Nancy Pelosi: Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance

Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.

He wasn't discussing official government business, Michael Flynn said that the new Administration would have a look at lifting the sanctions.

This does not violate a 1798/99 law that prohibits private citizens from talking to members of another Government, at the time Flynn made his comments he was in effect a private citizen.

Jimmy Carter spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, how was that any different than Michael Flynn having a phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador. If Michael Flynn violated The Logan Act, so did Jimmy Carter when he spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, because Carter wasn't officially sanctioned to speak with them.

This from the beginning has been a sordid witch hunt by the Sore Losers of the Left, the Cuckservatives who fought tooth and nail to stop Donald Trump being elected and the Propagandists of the MSM.

Now the same crowd are on about Stephen Miller, well it WON'T WORK, they need to stop whilst they are behind, because if they want this to get ugly, then it'll be arranged to get ugly and all the one's crowing now will wish they never went down this particular road to begin with.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.

Actually we don't know if he lied to Pence or if Pence knew the truth and lied to help try and cover up what Flynn did... not knowing that the intelligence agencies had recordings of the phone calls and knew exactly what Flynn said.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.

He wasn't discussing official government business, Michael Flynn said that the new Administration would have a look at lifting the sanctions.

This does not violate a 1798/99 law that prohibits private citizens from talking to members of another Government, at the time Flynn made his comments he was in effect a private citizen.

Jimmy Carter spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, how was that any different than Michael Flynn having a phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador. If Michael Flynn violated The Logan Act, so did Jimmy Carter when he spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, because Carter wasn't officially sanctioned to speak with them.

This from the beginning how been a sordid witch hunt by the Sore Losers of the Left, the Cuckservatives who fought tooth and nail to stop Donald Trump being elected and the Propagandists of the MSM.

Not if Jimmy Carter was asked to do so by a government official as an diplomatic ambassador. Flynn did so in private, and then lied about it. If Flynn did nothing wrong, then why did he lie about it? Flynn was a private citizen, and if he told the Russians to stay cool and not retaliate for Obama's sanctions because when Trump got into office he would ease them, he was negotiating a deal on behave of the government when he was a private citizen... that is the Logan Act to a tee.

Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

Reports about Flynn show a “mortifying coziness” between Trump and Putin.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday called for the suspension of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, until an FBI probe determines the exact nature of his “secret contacts” with Russian officials. The congresswoman also said Flynn should have his security clearance revoked.

According to a recent Washington Post report, Flynn held private discussions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, before Trump took office, promising that sanctions against Moscow would be eased by the incoming administration.

Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence had said that the phone calls were not related to sanctions. Flynn recently backtracked on that claim, saying he had “no recollection” of the details of the conversation.

President Barack Obama imposed fresh sanctions on Moscow in December after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that the Kremlin had orchestrated the hacking of Democratic Party emails ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

Any talk of sanctions before Trump took office could put Flynn in violation of the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

In a statement, Pelosi called the reports linking Flynn to Russia emblematic of the “mortifying coziness the Trump Administration has shown with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

“Once again, I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia,” she said.

More: Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties

I totally agree! Flynn must be thoroughly investigated - and his security clearance should be revoked in the meantime. He is a danger to our national security.

This is all about the Dems not liking Flynn and not wanting Trump as president. They are planning and searching constantly. but you know they are ridiculous hypocrites, especialy Pelosi. Dont forget how the DEms rallied around this clown.
Sandy Berger's Little Mistake

Democrats know virtually nothing about national security, proof being that they are the people who believe Islands can flip over when they are used to store too many munitions :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:. they can never live that one down either, It was one of the most embarrassing moments in human kind history. Please tell these people to stop lecturing us on things regarding stupidity.
Yeah this is all about the Dems not liking Trump. Which dem held a gun to Flynn's head and made him call the Russian ambassador and talk about the Russian sanctions WHILE OBAMA WAS STILL PRESIDENT?
We're all ears.

You sure? was Flynn's conversation about sanctions or about diplomats who were kicked out? there seems to be some conflicting info that I have heard. The Democrats are waiting to jump on anything against Trump and try to pin it on him. Just like saying over and over the Russians 'Hacked the election" which is BS. They hacked the democrat computer system which is quite another thing. That had very little bearing on anyones' decision but It doesn't stop the Democrats and news media from Running with whatever they think will work.
I've said what I wanted to say in this bizarre thread, as I don't agree with derailments as I'm not a Troll like you and your new friend who who feel the need to attempt to assist and as everyone who needed to read my comments has read then, I will self-delete and then what will be left is you being Off Topic.

I'll delete this comment shortly also.

You made a derailing post to say you don't believe in derailing and then you add that you will delete your derailing post as to cover up the evidence of you derailing. It can't get anymore awesome than that.

