Nancy Pelosi Tells Fox News That She Is Going To Talk About The 25th Amendment TOMORROW To Remove Trump From Office BEFORE The Election

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.







she is just asking for more problems....
In my recent book; The Manic Personality and the Trump Presidency The Governance of Donald Trump His Followers: The Trumpets and the November Elections, I predicted Trump would lose the election by a landslide not seen since Roosevelt defeated Hoover during the Depression. I also warned about more bizarre actions by the President as he felt less attention/affection from those around him and his approval rating sank.

This was before his being infected with the Virus and taking shelter in Walter Reed Hospital. The question is not how well he is being treated for the virus but if that is the disorder being treated. My suspicion is he is being treated for his Manic behavior which is blooming into a Bipolar disorder. His increasing demands for attention through what may be seen as bizarre behavior such as his SUV touts around the hospital and his increasing denial of any problems with his campaign are both signs of a more severe condition than the Manic Personality which is what I described in the book on the Manic Personality and the Trump Presidency.(And if he is being proscribed steroids to treat the coronavirus, they will only exacerbate his condition.) Just as a wearing a mask hides smiles and other signs of approval, the polls and media may be showing a negativity which he is not able to tolerate without acting in any way where is noticed and, to his mind, adored. I do hope the adults in his situation will stand up.
Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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If anyone needs removing from office it's Nancy Pelosi. Lord knows she's provided ample reason to.
Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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All quite an odd means of supporting her candidate who is supposed to beat Trump like a rented mule in less than a month from now...
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Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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All quite an odd means of supporting her candidate who is supposed to beat Trump like a rented mule in less than a month from now...

Yes exactly.
The whole media establishment right now, including the pollsters are lying their asses off. Both nights despite a rigged game with Biden and Harris having stolen debate questions before them and radical biased Democrats as moderators, Trump and Pence knocked the snot out of those two.

They know it, we know it, and we only doubt it because right now America is being waterboarded by Leftist lies and Propaganda just like we have been tortured with for the last 12 years.

They are so desperate they launched a bio weapons attack with the help of China first on The USA then on The White House, GOP, and Joint Chiefs in order to interfere in our elections by crashing our economy and posing martial law and Marxist mandates on our citizens then attacked The President's upper echelon of leadership and The President himself to stop the next debate and stop The Supreme Court Nomination.

Pelosi is Satanic, Evil and is a Ruthless Pathological Liar.

The more frantic she becomes with desperate and extreme measures to get rid of The President, the more I know she is losing.

And where did you hear about the 25th amendment to remove The President First? From the same group of people who wiped Strozk and Page's phones, the same people who wiped 25 phones on Mueller's staff before they were ordered to give them to The AG and not tamper with them. The same people that filed false affidavits in FISA. The Same people who helped organize and pay for Russian Propaganda to use in their COUP. Obama, Clinton, Biden and their minions and moles still within our government, that's who.
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she is just asking for more problems....
In my recent book; The Manic Personality and the Trump Presidency The Governance of Donald Trump His Followers: The Trumpets and the November Elections, I predicted Trump would lose the election by a landslide not seen since Roosevelt defeated Hoover during the Depression. I also warned about more bizarre actions by the President as he felt less attention/affection from those around him and his approval rating sank.

This was before his being infected with the Virus and taking shelter in Walter Reed Hospital. The question is not how well he is being treated for the virus but if that is the disorder being treated. My suspicion is he is being treated for his Manic behavior which is blooming into a Bipolar disorder. His increasing demands for attention through what may be seen as bizarre behavior such as his SUV touts around the hospital and his increasing denial of any problems with his campaign are both signs of a more severe condition than the Manic Personality which is what I described in the book on the Manic Personality and the Trump Presidency.(And if he is being proscribed steroids to treat the coronavirus, they will only exacerbate his condition.) Just as a wearing a mask hides smiles and other signs of approval, the polls and media may be showing a negativity which he is not able to tolerate without acting in any way where is noticed and, to his mind, adored. I do hope the adults in his situation will stand up.

Great, another whack job.
she is just asking for more problems....
In my recent book; The Manic Personality and the Trump Presidency The Governance of Donald Trump His Followers: The Trumpets and the November Elections, I predicted Trump would lose the election by a landslide not seen since Roosevelt defeated Hoover during the Depression. I also warned about more bizarre actions by the President as he felt less attention/affection from those around him and his approval rating sank.

