Nancy Pelosi Still Thinks Abortion Is A Woman's Right

Damn right.

So what do they call the child kicking in the womb? Gas?

They have their ways of rebellion that cause a reprobate mind with abortion as with homosexual behavior. Note that the LGBTQ and Abortion crowd are locked at the hips.
What the fuck? No abortion is safe, it's murdering or attempting to murder a child. How is that safe or legal?
You need help

Performed in a hospital
Rather than a back alley

It’s difficult enough for a woman to choose that

You need help

Performed in a hospital
Rather than a back alley

It’s difficult enough for a woman to choose that


What the fuck are you even talking about? You do realize when a pregnant woman is murdered that it's murder on two accounts. One for her and one for her unborn child. How is abortion any different even if the mother survives? Shouldn't it be one account of murder unless done for rare life threatening situations or something? (Even then I would die for my baby and choose my child's life over my own, and make sure my other children were well taken care of if I had any, but that's just me and what I would do as a mother.)
Well since her Dimocrat party of today cannot even define what a 'woman' is, how can you then even assign 'rights' to something you cannot define?
Well since her Dimocrat party of today cannot even define what a 'woman' is, how can you then even assign 'rights' to something you cannot define?

What problems do you have with human sexuality?

Do you believe in homosexuality, bisexuality, Transexuals?
Has existed for thousands of years
That's funny, because people who are aborted will never get the chance to become an adult!

Even Buddhists understand that abortion is evil, because you're denying someone else's right to reincarnate!
Pretend like you are an ADULT

Just for a few minutes
You need help

Performed in a hospital
Rather than a back alley

It’s difficult enough for a woman to choose that

It's an easy choice if a woman as faith in Jesus Christ. Then, the choice is simple. Have the baby. If she doesn't want it, then adopt the baby out. When you don't let God into your life, your mind choses reprobation and inhibitions leave you to choose the right. It's the same with LGBTQ. Note that the LGBTQ and Abortion clan are joined at the hips. They are lead by Satan to both reprobate minds ends.
What problems do you have with human sexuality?

Do you believe in homosexuality, bisexuality, Transexuals?
Has existed for thousands of years

I don't have any problems at all, and I sure don't need a biologist to know what the fuck a woman is. Something your side has all kinds of trouble figuring out today. You fuckers on the left today, are simply embarrassing.
It's an easy choice if a woman as faith in Jesus Christ. Then, the choice is simple. Have the baby. If she doesn't want it, then adopt the baby out.

Exactly, plenty of people who can't have children of their own would love that option. I'm adopted myself. :)
How about you actually debate instead of trying to deflect with ad hominem attacks! Can you? Do you have the intellectual ability to actually debate your position?

So, let's try this again. You claim that abortion should be legal because if abortion is, rightly, made illegal then someone who criminally obtains an abortion could be harmed. Well, people get harmed committing crime all the time. Should we make all crime legal, so the criminals don't get harmed?

Do you not see how easily your argument is destroyed?

Now, let's see what you've got.
This is what the left is doing now. Letting criminals out so they can be rehabilitated by law abiding citizens who ultimately get injured or killed by these criminals when they are let out. So, they justify abortion so that mother killers can be allowed to continue to get pregnant and kill again and again and again. All while abortion medical personnel get rich from this madness. You can get anything in this world for money. Even killing the innocent unborn children.

More than half of U.S. Catholics (56%) said abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while roughly four-in-ten (42%) said it should be illegal in all or most cases,

Roughly two-thirds of Catholics (68%) said they do not want the Supreme Court to completely overturn the landmark decision,
99.9% don’t want to pay higher food and fuel prices. You don’t care.

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