But... evidence of your post will still be left in my replies.

So you were saying about Flynn's security clearance being revoked? Ahhh it's revoked now because he doesn't have a job anymore. :)

Not if your posts are then deleted they won't.

So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?


Pelosi is still crazy, Pelosi has never not been crazy, she's not quite as crazy as that Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger John McCain, but she is crazy.

She was right. The intelligence agencies were shutting Flynn out before he resigned. They knew he was compromised and guilty. ;)

Guilty of what? They still haven't shown one piece of proof that Russia um hacked any election and also this is coming from the same intelligence agencies that said Saddam had WMD, they say to just take them on their word EVERY time and then EVERY time a few years later it's revealed what they were saying was either cherry-picked or a complete manufacturing.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.
You made a derailing post to say you don't believe in derailing and then you add that you will delete your derailing post as to cover up the evidence of you derailing. It can't get anymore awesome than that.

But... evidence of your post will still be left in my replies.

So you were saying about Flynn's security clearance being revoked? Ahhh it's revoked now because he doesn't have a job anymore. :)

Not if your posts are then deleted they won't.

So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?


Pelosi is still crazy, Pelosi has never not been crazy, she's not quite as crazy as that Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger John McCain, but she is crazy.

She was right. The intelligence agencies were shutting Flynn out before he resigned. They knew he was compromised and guilty. ;)

Guilty of what? They still haven't shown one piece of proof that Russia um hacked any election and also this is coming from the same intelligence agencies that said Saddam had WMD, they say to just take them on their word EVERY time and then EVERY time a few years later it's revealed what they were saying was either cherry-picked or a complete manufacturing.

When was the Iraq War? When was Bush President? How many of the guys working in the intelligence agencies now were there when Bush was? Do you understand how fucking stupid that statement is? THEY HAVE TAPES OF THE CONVERSATION. They know exactly what the fuck he said.
You made a derailing post to say you don't believe in derailing and then you add that you will delete your derailing post as to cover up the evidence of you derailing. It can't get anymore awesome than that.

But... evidence of your post will still be left in my replies.

So you were saying about Flynn's security clearance being revoked? Ahhh it's revoked now because he doesn't have a job anymore. :)

Not if your posts are then deleted they won't.

So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?


Pelosi is still crazy, Pelosi has never not been crazy, she's not quite as crazy as that Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger John McCain, but she is crazy.

She was right. The intelligence agencies were shutting Flynn out before he resigned. They knew he was compromised and guilty. ;)

Guilty of what? They still haven't shown one piece of proof that Russia um hacked any election and also this is coming from the same intelligence agencies that said Saddam had WMD, they say to just take them on their word EVERY time and then EVERY time a few years later it's revealed what they were saying was either cherry-picked or a complete manufacturing.
. It appears that the intelligence agency is easily politicized.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
Not if your posts are then deleted they won't.

So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?


Pelosi is still crazy, Pelosi has never not been crazy, she's not quite as crazy as that Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger John McCain, but she is crazy.

She was right. The intelligence agencies were shutting Flynn out before he resigned. They knew he was compromised and guilty. ;)

Guilty of what? They still haven't shown one piece of proof that Russia um hacked any election and also this is coming from the same intelligence agencies that said Saddam had WMD, they say to just take them on their word EVERY time and then EVERY time a few years later it's revealed what they were saying was either cherry-picked or a complete manufacturing.

When was the Iraq War? When was Bush President? How many of the guys working in the intelligence agencies now were there when Bush was? Do you understand how fucking stupid that statement is? THEY HAVE TAPES OF THE CONVERSATION. They know exactly what the fuck he said.
. They are politicized, and they should recuse themselves from the matter unless a complete review of all actions by both sides in the election is given equal weight and scrutiny.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.

He wasn't discussing official government business, Michael Flynn said that the new Administration would have a look at lifting the sanctions.

This does not violate a 1798/99 law that prohibits private citizens from talking to members of another Government, at the time Flynn made his comments he was in effect a private citizen.

Jimmy Carter spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, how was that any different than Michael Flynn having a phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador. If Michael Flynn violated The Logan Act, so did Jimmy Carter when he spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, because Carter wasn't officially sanctioned to speak with them.

This from the beginning how been a sordid witch hunt by the Sore Losers of the Left, the Cuckservatives who fought tooth and nail to stop Donald Trump being elected and the Propagandists of the MSM.

Not if Jimmy Carter was asked to do so by a government official as an diplomatic ambassador. Flynn did so in private, and then lied about it. If Flynn did nothing wrong, then why did he lie about it? Flynn was a private citizen, and if he told the Russians to stay cool and not retaliate for Obama's sanctions because when Trump got into office he would ease them, he was negotiating a deal on behave of the government when he was a private citizen... that is the Logan Act to a tee.

