Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.
. Obama attacking a foreign nation without Congress was wrong, and he should be brought before them for his treachery because it endangers this nation, and all of us here. There needs to be hearings on his accusations, and then his actions against a foriegn country without the Congress approval.

It wasn't an attack. He had people that they felt broke laws as foreign nationals to leave the country... he's allowed to do that.
. It all needs to be heard by Congress in a hearing. Period.
No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.
. Obama attacking a foreign nation without Congress was wrong, and he should be brought before them for his treachery because it endangers this nation, and all of us here. There needs to be hearings on his accusations, and then his actions against a foriegn country without the Congress approval.

It wasn't an attack. He had people that they felt broke laws as foreign nationals to leave the country... he's allowed to do that.
. It all needs to be heard by Congress in a hearing. Period.

No, it doesn't. And your opinion isn't law.
Jesse Jackson in 1984, went unauthorised to Cuba and Nicaragua, he returned to America with several Cuban political prisoners seeking asylum in the United States ALL UNAUTHORISED, not what you term a Goodwill ambassador promising nothing....but unauthorised and making an unauthorised back-door deal with Cuba and returning to America with political prisoners, a violation of The Logan Act.

Lord have mercy on your poor little soul. You don't understand a fucking thing. Please read the Logan Act:

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Logan Act - Wikipedia

Now, what kind of dispute did those political prisoners have to do with a dispute or controversy?

There was no deal with Cuba. Cuba didn't ask for anything in return for the freed prisoners.

"Mr. Castro said he had released the prisoners ''as a result of Rev. Jackson's visit. I did it for him and for the people of the United States.''

Mr. Castro said he did not expect Mr. Reagan to make a similar posture gesture toward Cuba, saying ''we have not demanded anything in return at all.'' He added:

''I have no knowledge of what the Administration is thinking but we have not asked for anything.''"


There was no deal made like the one Flynn made.
. OK, but this doesn't apply if the foriegn government or government official was accused of something it was not guilty of, and then that government has sanctions put on it by a part of this government that was not authorized by the Congress of the United States who would have had to review the case, and then vote as to whether those accusations or sanctions were legal or not. Flynn is no more guilty than Obama was for by passing the Congress for sanctioning a country, and therefore authorizing an act of war against a country in which the sanctions represent.
Oh come now; giving a bunch of Russian spies the boot is hardly an act of war.
. It is an act of war. Period.
Shock and Awe to destroy Iraq is an act of war. Showing the door to a bunch of GRU operatives aint.
. Sanctions against a country is an act of war.

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

This is all about the Dems not liking Flynn and not wanting Trump as president. They are planning and searching constantly. but you know they are ridiculous hypocrites, especialy Pelosi. Dont forget how the DEms rallied around this clown.
Sandy Berger's Little Mistake

Democrats know virtually nothing about national security, proof being that they are the people who believe Islands can flip over when they are used to store too many munitions :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. they can never live that one down either, It was one of the most embarrassing moments in human kind history. Please tell these people to stop lecturing us on things regarding stupidity.
Yeah this is all about the Dems not liking Trump. Which dem held a gun to Flynn's head and made him call the Russian ambassador and talk about the Russian sanctions WHILE OBAMA WAS STILL PRESIDENT?
We're all ears.
. If Obama's actions against Russia were pure political bull crap, and his actions were to try and derail Trump's presidency by using the power of his office to do so, then he needs to be brought before the Congress for his actions in order to be heard in a hearing. Flynn consoling the Russians on the matter was a service to the American people if Obama's interference in the election on Hillary's behalf, and his illegal actions afterwards had put this nations security at risk.
Americans do not want fifth columnists in the Executive.
Lord have mercy on your poor little soul. You don't understand a fucking thing. Please read the Logan Act:

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Logan Act - Wikipedia

Now, what kind of dispute did those political prisoners have to do with a dispute or controversy?

There was no deal with Cuba. Cuba didn't ask for anything in return for the freed prisoners.

"Mr. Castro said he had released the prisoners ''as a result of Rev. Jackson's visit. I did it for him and for the people of the United States.''

Mr. Castro said he did not expect Mr. Reagan to make a similar posture gesture toward Cuba, saying ''we have not demanded anything in return at all.'' He added:

''I have no knowledge of what the Administration is thinking but we have not asked for anything.''"


