Nancy Pelosi’s left-wing wish list

Looks like the Democrats are at it again...

Nancy Pelosi’s left-wing wish list

If House Democrats are focused on helping Americans get through this global pandemic safely, they sure have a funny way of showing it.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s latest extravagant, $3 trillion spending proposal is Washington at its worst—and most predictable. While President Trump, governors of both parties, and frontline workers band together to fight this virus as one country, House Democrats see an opportunity to exploit this crisis to pass their partisan agenda.

Millions of Americans are out of work. President Trump is trying to get them back on the job by safely reopening our country. Instead of helping him do it, here is what Democrats in Congress have decided is worth holding Coronavirus relief hostage for:
  • A BAN on information about low-cost health insurance. That’s right—House Democrats want to forbid the government from sharing any information with you about lower-cost health options such as association plans or short-term plans. Even as families try to cope with job and wage losses, Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want them to learn about options that are up to 60 percent cheaper than Obamacare.
  • Mass voting by mail. A “Coronavirus relief” bill might seem like the wrong time and place to dictate how states run their elections. Democrats disagree.
  • Stimulus checks for illegal aliens. Rather than protect American citizens by requiring a Social Security Number for taxpayer-funded stimulus, Pelosi’s bill would give illegal immigrants the ability to receive up to $1,200 in direct payouts.
  • Bailouts… for government. Democrats want more than $1 trillion in cash for state and local governments, mostly in the form of unrestricted aid that doesn’t need to be used to offset Coronavirus costs. They also threw in a $25 billion bailout for the Post Office.
The list goes on. At a moment when Americans most need Washington to look out for them and cut the partisan drama, Democrat leaders once again chose to put their far-left base first.

MORE: “Democrats’ new $3 trillion Coronavirus spending wishlist is another embarrassing farce”
Your whole.premis is a lie.

No Democrats are holding up anything.

Moscow Mitch and his Cossacks have said they won't pass anything else. "Wait and see" is their current line.

horseshit, McConnel has asked the house to send the senate a bill that would help those impacted by the chinese virus, instead botox bitch creates a bill with every dem socialist idea ever thought of. How does funding abortion mills help people impacted by covid? how does giving money to illegals help americans? How does funding NPR help those who have no jobs?

The democrats, led by crazy Nancy, have become the reincarnation of the third reich or Mao's China.
Well that's a lie.

NO it is not. McConnell was on TV yesterday saying exactly that. But crazy Nancy has the house in recess and is trying to pass a resolution that a quorum can now be 20 members of the house (out of 435). the crazy old witch is trying to be a dictator, and you idiots continue to worship her botoxed face.
But it was OK when tRump wanted to force Congress to adjourn, right?

Pelosi is trying to keep the number of folks who have to be in close contact to a minimum. In case you hadn't noticed most of our congress-critters are old and not terribly healthy.

No she is not, she is only trying to delay any action to get the country back working, she and the rest of the hate filled dems want the country to go broke so they can blame Trump, but it won't work, the people of the USA are not as dumb as the people of SFO who keep reelecting this old angry senile botox infected bitch.

the senate is open, they seem to be able to deal with social distancing. Dude, try to see what is really going on here. this virus is being used by the dems to try to find a way to put old senile Joe and one of their minority females in power. Pelosi and the dems have become a national joke.
The senate do any have to do anything but sit there. Moscow Mitch doesn't allow any debates or discussions. Just thumbs up for the federalist's choice for the next corrupt, inexperienced substandard judge.

more bullshit, McConnell has said that he will have a vote or a reasonable bill from the house, but not on the current one, most of which has nothing to do with covid, but is a liberal wish list to change the USA into a copy of failed european socialism with some Venezuela thrown in.
No. He has not said that.

Stop lying.

you are the one lying here, sonny. Mitch even said he was trying to see Pelosi's point of view on it and would be glad to sit down and negotiate something acceptable to all. but instead of negotiating, Nancy ran home to SFO where she can sit in her gated mansion and look down on the homeless shitting in the streets of the city she represents.
Moscow Mitch has been saying another bill is a nonstarter.

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