Nancy Pelosi On Twitter Just Compared Police Officers To Nazi Stormtroopers

Oh, come on, buddy. You aren't keeping statues of old dead racists up to slam Democrats of 150 years ago.

Of course I'm not, that's your spin on it..
they've already owned up to it, the trick now is to make sure they pay the bill themselves instead of letting them share their guilt in this.

You want them up because the inbred bubba rednecks who support you now don't want to admit their ancestors did a bad thing.
lol...I am a biden just validated my post Cleetus...:abgg2q.jpg:
Then they know who you are then.

I have a good relationship with the local cops in my town (which isn't Chicago Proper.)

No one is fooled except for the brainwashed, and thank God I'm not one of the brainwashed.

That's true, you don't have a brain to wash.

So you supported the 9/11 attackers..............because they just attacked buildings.

Got it.

Well, those buildings had people inside of them, so there's that.

Like I said, they asked peacefully for years for reforms... now they are burning stuff and they are getting action.
Nance had a better look when she was just bragging about all of the gourmet ice cream in her $20K freezer.
everytime? I'm 62 and have never had to call...this is more likely due to you and your finger pointing way of life, you screw up and then claim it is those helping that are the problem

Okay, let's review...

I called them once because there was an unconscious man in my neighbor's gangway. it took the Cicero cops a half an hour to get there.

Another occassion, I reported a guy getting beaten up on my street. (Again, lived in a rough part of Cicero IL, right near the all night bars.) By the time they had gotten there, everyone fled.

Another time, I called because there was a guy who was passed out in my condo building. Fortunately, he was just drunk, but the cops and EMT's took their time to get there.

But you are right, probably should have just not called, and if people died, certainly not my problem. It's not like the cops did any good.
Then they know who you are then.

I have a good relationship with the local cops in my town (which isn't Chicago Proper.)

No one is fooled except for the brainwashed, and thank God I'm not one of the brainwashed.

That's true, you don't have a brain to wash.

So you supported the 9/11 attackers..............because they just attacked buildings.

Got it.

Well, those buildings had people inside of them, so there's that.

Like I said, they asked peacefully for years for reforms... now they are burning stuff and they are getting action.
Well after obama abandoned them for eight years.
You should ask Hillary how good it was losing on a "technical fluke".
The same technicality that we use to elect every President.

Every other president also won the Popular vote... (except for Hayes, Harrison and Bush the first time).

Nobody considers any of those guys to be even Good presidents, much less great ones.

They were better Presidents than Tilden and Gore.
Tbe people who threw the tea into the harbor paid for it.

No, they didn't. That Tea was the property of the East India Company, who collected a tax for the British Government.

What have the communists who tore down our monuments and defaced our buildings paid for? The people who threw the tea into the harbor were engaged in violent revolution to overthrow the government. The communists who tore down our monuments and defaced our buildings are also engaged in violent revolution to overthrow the government. We should treat them as such and publicly hang them.

Actually, they are asking for reform of the police.. They've been asking for this for years, but when they asked peacefully, people like you didn't listen.

I'm not in favor of riots. They usually don't hurt the people who've caused the problem. But like it or not, they get attention and action.
All rioters not shot on the spot should be hanged in public.
They are rioters threatening to burn a building down. You don't hand cretins like that a lollypop and ask them to go home, Buttercup.

So what. It's just a building.
So you supported the 9/11 attackers..............because they just attacked buildings.

Got it.
Now that you know what they are, can you have any sympathy for their dead bodies?
Well after obama abandoned them for eight years.

Actually, Obama made an effort at reforms, and the Police Unions fought him every step of the way. But at least by making an effort, he forestalled what we have happening now.

So instead of small riots confined to one city, we've had nationwide riots for 52 days.
Lol, you go with that. He did say if he had a son, and called a couple cops stupid. Let's see, trump did away with Clinton's reform bill that incarcerated millions of blacks. So trump is a better president? Since he got done what obama tried to do, but the unions stopped him? The same unions that gave money to his campaign. All that does is show how bad he was as a president.
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Then they know who you are then.

I have a good relationship with the local cops in my town (which isn't Chicago Proper.)

No one is fooled except for the brainwashed, and thank God I'm not one of the brainwashed.

That's true, you don't have a brain to wash.

So you supported the 9/11 attackers..............because they just attacked buildings.

Got it.

Well, those buildings had people inside of them, so there's that.

Like I said, they asked peacefully for years for reforms... now they are burning stuff and they are getting action.
You know the federal buildings had nobody inside?

Then they know who you are then.

I have a good relationship with the local cops in my town (which isn't Chicago Proper.)

No one is fooled except for the brainwashed, and thank God I'm not one of the brainwashed.

That's true, you don't have a brain to wash.

So you supported the 9/11 attackers..............because they just attacked buildings.

Got it.

Well, those buildings had people inside of them, so there's that.

Like I said, they asked peacefully for years for reforms... now they are burning stuff and they are getting action.

Do the cops assist you in burning down local businesses?
Like I said, you will have no one to protect your pussy ass. Go ahead please, do it!

The police don't protect us now.... Heck, every time I've had to call 9/11, they took their sweet time getting there.
Everytime? Know how many times I called 9/11? Zero
Boy who cried wolf? :eusa_whistle:

Yep, 62. Called them for my dad at his house when he had congestive heart failure and died - but never for myself.
everytime? I'm 62 and have never had to call...this is more likely due to you and your finger pointing way of life, you screw up and then claim it is those helping that are the problem

Okay, let's review...

I called them once because there was an unconscious man in my neighbor's gangway. it took the Cicero cops a half an hour to get there.

Another occassion, I reported a guy getting beaten up on my street. (Again, lived in a rough part of Cicero IL, right near the all night bars.) By the time they had gotten there, everyone fled.

Another time, I called because there was a guy who was passed out in my condo building. Fortunately, he was just drunk, but the cops and EMT's took their time to get there.

But you are right, probably should have just not called, and if people died, certainly not my problem. It's not like the cops did any good.
So now you are an advocate for the second amendment ??? Wonder what you'll be tommorow if you have too be ?? LOL. What a hack you are JoeB.

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