Nancy Pelosi On Twitter Just Compared Police Officers To Nazi Stormtroopers

Unfreaking believable!

That we have DHS officers acting like Stormtroopers, yes it is.
They are rioters threatening to burn a building down. You don't hand cretins like that a lollypop and ask them to go home, Buttercup.


DHS are in unmarked vehicles, because you know, the democrats Brown Shirts attack the marked ones with Molotov cocktails


They arrest the democrat Brown Shirts and the BLM Klan when they attack a federal courthouse, and Nazi Piglousy claims THEY are stormtroopers?

And then we get this fake story about DHS snatching innocent Brown Shirts and Klansmen who dindo nuffin just cuz dey burning down the court?

The Pettibone story is a lie, a hoax. But federal officers ARE arresting democrats who attack federal property.
Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.

You do grasp that this didn't actually happen and that You Tuber Mark Pettibone is the ONLY source of the claim?

Not that you care, facts get in your way.

You're so dishonest you could work for CNN.

You do grasp that there are lots of others who are reporting this:

Neither WAPO nor NPR are in the habit of promoting stories they haven't verified. USA also has a piece, and Nancy Pelosi wouldn't be commenting on this if she wasn't certain of the sources as well. The Democrats are not in the habit of just making shit up. That would be the conservative right wing media. The ones we keep calling out as "questionable sources"

Right wing conservatives are so accustomed to being lied to that they assume everyone does it. They don't. .
Unfreaking believable!

Nancy Pelosi

Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic.
@DHSgov's actions in Portland undermine its mission. Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.
8:10 PM · Jul 17, 2020·

she never mentioned "police"

she specified "stormtroopers"
Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.

No, he's rebuilding the republic that was attempted to be destroyed by the globalist, communist, Marxist terrorist enemies of this soverien country called America. Sit back and watch as your love of it all comes crumbling down.
Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.

You do grasp that this didn't actually happen and that You Tuber Mark Pettibone is the ONLY source of the claim?

Not that you care, facts get in your way.

You're so dishonest you could work for CNN.

You do grasp that there are lots of others who are reporting this:

Neither WAPO nor NPR are in the habit of promoting stories they haven't verified. USA also has a piece, and Nancy Pelosi wouldn't be commenting on this if she wasn't certain of the sources as well. The Democrats are not in the habit of just making shit up. That would be the conservative right wing media. The ones we keep calling out as "questionable sources"

Right wing conservatives are so accustomed to being lied to that they assume everyone does it. They don't. .

What law did they violate by using unmarked cars, you blithering nincompoop!
Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.

Are you kidding with this? You have mobs of terrorist thugs out west taking over blocks of American cities declaring themselves soverign territories, and you are saying Trump is ending the Republic? You're side want's to totally dismantle the republic in favor of some Socialist wet dream....
Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.

You do grasp that this didn't actually happen and that You Tuber Mark Pettibone is the ONLY source of the claim?

Not that you care, facts get in your way.

You're so dishonest you could work for CNN.

You do grasp that there are lots of others who are reporting this:

Neither WAPO nor NPR are in the habit of promoting stories they haven't verified. USA also has a piece, and Nancy Pelosi wouldn't be commenting on this if she wasn't certain of the sources as well. The Democrats are not in the habit of just making shit up. That would be the conservative right wing media. The ones we keep calling out as "questionable sources"

Right wing conservatives are so accustomed to being lied to that they assume everyone does it. They don't. .

What law did they violate by using unmarked cars, you blithering nincompoop!

It's simple, she wants the bad people to succeed, so she is here defending the indefensible. Take it with a grain of salt, but take it seriously.
A show of hands, who supports lawless destruction of property, rioting, and looting? Thought so now STFU you leftist scum.

I don't.

who supports lawless police killing black joggers in the street?

i see a lot of conservative hands going up!

thought so, so now STFU you rightwing scum
Against law and order....yeah...go with that Nancy.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Against jack booted federal stormtroopers who have invaded this country.
Funny how you libs have come full circle....just 4 years ago you tards were making fun of us for calling law enforcement jack clowns are just not sincere enough to lead the nation....
A show of hands, who supports lawless destruction of property, rioting, and looting? Thought so now STFU you leftist scum.

