Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.

Well President Bill Clinton lied under oath.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.

Well President Bill Clinton lied under oath.

Bill Clinton should have been removed from office in my opinion, but guess what, he isn't President and he has nothing to do with national security anymore. Quit fucking crying over spilled milk. He's a part of history... he isn't walking out of the white House and into the Rose Garden anytime soon. When you Trumpbots finally understand that, then maybe we can start to get things fixed in this fucking country.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.
. What's a shame is that you leftist are making the nation blink or second guess itself, and that is a huge national security issue in which you people don't give a crap about. I'll say it again, and that is that the leftist agenda is more important than our nation's security, unity, and well being.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.

Well President Bill Clinton lied under oath.
Bill Clinton could do no wrong in the leftist mind.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.

He wasn't discussing official government business, Michael Flynn said that the new Administration would have a look at lifting the sanctions.

This does not violate a 1798/99 law that prohibits private citizens from talking to members of another Government, at the time Flynn made his comments he was in effect a private citizen.

Jimmy Carter spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, how was that any different than Michael Flynn having a phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador. If Michael Flynn violated The Logan Act, so did Jimmy Carter when he spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, because Carter wasn't officially sanctioned to speak with them.

This from the beginning how been a sordid witch hunt by the Sore Losers of the Left, the Cuckservatives who fought tooth and nail to stop Donald Trump being elected and the Propagandists of the MSM.

Not if Jimmy Carter was asked to do so by a government official as an diplomatic ambassador. Flynn did so in private, and then lied about it. If Flynn did nothing wrong, then why did he lie about it? Flynn was a private citizen, and if he told the Russians to stay cool and not retaliate for Obama's sanctions because when Trump got into office he would ease them, he was negotiating a deal on behave of the government when he was a private citizen... that is the Logan Act to a tee.

Jessie Jackson did it also in 1984, unauthorised communication with Cuba and Nicaragua.

The way many see this is that Flynn was attempting to prevent an escalation, as in smooth talking the Russian Ambassador to tell Moscow to not react to Obama putting yet more sanctions on Russia in his last weeks in office and also expelling the Russian diplomats.

Now also many people know that the frothing at the mouth Leftists, the Cuckservatives and the Propagandists in the MSM were collectively crossing their fingers that Moscow would retaliate and many people also know how disappointed they were when Moscow didn't retaliate.

All these psychopaths and maniacs have wanted WWIII for some time, they WANT full-on war with Russia, they have tried every way to get this in the past two years, now they want thew Trump Administration to start war with Russia, well they'll be disappointed again because Trump isn't going to start war with Russia.

There are bigger threats than Russia, like North Korea for example.

Jesse Jackson couldn't make deals. There was nothing he could promise. Do you not understand that? Do you not understand the difference between a Goodwill ambassador and making back-door deals?

Jesse Jackson in 1984, went unauthorised to Cuba and Nicaragua, he returned to America with several Cuban political prisoners seeking asylum in the United States ALL UNAUTHORISED, not what you term a Goodwill ambassador promising nothing....but unauthorised and making an unauthorised back-door deal with Cuba and returning to America with political prisoners, a violation of The Logan Act.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.
. What's a shame is that you leftist are making the nation blink or second guess itself, and that is a huge national security issue in which you people don't give a crap about. I'll say it again, and that is that the leftist agenda is more important than our nation's security, unity, and well being.

I'm not a fucking leftist. I wish both political parties would be disbanded so stupid asses who follow party lines wouldn't be so blind as to what is going on because of their political affiliations. Both parties have this never ending circular idea of "BUT THEY DID IT!" No one cares about doing the right thing anymore, it's all about doing whatever the fuck they want and then when they get caught... "BUT THEY DID IT TOO!"
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.
You are attributing a motive for lying to Flynn and you want it to look noble because it was to pacify the left but this is speculation. What is not speculation is that he lied and it was to the Vice President who then went on the networks to defend him. Regardless of the motive, not being able to trust the man with the truth is a no-no. He harmed Trump's team. He had to go.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.

Well President Bill Clinton lied under oath.

Bill Clinton should have been removed from office in my opinion, but guess what, he isn't President and he has nothing to do with national security anymore. Quit fucking crying over spilled milk. He's a part of history... he isn't walking out of the white House and into the Rose Garden anytime soon. When you Trumpbots finally understand that, then maybe we can start to get things fixed in this fucking country.
. You want to act as if you are bipartisan, when you are using language like Trumpbots etc. ??? Like I said keep talking. You look more crazy with every word.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.
You are attributing a motive for lying to Flynn and you want it to look noble because it was to pacify the left but this is speculation. What is not speculation is that he lied and it was to the Vice President who then went on the networks to defend him. Regardless of the motive, not being able to trust the man with the truth is a no-no. He harmed Trump's team. He had to go.

You seem to be pretty loose with the truth.

What's your excuse.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.

Well President Bill Clinton lied under oath.
Bill Clinton could do no wrong in the leftist mind.

If the crowd now that are the frothing at the mouth Leftists, the Cuckservatives and the Propaganda MSM were around during The Cuban Missile Crisis they would have been DEMANDING that JFK nuke the Soviet Union, if that crowd would have been around then because JFK didn't nuke the Soviet Union they would have DEMANDED he be Impeached as a Russian Agent for NOT nuking the Soviet Union.

Beagle these people are FUCKING INSANE and dangerous lunatics and the Trump Administration needs to take the gloves off and deal with all of them in one, swift swoop.