There was no deal made like the one Flynn made.
. OK, but this doesn't apply if the foriegn government or government official was accused of something it was not guilty of, and then that government has sanctions put on it by a part of this government that was not authorized by the Congress of the United States who would have had to review the case, and then vote as to whether those accusations or sanctions were legal or not. Flynn is no more guilty than Obama was for by passing the Congress for sanctioning a country, and therefore authorizing an act of war against a country in which the sanctions represent.
Oh come now; giving a bunch of Russian spies the boot is hardly an act of war.
. It is an act of war. Period.
Shock and Awe to destroy Iraq is an act of war. Showing the door to a bunch of GRU operatives aint.
. Sanctions against a country is an act of war.

No, they are sanctions. Do you even understand what war is? Sanctions are more an act of anti-war. They are a alternative to war.
Lord have mercy on your poor little soul. You don't understand a fucking thing. Please read the Logan Act:

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Logan Act - Wikipedia

Now, what kind of dispute did those political prisoners have to do with a dispute or controversy?

There was no deal with Cuba. Cuba didn't ask for anything in return for the freed prisoners.

"Mr. Castro said he had released the prisoners ''as a result of Rev. Jackson's visit. I did it for him and for the people of the United States.''

Mr. Castro said he did not expect Mr. Reagan to make a similar posture gesture toward Cuba, saying ''we have not demanded anything in return at all.'' He added:

''I have no knowledge of what the Administration is thinking but we have not asked for anything.''"


There was no deal made like the one Flynn made.
. OK, but this doesn't apply if the foriegn government or government official was accused of something it was not guilty of, and then that government has sanctions put on it by a part of this government that was not authorized by the Congress of the United States who would have had to review the case, and then vote as to whether those accusations or sanctions were legal or not. Flynn is no more guilty than Obama was for by passing the Congress for sanctioning a country, and therefore authorizing an act of war against a country in which the sanctions represent.
Oh come now; giving a bunch of Russian spies the boot is hardly an act of war.
. It is an act of war. Period.
Shock and Awe to destroy Iraq is an act of war. Showing the door to a bunch of GRU operatives aint.
. Sanctions against a country is an act of war.
Annexing Crimea is an act of war against a sovereign state that justifies sanctions.
No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.
. Obama attacking a foreign nation without Congress was wrong, and he should be brought before them for his treachery because it endangers this nation, and all of us here. There needs to be hearings on his accusations, and then his actions against a foriegn country without the Congress approval.

It wasn't an attack. He had people that they felt broke laws as foreign nationals to leave the country... he's allowed to do that.
. It all needs to be heard by Congress in a hearing. Period.

President Trump needs to replace Michael Flynn with the most PARTISAN and most HARDCORE POS that walks this earth, he needs to send chills down the spineless spines of all of these slugs on the Left and the slug Cuckservatives and the mega slugs in the MSM, literally President Trump needs someone akin to Darth Vader, a complete Shitlord with brass knuckles.
. OK, but this doesn't apply if the foriegn government or government official was accused of something it was not guilty of, and then that government has sanctions put on it by a part of this government that was not authorized by the Congress of the United States who would have had to review the case, and then vote as to whether those accusations or sanctions were legal or not. Flynn is no more guilty than Obama was for by passing the Congress for sanctioning a country, and therefore authorizing an act of war against a country in which the sanctions represent.
Oh come now; giving a bunch of Russian spies the boot is hardly an act of war.
. It is an act of war. Period.
Shock and Awe to destroy Iraq is an act of war. Showing the door to a bunch of GRU operatives aint.
. Sanctions against a country is an act of war.
Annexing Crimea is an act of war against a sovereign state that justifies sanctions.

Total bullshit, Crimea wasn't annexed, Crimea has belonged to Russia for hundreds of years, since 1783 actually, the Ukranian Nikita Khruschev gave Crimea to Ukraine as a gift in 1954.

There was a CIA/Washington DC backed Coup in Ukraine, if you wasn't so incredibly moronic with a head full of sawdust you'd be aware, Victoria Nuland and Co. How someone as stupid as you even has access to the Internet is ludicrous.
. OK, but this doesn't apply if the foriegn government or government official was accused of something it was not guilty of, and then that government has sanctions put on it by a part of this government that was not authorized by the Congress of the United States who would have had to review the case, and then vote as to whether those accusations or sanctions were legal or not. Flynn is no more guilty than Obama was for by passing the Congress for sanctioning a country, and therefore authorizing an act of war against a country in which the sanctions represent.
Oh come now; giving a bunch of Russian spies the boot is hardly an act of war.
. It is an act of war. Period.
Shock and Awe to destroy Iraq is an act of war. Showing the door to a bunch of GRU operatives aint.
. Sanctions against a country is an act of war.
Annexing Crimea is an act of war against a sovereign state that justifies sanctions.