I don't.

who supports lawless police killing black joggers in the street?

i see a lot of conservative hands going up!

thought so, so now STFU you rightwing scum
Police killing black joggers in the street ?? First off these weren't active duty police, and secondly that wasn't no jogger just out for a jog you dishonest race baiting hack.
Police officers, by law, have to identify themselves.
Take this into consideration:

"CBP agents identified themselves and were wearing CBP insignia during the encounter. The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country."

Gee the copps
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

Bullshit. This is stormtrooper tactics which are both illegal and dispicable.

You fools are the in the water as Trump turns up the heat of totalitarian dictatorship. This is EXACTLY what Russia did in the Ukraine.

He’s ending the Republic and you’re cheering him on.

You do grasp that this didn't actually happen and that You Tuber Mark Pettibone is the ONLY source of the claim?

Not that you care, facts get in your way.

You're so dishonest you could work for CNN.

You do grasp that there are lots of others who are reporting this:

Neither WAPO nor NPR are in the habit of promoting stories they haven't verified. USA also has a piece, and Nancy Pelosi wouldn't be commenting on this if she wasn't certain of the sources as well. The Democrats are not in the habit of just making shit up. That would be the conservative right wing media. The ones we keep calling out as "questionable sources"

Right wing conservatives are so accustomed to being lied to that they assume everyone does it. They don't. .

Look what you Maoists did there.

FIRST we start with this lie that US Marshals are swooping in on Dindus and "kidnapping them"

THEN when called on your lies you say, "see it's true because they are in unmarked vehicles and taking rioters into custody for questioning."

Now WaPo and NPR are notorious for promoting stories they haven't verified, and for flat out lying. ALL of the stories flow back to a single claim by Mark Pettibone, a YouTube promoter and radical ANTIFA Brown Shirt. Every single DNC propaganda outlet from WaPo to DailyKOS is quoting the SAME Oregon Public Broadcasting story. As noted, WaPo and NPR virtually never verify stories that promote the agenda.

But see, it's not true, it's a hoax. YOU changed the story. The CLAIM was that DHS is snatching "peaceful rioter" for no reason and disappearing them. That of course is a flat out lie. NOW you circle around that DHS is in unmarked vehicles. The trick is to make it sound like this supports the initial slander. It doesn't, but that is the basis of your hoax.

See, if the little Goebbels ran the headline "DHS uses unmarked vehicles to avoid being attacked by rioters" no one would bother. But "DHS is snatching people from the streets" is shocking. It's also a straight up lie.
Shut up. Jack Posobiec is a credible source. He a reporter for One America News Network.

About as credible as the guys from Project Veritas....NOT!!
Never cite Twitter as a source. The only thing waiting for you is pain!!
So, did Nazi post that or not?

Again, I didn't have the full story last night. Went to bed. Her tweet appears to be 100% on the nose.
Dictators use governmental organizations to suppress legitimate protest. We don't do this in a democracy.
What is it with citing Twitter feeds? Please...just stop. These aren't any way shape or form.
Shut up. Jack Posobiec is a credible source. He a reporter for One America News Network.

Cult45's newest news network is right wing biased as hell. Stop gaslighting.

What a fucking retard.


“It started as a place for journalism and deteriorated into a place for rage,” one Times staffer told The Post. “The masthead reads Slack and doesn’t do anything about it.”

Times brass, in fact, are “terrified of the young ‘wokes,'” the source said.

“It’s [Bari] as a person that many find unacceptable,” added a second person familiar with the matter. “She doesn’t fit neatly into boxes of being on a side, and that really frustrates a lot of people.”

In a statement responding to Weiss’ missive, a Times spokeswoman said the paper was “committed to fostering an environment of honest, searching and empathetic dialogue between colleagues, one where mutual respect is required of all.”

That claim, however, has been undermined by how Weiss’ colleagues freely vented against her on Twitter in starkly personal terms both before and after her resignation.

Styles reporter Taylor Lorenz in May publicly attacked Weiss’ story about MMA commentator and podcaster Joe Rogan as “dishonest” and “untrue.” In her piece Weiss attributed Rogan’s popularity with men to his embrace of more traditional expressions of masculinity like hunting and body building.


You Maoists are beyond belief
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

Jackoffinthesoup is Khmer Rouge. He seeks to end the United States in favor of a global Marxist dictatorship. I posted Rapey Joe calling to defund the police - we'll see if the Commie fuck lies or runs..

Go back to your alt-right hidey-hole. Maybe those "patriots" you adore from Project Veritas have something that will soothe your righteous indignation.

You people mock Project Veritas yet they always expose your side.

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