Jessie Jackson did it also in 1984, unauthorised communication with Cuba and Nicaragua.

The way many see this is that Flynn was attempting to prevent an escalation, as in smooth talking the Russian Ambassador to tell Moscow to not react to Obama putting yet more sanctions on Russia in his last weeks in office and also expelling the Russian diplomats.

Now also many people know that the frothing at the mouth Leftists, the Cuckservatives and the Propagandists in the MSM were collectively crossing their fingers that Moscow would retaliate and many people also know how disappointed they were when Moscow didn't retaliate.

All these psychopaths and maniacs have wanted WWIII for some time, they WANT full-on war with Russia, they have tried every way to get this in the past two years, now they want the Trump Administration to start war with Russia, well they'll be disappointed again because Trump isn't going to start war with Russia.

There are bigger threats than Russia, like North Korea for example.
So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?


Pelosi is still crazy, Pelosi has never not been crazy, she's not quite as crazy as that Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger John McCain, but she is crazy.

She was right. The intelligence agencies were shutting Flynn out before he resigned. They knew he was compromised and guilty. ;)

Guilty of what? They still haven't shown one piece of proof that Russia um hacked any election and also this is coming from the same intelligence agencies that said Saddam had WMD, they say to just take them on their word EVERY time and then EVERY time a few years later it's revealed what they were saying was either cherry-picked or a complete manufacturing.

When was the Iraq War? When was Bush President? How many of the guys working in the intelligence agencies now were there when Bush was? Do you understand how fucking stupid that statement is? THEY HAVE TAPES OF THE CONVERSATION. They know exactly what the fuck he said.
. They are politicized, and they should recuse themselves from the matter unless a complete review of all actions by both sides in the election is given equal weight and scrutiny.

How? No matter what they do they are going to be criticized. They didn't want to let Trump know about it at first because Trump has a big fucking mouth and a bad temperament. They were afraid he would let the cat out of the bag and impede the investigation, problem was all these other people like Pence, Spicer, and Conway were getting on national television and looking like fools by telling lies about things because they either didn't know the truth, or didn't know that the intelligence agencies DID KNOW the truth and that it would come out. Now the truth is out that Flynn lied, which now makes it look like Pence, Spicer, and Conway lied... and Trumpbots are pissed. Well guess what, those same Trumpbots didn't give a flying fuck about leaks and Comey publicizing during the election with the DNC emails did they? But now it is an issue? GTFO... What's good for the goose is good for the gander right? I mean that's all I've been seeing from Trumpbots since the election when they talk about how Trump is screwing over America and Liberals.
Of itself, the Flynn affair might not bring down Trump but it certainly helps.

No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.
No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.

He wasn't discussing official government business, Michael Flynn said that the new Administration would have a look at lifting the sanctions.

This does not violate a 1798/99 law that prohibits private citizens from talking to members of another Government, at the time Flynn made his comments he was in effect a private citizen.

Jimmy Carter spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, how was that any different than Michael Flynn having a phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador. If Michael Flynn violated The Logan Act, so did Jimmy Carter when he spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, because Carter wasn't officially sanctioned to speak with them.

This from the beginning how been a sordid witch hunt by the Sore Losers of the Left, the Cuckservatives who fought tooth and nail to stop Donald Trump being elected and the Propagandists of the MSM.

Not if Jimmy Carter was asked to do so by a government official as an diplomatic ambassador. Flynn did so in private, and then lied about it. If Flynn did nothing wrong, then why did he lie about it? Flynn was a private citizen, and if he told the Russians to stay cool and not retaliate for Obama's sanctions because when Trump got into office he would ease them, he was negotiating a deal on behave of the government when he was a private citizen... that is the Logan Act to a tee.

Jessie Jackson did it also in 1984, unauthorised communication with Cuba and Nicaragua.

The way many see this is that Flynn was attempting to prevent an escalation, as in smooth talking the Russian Ambassador to tell Moscow to not react to Obama putting yet more sanctions on Russia in his last weeks in office and also expelling the Russian diplomats.

Now also many people know that the frothing at the mouth Leftists, the Cuckservatives and the Propagandists in the MSM were collectively crossing their fingers that Moscow would retaliate and many people also know how disappointed they were when Moscow didn't retaliate.

All these psychopaths and maniacs have wanted WWIII for some time, they WANT full-on war with Russia, they have tried every way to get this in the past two years, now they want thew Trump Administration to start war with Russia, well they'll be disappointed again because Trump isn't going to start war with Russia.

There are bigger threats than Russia, like North Korea for example.