Several Senators, including two Republican Senators are dangerously close to Sedition as are quite a number of the MSM organisations, there are American Traitors in the midst, the Trump Administration needs to stamp out these snakes in one, swift swoop and make them a very public example of.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.

Well President Bill Clinton lied under oath.
Bill Clinton could do no wrong in the leftist mind.
There are no leftist minds in the United States; only right and far right.
How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.

He wasn't discussing official government business, Michael Flynn said that the new Administration would have a look at lifting the sanctions.

This does not violate a 1798/99 law that prohibits private citizens from talking to members of another Government, at the time Flynn made his comments he was in effect a private citizen.

Jimmy Carter spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, how was that any different than Michael Flynn having a phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador. If Michael Flynn violated The Logan Act, so did Jimmy Carter when he spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, because Carter wasn't officially sanctioned to speak with them.

This from the beginning how been a sordid witch hunt by the Sore Losers of the Left, the Cuckservatives who fought tooth and nail to stop Donald Trump being elected and the Propagandists of the MSM.

Not if Jimmy Carter was asked to do so by a government official as an diplomatic ambassador. Flynn did so in private, and then lied about it. If Flynn did nothing wrong, then why did he lie about it? Flynn was a private citizen, and if he told the Russians to stay cool and not retaliate for Obama's sanctions because when Trump got into office he would ease them, he was negotiating a deal on behave of the government when he was a private citizen... that is the Logan Act to a tee.

Jessie Jackson did it also in 1984, unauthorised communication with Cuba and Nicaragua.

The way many see this is that Flynn was attempting to prevent an escalation, as in smooth talking the Russian Ambassador to tell Moscow to not react to Obama putting yet more sanctions on Russia in his last weeks in office and also expelling the Russian diplomats.

Now also many people know that the frothing at the mouth Leftists, the Cuckservatives and the Propagandists in the MSM were collectively crossing their fingers that Moscow would retaliate and many people also know how disappointed they were when Moscow didn't retaliate.

All these psychopaths and maniacs have wanted WWIII for some time, they WANT full-on war with Russia, they have tried every way to get this in the past two years, now they want thew Trump Administration to start war with Russia, well they'll be disappointed again because Trump isn't going to start war with Russia.

There are bigger threats than Russia, like North Korea for example.

Jesse Jackson couldn't make deals. There was nothing he could promise. Do you not understand that? Do you not understand the difference between a Goodwill ambassador and making back-door deals?

Jesse Jackson in 1984, went unauthorised to Cuba and Nicaragua, he returned to America with several Cuban political prisoners seeking asylum in the United States ALL UNAUTHORISED, not what you term a Goodwill ambassador promising nothing....but unauthorised and making an unauthorised back-door deal with Cuba and returning to America with political prisoners, a violation of The Logan Act.

Lord have mercy on your poor little soul. You don't understand a fucking thing. Please read the Logan Act:

§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Logan Act - Wikipedia

Now, what kind of dispute did those political prisoners have to do with a dispute or controversy?

There was no deal with Cuba. Cuba didn't ask for anything in return for the freed prisoners.

"Mr. Castro said he had released the prisoners ''as a result of Rev. Jackson's visit. I did it for him and for the people of the United States.''

Mr. Castro said he did not expect Mr. Reagan to make a similar posture gesture toward Cuba, saying ''we have not demanded anything in return at all.'' He added:

''I have no knowledge of what the Administration is thinking but we have not asked for anything.''"


There was no deal made like the one Flynn made.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.
You are attributing a motive for lying to Flynn and you want it to look noble because it was to pacify the left but this is speculation. What is not speculation is that he lied and it was to the Vice President who then went on the networks to defend him. Regardless of the motive, not being able to trust the man with the truth is a no-no. He harmed Trump's team. He had to go.
. How does one lie about something there was no need to lie about ? I know how ! It's because the left has infiltrated the circle with their tactics, and they have been successful at getting the administration thinking that if they are accused of something (even if there is nothing to it), then they have to go into defensive mode, and then they begin saying things that are not needed to be said. They need to stop letting the left get into their head, and stop letting them control the message. They are in control now, and the left needs to wait it's turn again.
No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.

Well President Bill Clinton lied under oath.

Bill Clinton should have been removed from office in my opinion, but guess what, he isn't President and he has nothing to do with national security anymore. Quit fucking crying over spilled milk. He's a part of history... he isn't walking out of the white House and into the Rose Garden anytime soon. When you Trumpbots finally understand that, then maybe we can start to get things fixed in this fucking country.
. You want to act as if you are bipartisan, when you are using language like Trumpbots etc. ??? Like I said keep talking. You look more crazy with every word.

Yes I call you guys Trumpbots because that's what you are. You are like little robots that follow the commend of everything that Trump says, does, and wants you to believe. I've called people Hillarybots. I'm not bipartisan, that would mean I believe in both parties... I'm Independent, and don't like any of the political parties and how they act.
It is funny that this Peloski asshole never called for Crooked Hillary's security clearance to be revoked.
No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.
You are attributing a motive for lying to Flynn and you want it to look noble because it was to pacify the left but this is speculation. What is not speculation is that he lied and it was to the Vice President who then went on the networks to defend him. Regardless of the motive, not being able to trust the man with the truth is a no-no. He harmed Trump's team. He had to go.

You seem to be pretty loose with the truth.

What's your excuse.
Why be insulting?
Expecting someone who is in charge of security for the United States to tell the truth to the Vice President is not a big ask.

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