Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

Trump won't have to worry about Russia blackmailing him, he better worry about the intelligence agency of this country trying to make him a puppet. Obama had 8 years of undermining this nation, and now that someone comes in to clean things back up, Obama's left overs are trying to stop him. The Americans will have the last say in it all.
Americans have no say about Trump's performance for another four years.
But he will be gone before then.

Why don't you make a prediction and then stake something on it ?

I love it when people on the left or right say....."this will happen".......

Let's see if you are willing to stake something to it.

Are you ?

Ignore Eloy it's a Paid For Poster and is full of horsecrap.

A paid to post person from the EU on a U.S. message board? Really? That's what you are going to say?

Oh and Trolls always miraculously appear to assist other Trolls in threads, you people aren't even good at it if you were then nobody would notice.

Seriously, read what you type. Why the fuck would anyone pay a poster to write propaganda about Europe on a U.S. message board? Do you even realize how fucking dumb that is?
Stop attempting to frighten people. You are the only one who mentioned assassination.

Should I copy and paste your OWN comments to yourself you Paid To Post Troll?
Sorry to have to inform you but your statements are getting more incoherent.

No and no, I fully am aware what I am posting and the relevant authorities are aware what you are commenting here, you are threatening President Trump with assassination, either doing it yourself or you are alluding to having knowledge of people who are going to attempt to do it.

You are a nobody, you are nothing, remember that.


You have no clue do you? When they take into consideration threats on the President, one of the first things they look at is if it is a credible threat. Some guy in Europe posting about Trump being afraid of the Ides of March is NOT an assassination threat.

I'll stop there however because you are one of the mods little favorites.

At this point certain people are taking anything and everything seriously.

I'm nobody's favourite, but unlike you and your Troll ilk I don't exist to just Troll and Disrupt.

You ARE trolling by posting in multiple threads that Eloy is a paid poster when you have no proof, but you are too dumb to realize that. Next you will be sending private messages about him. :rolleyes:
Nobody should be talking about Trump's assassination. He's doing a wonderful job all by himself to discredit himself and all of his supporters.
I don't want him to be a martyr. He doesn't deserve that.
He deserves to go down in flames and is on his way down that road.
3 weeks in and this administration is in total chaos.
Can't wait for next week.
Why don't you make a prediction and then stake something on it ?

I love it when people on the left or right say....."this will happen".......

Let's see if you are willing to stake something to it.

Are you ?

Ignore Eloy it's a Paid For Poster and is full of horsecrap.

A paid to post person from the EU on a U.S. message board? Really? That's what you are going to say?

Oh and Trolls always miraculously appear to assist other Trolls in threads, you people aren't even good at it if you were then nobody would notice.

Seriously, read what you type. Why the fuck would anyone pay a poster to write propaganda about Europe on a U.S. message board? Do you even realize how fucking dumb that is?

That you don't possess the intellectual capacity to comprehend isn't MY fault, it's you that's the dumb one.

Sorry did you have anything to add to this thread or is it all you assisting a fellow Troll who's dug a hole?

I've contributed a lot to this thread, it's you that wasted everyone's time with this crap about Eloy being a paid poster and saying he made a threat to assassinate the President.
Why don't you make a prediction and then stake something on it ?

I love it when people on the left or right say....."this will happen".......

Let's see if you are willing to stake something to it.

Are you ?

Ignore Eloy it's a Paid For Poster and is full of horsecrap.

A paid to post person from the EU on a U.S. message board? Really? That's what you are going to say?

Yes I made this comment the other day, he posts EU Propaganda Talking Points all over this forum.

However in this thread he's making actual comments about President Trump being "gone", something no doubt LewDog you yourself would enjoy especially if it's filmed you can play the assassination on repeat and get a "reaction"

"Gone" doesn't mean he has to be dead idiot. In the U.S. we have a process called impeachment, but before that would ever happen, Trump would make up an excuse and resign before going through the embarrassment of being the first U.S. President removed from office. Others have been impeached, but none have actually ever been removed from office.

