Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

. OK, but this doesn't apply if the foriegn government or government official was accused of something it was not guilty of, and then that government has sanctions put on it by a part of this government that was not authorized by the Congress of the United States who would have had to review the case, and then vote as to whether those accusations or sanctions were legal or not. Flynn is no more guilty than Obama was for by passing the Congress for sanctioning a country, and therefore authorizing an act of war against a country in which the sanctions represent.
Oh come now; giving a bunch of Russian spies the boot is hardly an act of war.
. It is an act of war. Period.
Shock and Awe to destroy Iraq is an act of war. Showing the door to a bunch of GRU operatives aint.
. Sanctions against a country is an act of war.

No, they are sanctions. Do you even understand what war is? Sanctions are more an act of anti-war. They are a alternative to war.
. Says you, but if you are the country the sanctions are being put on, then you can interpret them as either peaceful or hostile. If you are a powerful nation that is being accused of something that you figure you are innocent of (tampering with an election to the point of causing an outcome in that election), and this you are being accused of politically by another nation, and yet you have sanctions implemented against you anyway although you figure you are innocent of such charges, then of course you might get p.o.ed about it. You might even see it as an act of war because you are being shamed on the world stage as if you are weak and gullable enough to put up with such bull crap that has taken place in all of this so far. Is it OK for another nation to like one candidate over another in any elections held in a nation ? What about Obama injecting himself into the Israeli elections or his involvement in the Egyptian elections ?? Do we operate with a double standard in the world or on the world stage ??
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. OK, but this doesn't apply if the foriegn government or government official was accused of something it was not guilty of, and then that government has sanctions put on it by a part of this government that was not authorized by the Congress of the United States who would have had to review the case, and then vote as to whether those accusations or sanctions were legal or not. Flynn is no more guilty than Obama was for by passing the Congress for sanctioning a country, and therefore authorizing an act of war against a country in which the sanctions represent.
Oh come now; giving a bunch of Russian spies the boot is hardly an act of war.
. It is an act of war. Period.
Shock and Awe to destroy Iraq is an act of war. Showing the door to a bunch of GRU operatives aint.
. Sanctions against a country is an act of war.
Annexing Crimea is an act of war against a sovereign state that justifies sanctions.
. Not when the majority of the citizens in the Crimea wanted Russian intervention right ? Where is the revolt in the Crimea as we speak ??
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
. They didn't react to Obama, because they knew it was all just Obama throwing a temper tantrum because Hillary his puppet was losing, but the left is so furious that they are putting this nation at risk because of their idiocy found in all of the escalation they have since caused on the issue. Russia is no fool or puppet of the left, and the left is playing with fire on the world stage.

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

Nancy Pelousy. Yeah, we care what that SF bimbo thinks.
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
It was unnerving enough having a so-called president all cozy with Putin but the Head of Security lying about chatting with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions is a step too far.
. If Obama levied those sanctions against Russia based upon accusations that were highly politicized, then of course we would try to assure the Russians that the sanctions would be short lived, and that the sanctions were just a reaction by a party that wanted to strike out at anything that they felt would not support their candidate in the election.
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...

"Putin didn't retaliate in any way"

Why did you want Putin to retaliate? What did you want, were you hoping for an actual war to begin or what were you hoping for?
Where did Lakhota state that he wanted pootin to retaliate? I'll help you out, stupid. He didn't. Obviously reading comprehension isn't your forte.
. You can read Lakhota's mind ??
Are their members of the Intel community in hot water now ? Has it become so politicized to the point that they have compromised our national security ? The left for 8 years under Obama had become crazy rabid in it's thinking to fundementally transform the nation, and they have infiltrated with their ideological views or have strategically placed their minions into positions to undermine this nation if have to, and we are seeing it all first hand now.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.
You are attributing a motive for lying to Flynn and you want it to look noble because it was to pacify the left but this is speculation. What is not speculation is that he lied and it was to the Vice President who then went on the networks to defend him. Regardless of the motive, not being able to trust the man with the truth is a no-no. He harmed Trump's team. He had to go.

You seem to be pretty loose with the truth.

What's your excuse.
Why be insulting?
Expecting someone who is in charge of security for the United States to tell the truth to the Vice President is not a big ask.

I don't trust Mike "Moral Orel" Pence anymore than Trump or Flynn.

