democrats to make Nazis look good. Whoa! It took obama to make Hitler look good.
That we have domestic terrorists emboldened to disrupt lives by blocking elderly from crossing streets, ripping drivers from their cars, beating journalists, doxxing law enforcement - all of which is accepted by Democrat politicians- is more disturbing.

Again. They asked nicely for years.

You didn't listen.

Shame on you.

Asked nicely for what?
actually his "side" is more interested in "your sides" attempt at erasing its fingerprints from "your sides" enslavery of other men by removing its proof of "your" inhumanity by taking down the evidence.

Oh, come on, buddy. You aren't keeping statues of old dead racists up to slam Democrats of 150 years ago. You want them up because the inbred bubba rednecks who support you now don't want to admit their ancestors did a bad thing.

Asked nicely for what?

For police to stop murdering black people, or at least be held accountable when they do.

We've had eight years of BLM asking nicely for reform. Kapernick took a knee and you guys wanted to lynch him.

Then you guys ask all surprised when Riots happen.
Defacing buildings and threatening to burn them down is not 'legitimate protest", you raving lunatic.

THrowing Tea into a harbor isn't a legitimate protest, either, I guess.

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Tbe people who threw the tea into the harbor paid for it. What have the communists who tore down our monuments and defaced our buildings paid for? The people who threw the tea into the harbor were engaged in violent revolution to overthrow the government. The communists who tore down our monuments and defaced our buildings are also engaged in violent revolution to overthrow the government. We should treat them as such and publicly hang them.

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