Nancy Pelosi On Twitter Just Compared Police Officers To Nazi Stormtroopers

Shut up. Jack Posobiec is a credible source. He a reporter for One America News Network.

About as credible as the guys from Project Veritas....NOT!!
Never cite Twitter as a source. The only thing waiting for you is pain!!

Comrade Traitor, Project Veritas is 100% credible. You don't like that they expose you as what you are, evil traitors.

{ Welcome to the Project Veritas 'Wall of Shame', a place where blue checkmark mainstream media "journalists" reputations go to die. The 'Wall of Shame' is the place where we post retractions that these "journalists" have had to print over the years about James O'Keefe or Project Veritas. To date, over 300 "journalists" just couldn't stick to the facts in their reporting and were forced to print the glorious retractions you see here. Enjoy. }

You vile scum lie, Veritas exposes the truth.
Stormtroopers vs. Brownshirts. Brownshirts are ripping people from their cars and beating them as well as destroying cities because they hate US.
I think doxxing is as cowardly as can be. Surely they have a badge with a number though, don't they?

She is using some very strong words in that tweet. One would almost think that maybe some of these "protesters" are paid agitators...

I think as I've believed from day one, that local authorities don't want to deal with it as they are goading Trump to send the Feds in, for just such a response from his opponents. I hope he doesn't take the bait. I hear even people on Fox News suggesting this, and only a few seem to agree with me that this is designed to create a narrative. Terms such as "storm troopers" is just one such attempt.
Will reply here with you in regards to your post.

The situation is a two edged sword for Trump. If they coax him into a strong federal response, then they can use that against him, but if he doesn't utilize the federal government to put down an uprising in the state's that threaten the Union or well being of our societies, then they will use that against him as well. He can't win in the situation, so if I were him I would decide to go in very aggressively, restore peace, declare Marshall law in the state's having the most problem's, federally arrest the leadership's who fueled the problems, and then create holding cells in the same capacity for these violent protestor's, (otherwise in the same capacity or numbers there of as the hospital beds that were being created if nessesary for the virus), and then address the nation soon afterwards.

He has an opportunity right now to make these Democrat's and their radical supporters look like the most weakest idiots this country has ever witnessed.

He has an opportunity to reach President Lincoln's status in history (not the bad part), but all that was good that he did, so let's just see how it all goes.
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Unfreaking believable!

Nancy Pelosi

Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic.
@DHSgov's actions in Portland undermine its mission. Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.
8:10 PM · Jul 17, 2020·

From what I read, she was right.
When we have people acting like law doesn't exist this is what happens.

No, honestly, there's really no excuse for the government to act like this...

This is going to boomerang in your faces.

oh fuck that shit.

there's no reason to be tearing down statues and throwing bricks at the officers. THIS IS WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO THAT.

lord you are a dooshesuckdelux.
Unfreaking believable!

Nancy Pelosi

Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic.
@DHSgov's actions in Portland undermine its mission. Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.
8:10 PM · Jul 17, 2020·

She is 100% right. These jack booted thugs have invaded our country. They are enemies of the people as are Trump and his supporters.

We aren't going any where, it's time to get rid of your Antifa boy's.
It’s pretty sad that our police have to go nameless, soon will be wearing masks, to hide their identity like the police do in Mexico. All because Democrats have basically become like the cartels now, targeting police and their families.

You are the Nazis no. They have to go nameless because they are thugs.
Liberals are Nazis, and you need to be wiped out.
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
You don't believe that's Pelosi's Twitter account?

I believe you took what she tweeted out of context and shaped it to suit your narrative.
No you stupid asses want to get rid of the police. Just think if you get rid of them. Who is gonna protect you from us, the silent majority?

No one but the most extremes are talking about disbanding the police. Even defunding (after the initial fervor) will be looked at critically by level headed individuals.
So I admit I didn't have the whole story about Pelosi's tweets last night. So I'll offer a blanket response. It looks like she was 100% correct. We don't do this
in a democracy. This is how dictators behave. And here's a hint for you. The whole "law and order" thing? It's falling flat on its face.
This will come back to bite the right in the ass (for supporting it).
So Biden is the extreme? He mentioned it the other day. Can't wait for Trump to use it in one of the debates!

Biden isn't talking about doing either. You are swallowing Trump's bullshit. I believe Chris Wallace of Fox sent him into a tailspin the other day telling him that Biden never said that..and doesn't believe it. It was funny as hell to watch.
I heard it myself, so quit trying to defend him. The problem is, you will still vote for him.

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