Who cares who you trust.
LAKHOTA makes interesting posts that anyone could benefit from reading.
Are their members of the Intel community in hot water now ? Has it become so politicized to the point that they have compromised our national security ? The left for 8 years under Obama had become crazy rabid in it's thinking to fundementally transform the nation, and they have infiltrated with their ideological views or have strategically placed their minions into positions to undermine this nation if have to, and we are seeing it all first hand now.
I cannot respond to your obsession about "The left".
As for the intelligence community, I wager any high school student takes for granted that the Russian embassy telephones are tapped by the CIA. The CIA would have passed on to the so-called president that Flynn had been discussing the sanctions on Russia with Russian ambassador.

Now, the CIA might have not ruled-out that these chats were on behalf of Trump and at Trump's request. What a position for the CIA to be in. One of the so-called president's men in charge of security possibly compromised and a sitting president also compromised by a traditional foe! How does a top agent for the CIA handle the news that the White House is a security risk?

No, its is not the CIA that is in hot water but the so-called president of the United States. The madman is not up to the job and the majority of Americans know this. Chaos reigns in the Oval Office.
Oh come now; giving a bunch of Russian spies the boot is hardly an act of war.
. It is an act of war. Period.
Shock and Awe to destroy Iraq is an act of war. Showing the door to a bunch of GRU operatives aint.
. Sanctions against a country is an act of war.
Annexing Crimea is an act of war against a sovereign state that justifies sanctions.
. Not when the majority of the citizens in the Crimea wanted Russian intervention right ? Where is the revolt in the Crimea as we speak ??
This is not how it works. Foreign countries taking part of another country, even if the majority of people there prefer to be taken-over, is an act of war and illegal under international law since WWII. The borders of Europe have been fought-over for many centuries. A political map of Europe from a hundred years ago does not resemble a modern map. It was time to find a peaceful way to change borders if they needed changing. The Crimean people could have petitioned the government in Kiev to be given autonomy. Having a large degree of self-government has kept the lid on bloodshed in other parts of Europe. This is by far a better solution than invasion.
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
. They didn't react to Obama, because they knew it was all just Obama throwing a temper tantrum because Hillary his puppet was losing, but the left is so furious that they are putting this nation at risk because of their idiocy found in all of the escalation they have since caused on the issue. Russia is no fool or puppet of the left, and the left is playing with fire on the world stage.
I do not know who "the left" are but it looks to me that it is the so-called President Trump who is risking the welfare of American allies by smooching with the Russians or having his choice of security secretary do the betrayal for him. Perhaps Flynn has a shred of honor left in him that prevents him from ratting on Trump.
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
It was unnerving enough having a so-called president all cozy with Putin but the Head of Security lying about chatting with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions is a step too far.
. If Obama levied those sanctions against Russia based upon accusations that were highly politicized, then of course we would try to assure the Russians that the sanctions would be short lived, and that the sanctions were just a reaction by a party that wanted to strike out at anything that they felt would not support their candidate in the election.
The more I read your posts the less I know what you are talking about. The sanctions put on Russia after the annexation of Crimea are international involving a score of countries including Canada, the European Union (EU), European countries not in the EU, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Your talk of an American political party is baffling.
You are attributing a motive for lying to Flynn and you want it to look noble because it was to pacify the left but this is speculation. What is not speculation is that he lied and it was to the Vice President who then went on the networks to defend him. Regardless of the motive, not being able to trust the man with the truth is a no-no. He harmed Trump's team. He had to go.

You seem to be pretty loose with the truth.

What's your excuse.
Why be insulting?
Expecting someone who is in charge of security for the United States to tell the truth to the Vice President is not a big ask.

I don't trust Mike "Moral Orel" Pence anymore than Trump or Flynn.

Who cares who you trust.
LAKHOTA makes interesting posts that anyone could benefit from reading.

Sure....if you want your I.Q. to drop 10 points.

Do me a favor.......
Are their members of the Intel community in hot water now ? Has it become so politicized to the point that they have compromised our national security ? The left for 8 years under Obama had become crazy rabid in it's thinking to fundementally transform the nation, and they have infiltrated with their ideological views or have strategically placed their minions into positions to undermine this nation if have to, and we are seeing it all first hand now.
I cannot respond to your obsession about "The left".
As for the intelligence community, I wager any high school student takes for granted that the Russian embassy telephones are tapped by the CIA. The CIA would have passed on to the so-called president that Flynn had been discussing the sanctions on Russia with Russian ambassador.

Now, the CIA might have not ruled-out that these chats were on behalf of Trump and at Trump's request. What a position for the CIA to be in. One of the so-called president's men in charge of security possibly compromised and a sitting president also compromised by a traditional foe! How does a top agent for the CIA handle the news that the White House is a security risk?