This was before his being infected with the Virus and taking shelter in Walter Reed Hospital. The question is not how well he is being treated for the virus but if that is the disorder being treated. My suspicion is he is being treated for his Manic behavior which is blooming into a Bipolar disorder. His increasing demands for attention through what may be seen as bizarre behavior such as his SUV touts around the hospital and his increasing denial of any problems with his campaign are both signs of a more severe condition than the Manic Personality which is what I described in the book on the Manic Personality and the Trump Presidency.(And if he is being proscribed steroids to treat the coronavirus, they will only exacerbate his condition.) Just as a wearing a mask hides smiles and other signs of approval, the polls and media may be showing a negativity which he is not able to tolerate without acting in any way where is noticed and, to his mind, adored. I do hope the adults in his situation will stand up.

Great, another whack job.
We know what book not to buy.
Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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All quite an odd means of supporting her candidate who is supposed to beat Trump like a rented mule in less than a month from now...

Perhaps the Democrats aka Communists are not so confident that their Mail-In Ballot Harvesting scam is going to work. I mean they can easily pull this scam in California - it's how after 120 YEARS they managed to turn SOLID Republican Orange County into a Democrat County for the FIRST TIME EVER in 2018, read up on that - and New York and New Jersey and Illinois, but it's not going to be as easy pulling this scam in States that have either a Republican Governor OR a Democrat Governor with a Republican Secretary of State or a Democrat Secretary of State BUT with a Republican Controlled State Legislature eg. Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

The past week and a half across numerous States there have been Judges who have ruled against the Democrats aka Communists Mail-In Ballot Harvesting scam for eg. telling them that they ONLY can have ONE drop off point for ballots, telling them that Mail-In Ballots MUST be received BY November 3 and NOT a week and/or weeks AFTER the Election, telling them that Mail-In Ballots must have a matching signature to a signature on File etc

So with all the above perhaps the Democrats aka Communists are not now as confident of being able to pull off their Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scam to such a degree than they had previously thought they would be able to.

To test this theory, CloudResearch recently sampled American voters in search of what they term “shy voters.” Their results show that Trump supporters were “significantly more reluctant to share their opinions on phone surveys compared to Biden supporters.” Almost 12 percent of Republicans and nearly 11 percent of Independents, were also almost twice as likely to be reticent than Democrats (about 5 percent).
These seemingly small percentages could have major November implications. For illustration of roughly how big, look at 2016 exit polling.
In the last presidential election, 36 percent of voters were Democrats, while 33 percent were Republicans and 31 percent were Independents. Applying CloudResearch’s “shy voter” percentages to each group yields 9 percent of the electorate as not giving their true candidate preferences.
However, those roughly one in 11 reticent voters are not, as CloudResearch discovered, evenly distributed between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Instead, they run about 2-to-1 in Trump’s favor. On the net, they come out to around a 3 percent hidden “Trump bump.”
Nancy Pelosi has told Fox News that because of COVID-19 she is tomorrow going to discuss The 25th Amendment to remove The Donald from Office BEFORE the Election!

But but but ALL the Polls are saying that Joe Biden is going to in 26 DAYS beat The Donald in a Landslide and so IF ALL the Polls are saying that then WHY is Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats aka Communists talking about REMOVING The Donald BEFORE the Election?

Hmmmm is it perhaps because in 2016 the SAME Polls ALL said Hillary was going to beat The Donald in a Landslide, until she didn't. I think so, I'm thinking that with ALL these weighted Polls that ask MORE Democrats than Republicans to respond and with The Silent Trump Voter that does NOT show up in any Polling I think that the Democrats aka Communists MIGHT be afraid that what happened to Hillary in 2016 is going to happen to Joe Biden.

So is this their latest attempt to SUBVERT Democracy and SHIT on the American voters who they fear might vote "the wrong way" again ie. vote against the Leftists aka Communists or as Joe Biden calls those American voters "the dregs of society"

This is NOT the sort of thing you think about doing IF you are confident that you are going to win in an Election.

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DO IT, Piglosi, DO IT!


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