I've said what I wanted to say in this bizarre thread, as I don't agree with derailments as I'm not a Troll like you and your new friend who who feel the need to attempt to assist and as everyone who needed to read my comments has read then, I will self-delete and then what will be left is you being Off Topic.

I'll delete this comment shortly also.

You made a derailing post to say you don't believe in derailing and then you add that you will delete your derailing post as to cover up the evidence of you derailing. It can't get anymore awesome than that.

But... evidence of your post will still be left in my replies.

So you were saying about Flynn's security clearance being revoked? Ahhh it's revoked now because he doesn't have a job anymore. :)
Trump won't have to worry about Russia blackmailing him, he better worry about the intelligence agency of this country trying to make him a puppet. Obama had 8 years of undermining this nation, and now that someone comes in to clean things back up, Obama's left overs are trying to stop him. The Americans will have the last say in it all.
Americans have no say about Trump's performance for another four years.
But he will be gone before then.
. The fact that Obama falsely accused Russia of defeating Hillary Clinton in the election, and therefore setting Trump up for the win was purely a leftist poltical attempt at derailing the Trump presidency or deligitimizing it because of leftist shock experienced in the situation. He then by his accusations slapped sanctions on Russia to legitimize his claim (give it power) in which he was claiming that Russia interferred with the U.S. election to the detriment of Hillary's chances to get elected. Trump saw through this during the campaign, and didn't worry about the bull crap because he knew once elected that he would get to the bottom of it all, and in the meantime he wanted to assure Russia through open campaign speak that what was going on was pure political bull crap, and that it was just hard feelings by the Obama administration who wanted Hillary to win at all cost. The fact that Obama used Russia in the election like he did as a scapegoat, and he did it in order to blame the loss on anything or anyone other than Hillary was obvious. Everyone knows what is going on, but the American people have no say in any of this anymore you say ?? Well you are an American right, so you are saying that you have no say in anything either or do you think that you are one of the special ones ?
A paid to post person from the EU on a U.S. message board? Really? That's what you are going to say?

Yes I made this comment the other day, he posts EU Propaganda Talking Points all over this forum.

However in this thread he's making actual comments about President Trump being "gone", something no doubt LewDog you yourself would enjoy especially if it's filmed you can play the assassination on repeat and get a "reaction"

"Gone" doesn't mean he has to be dead idiot. In the U.S. we have a process called impeachment, but before that would ever happen, Trump would make up an excuse and resign before going through the embarrassment of being the first U.S. President removed from office. Others have been impeached, but none have actually ever been removed from office.

I've said what I wanted to say in this bizarre thread, as I don't agree with derailments as I'm not a Troll like you and your new friend who who feel the need to attempt to assist and as everyone who needed to read my comments has read then, I will self-delete and then what will be left is you being Off Topic.

I'll delete this comment shortly also.

You made a derailing post to say you don't believe in derailing and then you add that you will delete your derailing post as to cover up the evidence of you derailing. It can't get anymore awesome than that.

But... evidence of your post will still be left in my replies.

So you were saying about Flynn's security clearance being revoked? Ahhh it's revoked now because he doesn't have a job anymore. :)

Not if your posts are then deleted they won't.

So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

This is all about the Dems not liking Flynn and not wanting Trump as president. They are planning and searching constantly. but you know they are ridiculous hypocrites, especialy Pelosi. Dont forget how the DEms rallied around this clown.
Sandy Berger's Little Mistake

Democrats know virtually nothing about national security, proof being that they are the people who believe Islands can flip over when they are used to store too many munitions :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. they can never live that one down either, It was one of the most embarrassing moments in human kind history. Please tell these people to stop lecturing us on things regarding stupidity.
Yes I made this comment the other day, he posts EU Propaganda Talking Points all over this forum.

However in this thread he's making actual comments about President Trump being "gone", something no doubt LewDog you yourself would enjoy especially if it's filmed you can play the assassination on repeat and get a "reaction"

"Gone" doesn't mean he has to be dead idiot. In the U.S. we have a process called impeachment, but before that would ever happen, Trump would make up an excuse and resign before going through the embarrassment of being the first U.S. President removed from office. Others have been impeached, but none have actually ever been removed from office.