No, its is not the CIA that is in hot water but the so-called president of the United States. The madman is not up to the job and the majority of Americans know this. Chaos reigns in the Oval Office.
. You paint a speculating picture without proof, but you go with that. Your corrupt Obama Intel operatives will be outed, and then what ?
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
It was unnerving enough having a so-called president all cozy with Putin but the Head of Security lying about chatting with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions is a step too far.
. If Obama levied those sanctions against Russia based upon accusations that were highly politicized, then of course we would try to assure the Russians that the sanctions would be short lived, and that the sanctions were just a reaction by a party that wanted to strike out at anything that they felt would not support their candidate in the election.
The more I read your posts the less I know what you are talking about. The sanctions put on Russia after the annexation of Crimea are international involving a score of countries including Canada, the European Union (EU), European countries not in the EU, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Your talk of an American political party is baffling.
. I'm talking about the sanctions where Obama took it upon himself to throw sanctions on Russia over his failure to get Hillary elected, and therefore decided to blame Russia over it.
Are their members of the Intel community in hot water now ? Has it become so politicized to the point that they have compromised our national security ? The left for 8 years under Obama had become crazy rabid in it's thinking to fundementally transform the nation, and they have infiltrated with their ideological views or have strategically placed their minions into positions to undermine this nation if have to, and we are seeing it all first hand now.
I cannot respond to your obsession about "The left".
As for the intelligence community, I wager any high school student takes for granted that the Russian embassy telephones are tapped by the CIA. The CIA would have passed on to the so-called president that Flynn had been discussing the sanctions on Russia with Russian ambassador.

Now, the CIA might have not ruled-out that these chats were on behalf of Trump and at Trump's request. What a position for the CIA to be in. One of the so-called president's men in charge of security possibly compromised and a sitting president also compromised by a traditional foe! How does a top agent for the CIA handle the news that the White House is a security risk?

No, its is not the CIA that is in hot water but the so-called president of the United States. The madman is not up to the job and the majority of Americans know this. Chaos reigns in the Oval Office.
. You paint a speculating picture without proof, but you go with that. Your corrupt Obama Intel operatives will be outed, and then what ?
Unlike so-called president Trump, I believe the mainstream media.
There is a reason this country took the house away from Obama after two years and have given it to the GOP for the last six (and next two).

Yes, and the same that it will flip once again in a couple years. Government isn't working because of the two parties fighting with each other and every couple of years of things not working people want change... thinking it will change how well government works. And just like any other cycle, it doesn't change a damn thing... and in a couple of years people will vote for the other party... and so on and so on. Nothing will EVER change until they either get rid of the two party system, or the two parties final decide to work together.

The Senate should of flipped last year, it won't in 2018 the democrats have way to many seats up for grabs
After the repubs performance lately, the Democrats will take control of Congress.

3 weeks? You said that about the sequester.. Not on your life the children will wear out just like The OWS kiddies did

On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
It was unnerving enough having a so-called president all cozy with Putin but the Head of Security lying about chatting with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions is a step too far.
. If Obama levied those sanctions against Russia based upon accusations that were highly politicized, then of course we would try to assure the Russians that the sanctions would be short lived, and that the sanctions were just a reaction by a party that wanted to strike out at anything that they felt would not support their candidate in the election.
The more I read your posts the less I know what you are talking about. The sanctions put on Russia after the annexation of Crimea are international involving a score of countries including Canada, the European Union (EU), European countries not in the EU, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Your talk of an American political party is baffling.
. I'm talking about the sanctions where Obama took it upon himself to throw sanctions on Russia over his failure to get Hillary elected, and therefore decided to blame Russia over it.

he had the right to sanction Russia for interfering in our elections.

and the Russian operatives that the Donald seems to like employing had no right to play with the actions of our president during their campaign.

or is that beyond you?
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
It was unnerving enough having a so-called president all cozy with Putin but the Head of Security lying about chatting with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions is a step too far.
. If Obama levied those sanctions against Russia based upon accusations that were highly politicized, then of course we would try to assure the Russians that the sanctions would be short lived, and that the sanctions were just a reaction by a party that wanted to strike out at anything that they felt would not support their candidate in the election.
The more I read your posts the less I know what you are talking about. The sanctions put on Russia after the annexation of Crimea are international involving a score of countries including Canada, the European Union (EU), European countries not in the EU, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Your talk of an American political party is baffling.
. I'm talking about the sanctions where Obama took it upon himself to throw sanctions on Russia over his failure to get Hillary elected, and therefore decided to blame Russia over it.
As I understand it, Obama simply gave the boot to a bunch of Russian spies. No big deal.

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