Nancy Pelosi says the President does not have the power to forgive debt.

I wonder if she will be called to testify in court when Biden's unconstitutional power grab is challenged.

Democrats always have one position until they flip to the other. Kerry was for the Iraq war before he was against it. Gore said during Gulf War I that W couldn't take out Hussain without UN action, then said later he was so angry W didn't take out Hussain when he had the chance. Obama was against gay marriage before he supported it.

On and on, and it's all good. But if you're a Republican, you are NEVER allowed to change a position ever
We have a national COVID emergency still. Bye Bye Red wave.
There's no current emergency. COVID is now no more dangerous than a common cold. When people get it today, it's an inconvenience. Most people who caught it don't even know that they had it.

It certainly can't be used to justify spending a half trillion to one trillion dollars forgiving student loans.
There's no current emergency. COVID is now no more dangerous than a common cold. When people get it today, it's an inconvenience. Most people who caught it don't even know that they had it.

It certainly can't be used to justify spending a half trillion to one trillion dollars forgiving student loans.

And yet it has been.
If they want to have a serious discussion on forgiving student loans, let's talk about it for those who went to medical school. How about people who majored in the hard sciences or engineering?

Let's talk about it for areas of study which matters. Not ethnic studies, art history, turf management and women's studies or African American studies as these things don't matter.
I know you're not a Trump guy You're another one of those who has a broken brain because of Trump. You're a little childish too.

You should not be questioning the intelligence of anyone.

LOL, we cross? Rump has no effect on me at all. You? You may be bit to high strung for this give and take.
LOL, we cross? Rump has no effect on me at all. You? You may be bit to high strung for this give and take.
If he had no effect, you would not use the childish term “Rump.” He broke your brain.

Your style is strangely similar to another Troll in another forum.
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LOL, we cross? Rump has no effect on me at all. You? You may be bit to high strung for this give and take.

Someone questioned your intelligence? You, the guy who uses the third grader insult "Rump?" That's just too funny, "someone" was right, LOL
Someone questioned your intelligence? You, the guy who uses the third grader insult "Rump?" That's just too funny, "someone" was right, LOL
Oh're hurting me. Yup, I said Rump and I am a Conservative, go figure.
If he had no effect, you would not use the childish term “Rump.” He broke your brain.

Your style is strangely similar to another Troll in another forum.

He had no effect on me at all. I am not on any other Forums. Your style is decidedly void of intelligence son.
Oh're hurting me. Yup, I said Rump and I am a Conservative, go figure.

Yes, that's what I thought about your post that I responded to, LOL.

Being a "Conservative" (sic) and hating Trump means you're a Democrat stooge. You voted for Biden, didn't you?
Yes, that's what I thought about your post that I responded to, LOL.

Being a "Conservative" (sic) and hating Trump means you're a Democrat stooge. You voted for Biden, didn't you?

Are you needing attention? It's cute that you think I should care about you say ;)
Once you get out of the false binary system they have placed you in you begin to realize that the entire system is indeed rigged against all us. I don't hate him, I just know what he is and more important, what he isn't.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)
Trump has not been accused of breaking the law

But Nancy says Biden broke the law.

Therefore, I say Trump should go to prison

Makes perfect sense in looney land DC.
all republicans are guilty even when they haven't done anything wrong.. maybe especially then

loony doesn't say it.

Can you spell Diabolical Evil?
Are you needing attention? It's cute that you think I should care about you say ;)
Once you get out of the false binary system they have placed you in you begin to realize that the entire system is indeed rigged against all us. I don't hate him, I just know what he is and more important, what he isn't.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

You didn't answer my question, you voted for Biden, didn't you?

And it's literally 5 year old to say oh yeah,' kaz, I don't care! You sure squawk given you don't care and all. Maybe a dictionary would help with the words so you understand what not caring means, LOL
Government will always look for ways to legitamize abusing their authority.

There is actually a pattern to all of this that I think you just don't realize. It all has to be done this year. They have even said it all his to be done before January 1 or it is too late. The one time adjustments announced in April will be done this year. The one time chance to consolidate and benefit fom all this or have your PLSF re-calibrated have to be done by October 31 to qualify in time. If student aid or your servicer doesn't have your income on record, you will have to jump through whatever hoops they have yet to announce now to get your $20K or $10K adjustment. Do it before their emergency authority evaporates or you are SOL. He pretty much drew a bright yellow line and said come January 1, it will be business as usual.

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