Jesse Jackson couldn't make deals. There was nothing he could promise. Do you not understand that? Do you not understand the difference between a Goodwill ambassador and making back-door deals?
No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.
Flynn lied to the Vice-President about talking to the Russians about sanctions. That was very wrong.
. You people on the left, and in the corrupt media had Flynn thinking that any word spoken about the Russians would be used as a gotcha moment, so he witheld information in order to try and cool the gotcha situation (a situation where nothing was done wrong or illegal), but he felt he had to lie in order to cool the leftist rehtoric for whom are constantly on a butt hurt witch hunt in all of this.

No, if you don't do anything wrong, there is nothing to lie about. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?
. You never lied under pressure to help instead of hurt your personal family, country, countrymen, brothers and sisters etc. ???? Tell the truth now... Ever heard of a thing called coerced confessions that sent an innocent person to jail, only to find out years later that an innocent man had been locked up for crimes he didnot commit ?? Happens all the time. Not long ago a prosecutor was hammered for setting a man up, where as the man spent years locked up because of the actions of the prosecutor who was corrupt. You people making Flynn think that he was wrong is no different than getting someone to lie for fear of your accusations against him.

HE'S a fucking high ranking member of the government... and his actions have to do with national security, your comparison doesn't hold a drop of water.
Not if your posts are then deleted they won't.

So you are going to report me for responding to your posts that were off topic and derailing the thread? You sound like Flynn resigning in order to save Trump's ass.

What's funny about this thread is all the people that made fun of Pelosi and said she was crazy... only for Flynn being forced to resign. How crazy is she now?


Pelosi is still crazy, Pelosi has never not been crazy, she's not quite as crazy as that Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger John McCain, but she is crazy.

She was right. The intelligence agencies were shutting Flynn out before he resigned. They knew he was compromised and guilty. ;)

Guilty of what? They still haven't shown one piece of proof that Russia um hacked any election and also this is coming from the same intelligence agencies that said Saddam had WMD, they say to just take them on their word EVERY time and then EVERY time a few years later it's revealed what they were saying was either cherry-picked or a complete manufacturing.

When was the Iraq War? When was Bush President? How many of the guys working in the intelligence agencies now were there when Bush was? Do you understand how fucking stupid that statement is? THEY HAVE TAPES OF THE CONVERSATION. They know exactly what the fuck he said.

So they should release the full and UNEDITED tapes and let the world listen to them.
No, with the way top Republicans in Congress dislike Russia, if it can be proven that Trump knew Flynn was making an agreement with Russia about the sanctions, then Trump is toast. Those transcripts of Flynn's phone calls could be as famous as the Watergate tapes.
. Flynn did nothing wrong, but Obama accusing Russia of defeating Hillary in the election was wrong. Then using the power of his office to make it appear legitimate about what he was doing to punish Russia, could be an abuse of American power on the world stage.

How can you say he did nothing wrong? He wasn't a government official when he was discussing official government business. It's a direct definition of the Logan Act.

He wasn't discussing official government business, Michael Flynn said that the new Administration would have a look at lifting the sanctions.

This does not violate a 1798/99 law that prohibits private citizens from talking to members of another Government, at the time Flynn made his comments he was in effect a private citizen.

Jimmy Carter spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, how was that any different than Michael Flynn having a phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador. If Michael Flynn violated The Logan Act, so did Jimmy Carter when he spoke with North Korea in the 1990s, because Carter wasn't officially sanctioned to speak with them.

This from the beginning how been a sordid witch hunt by the Sore Losers of the Left, the Cuckservatives who fought tooth and nail to stop Donald Trump being elected and the Propagandists of the MSM.

Not if Jimmy Carter was asked to do so by a government official as an diplomatic ambassador. Flynn did so in private, and then lied about it. If Flynn did nothing wrong, then why did he lie about it? Flynn was a private citizen, and if he told the Russians to stay cool and not retaliate for Obama's sanctions because when Trump got into office he would ease them, he was negotiating a deal on behave of the government when he was a private citizen... that is the Logan Act to a tee.

Jessie Jackson did it also in 1984, unauthorised communication with Cuba and Nicaragua.

The way many see this is that Flynn was attempting to prevent an escalation, as in smooth talking the Russian Ambassador to tell Moscow to not react to Obama putting yet more sanctions on Russia in his last weeks in office and also expelling the Russian diplomats.

Now also many people know that the frothing at the mouth Leftists, the Cuckservatives and the Propagandists in the MSM were collectively crossing their fingers that Moscow would retaliate and many people also know how disappointed they were when Moscow didn't retaliate.

All these psychopaths and maniacs have wanted WWIII for some time, they WANT full-on war with Russia, they have tried every way to get this in the past two years, now they want the Trump Administration to start war with Russia, well they'll be disappointed again because Trump isn't going to start war with Russia.

There are bigger threats than Russia, like North Korea for example.
. And the worse one is Issis.

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