If Russia wanted the Ukraine they would have taken the Ukraine by now, this situation has been ongoing for two years, this suggests that Russia has no interest in taking the Ukraine and why would they? The Ukraine is a bankrupt nation now financially in debt to the IMF who had to give them a massive loan due to them having no money anymore.

The people of Crimea had a referendum which was monitored by the EU, the choice they had was if they wanted to remain with the Ukraine post-Victoria Nudelman wife of Neo-Conservative and fat fuck Robert Kagan organised Coup or return to where the Crimea has always belonged with Russia, most of the Crimea is Russian.

Victoria Nudelman discussing the Coup and who she wants as a new President of the new Neo-Conservative Vassal Failed State of The Ukraine with Geoffrey Pyatt.

On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...

"Putin didn't retaliate in any way"

Why did you want Putin to retaliate? What did you want, were you hoping for an actual war to begin or what were you hoping for?
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
It was unnerving enough having a so-called president all cozy with Putin but the Head of Security lying about chatting with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions is a step too far.
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...

"Putin didn't retaliate in any way"

Why did you want Putin to retaliate? What did you want, were you hoping for an actual war to begin or what were you hoping for?
Where did Lakhota state that he wanted pootin to retaliate? I'll help you out, stupid. He didn't. Obviously reading comprehension isn't your forte.
On the very same day, right after President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and assorted spies, Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador. Why? What did they discuss? Also, as has been customary in the past - Putin didn't retaliate in any way or expel any U.S. ambassadors from Russia. Interesting...
It was unnerving enough having a so-called president all cozy with Putin but the Head of Security lying about chatting with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions is a step too far.

I brought up Crimea with you, unable to respond because it's disrupts your Propaganda Talking Points that have been fed into your sawdust head?

Give me a break. The man has had a higher clearance than the dingbat Pelosi has his entire career. Who gives a crap what Nancy dingbat Pelosi thinks?
Ok, little commies....please explain to me why it could POSSIBLY be wrong for Flynn to talk to Russian leaders?
What justifies the sanctions placed on Russia for allowing Crimea to be annexed???

How does talking to Russia (a country that has been basically surrounded by NATO troops) a bad thing when the prior admin was behind ISIS and the unbelievably disgusting events that took place in Libya and Syria all financed by the puppet-masters that pulled Hitlery and Barrypuppet's strings????

You want mutually assured destruction? You idiots are the biggest bunch of butthurt, ignorant sacks of shit on the planet.....seriously.
Ok, little commies....please explain to me why it could POSSIBLY be wrong for Flynn to talk to Russian leaders?
What justifies the sanctions placed on Russia for allowing Crimea to be annexed???

How does talking to Russia (a country that has been basically surrounded by NATO troops) a bad thing when the prior admin was behind ISIS and the unbelievably disgusting events that took place in Libya and Syria all financed by the puppet-masters that pulled Hitlery and Barrypuppet's strings????

You want mutually assured destruction? You idiots are the biggest bunch of butthurt, ignorant sacks of shit on the planet.....seriously.

That's what they want Dale, mutually assured destruction, the Leftists have always wanted war, Obama is the only President where America was at war for his entire two terms, he didn't get WWIII with Russia because Putin is a clever man, but the String Pullers, the International Globalists still are determined to get WWIII and those in both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party who the International Globalists have bought and paid for are determined to do their Masters bidding for them.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.
You are attributing a motive for lying to Flynn and you want it to look noble because it was to pacify the left but this is speculation. What is not speculation is that he lied and it was to the Vice President who then went on the networks to defend him. Regardless of the motive, not being able to trust the man with the truth is a no-no. He harmed Trump's team. He had to go.

You seem to be pretty loose with the truth.

What's your excuse.
Why be insulting?
Expecting someone who is in charge of security for the United States to tell the truth to the Vice President is not a big ask.

Never argued it wasn't.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.
You are attributing a motive for lying to Flynn and you want it to look noble because it was to pacify the left but this is speculation. What is not speculation is that he lied and it was to the Vice President who then went on the networks to defend him. Regardless of the motive, not being able to trust the man with the truth is a no-no. He harmed Trump's team. He had to go.

You seem to be pretty loose with the truth.

What's your excuse.
Why be insulting?
Expecting someone who is in charge of security for the United States to tell the truth to the Vice President is not a big ask.

I don't trust Mike "Moral Orel" Pence anymore than Trump or Flynn.

Who cares who you trust.

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