I've said what I wanted to say in this bizarre thread, as I don't agree with derailments as I'm not a Troll like you and your new friend who who feel the need to attempt to assist and as everyone who needed to read my comments has read then, I will self-delete and then what will be left is you being Off Topic.

I'll delete this comment shortly also.

You made a derailing post to say you don't believe in derailing and then you add that you will delete your derailing post as to cover up the evidence of you derailing. It can't get anymore awesome than that.

But... evidence of your post will still be left in my replies.

So you were saying about Flynn's security clearance being revoked? Ahhh it's revoked now because he doesn't have a job anymore. :)

Not if your posts are then deleted they won't.

So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?


Pelosi is still crazy, Pelosi has never not been crazy, she's not quite as crazy as that Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger John McCain, but she is crazy.
Meanwhile over at Fox New they're blaming this whole sordid affair on Obama.
No really.
Trump won't have to worry about Russia blackmailing him, he better worry about the intelligence agency of this country trying to make him a puppet. Obama had 8 years of undermining this nation, and now that someone comes in to clean things back up, Obama's left overs are trying to stop him. The Americans will have the last say in it all.
Americans have no say about Trump's performance for another four years.
But he will be gone before then.
. The fact that Obama falsely accused Russia of defeating Hillary Clinton in the election, and therefore setting Trump up for the win was purely a leftist poltical attempt at derailing the Trump presidency or deligitimizing it because of leftist shock experienced in the situation. He then by his accusations slapped sanctions on Russia to legitimize his claim (give it power) in which he was claiming that Russia interferred with the U.S. election to the detriment of Hillary's chances to get elected. Trump saw through this during the campaign, and didn't worry about the bull crap because he knew once elected that he would get to the bottom of it all, and in the meantime he wanted to assure Russia through open campaign speak that what was going on was pure political bull crap, and that it was just hard feelings by the Obama administration who wanted Hillary to win at all cost. The fact that Obama used Russia in the election like he did as a scapegoat, and he did it in order to blame the loss on anything or anyone other than Hillary was obvious. Everyone knows what is going on, but the American people have no say in any of this anymore you say ?? Well you are an American right, so you are saying that you have no say in anything either or do you think that you are one of the special ones ?
The only time American citizens can make some difference is at elections. In the meantime, the politicians run things.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.
"Gone" doesn't mean he has to be dead idiot. In the U.S. we have a process called impeachment, but before that would ever happen, Trump would make up an excuse and resign before going through the embarrassment of being the first U.S. President removed from office. Others have been impeached, but none have actually ever been removed from office.

I've said what I wanted to say in this bizarre thread, as I don't agree with derailments as I'm not a Troll like you and your new friend who who feel the need to attempt to assist and as everyone who needed to read my comments has read then, I will self-delete and then what will be left is you being Off Topic.

I'll delete this comment shortly also.

You made a derailing post to say you don't believe in derailing and then you add that you will delete your derailing post as to cover up the evidence of you derailing. It can't get anymore awesome than that.

But... evidence of your post will still be left in my replies.

So you were saying about Flynn's security clearance being revoked? Ahhh it's revoked now because he doesn't have a job anymore. :)

Not if your posts are then deleted they won't.

So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?


Pelosi is still crazy, Pelosi has never not been crazy, she's not quite as crazy as that Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger John McCain, but she is crazy.

She was right. The intelligence agencies were shutting Flynn out before he resigned. They knew he was compromised and guilty. ;)

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

This is all about the Dems not liking Flynn and not wanting Trump as president. They are planning and searching constantly. but you know they are ridiculous hypocrites, especialy Pelosi. Dont forget how the DEms rallied around this clown.
Sandy Berger's Little Mistake

Democrats know virtually nothing about national security, proof being that they are the people who believe Islands can flip over when they are used to store too many munitions :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. they can never live that one down either, It was one of the most embarrassing moments in human kind history. Please tell these people to stop lecturing us on things regarding stupidity.
Yeah this is all about the Dems not liking Trump. Which dem held a gun to Flynn's head and made him call the Russian ambassador and talk about the Russian sanctions WHILE OBAMA WAS STILL PRESIDENT?
We're all ears.

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