Nancy Pelosi’s State of the Union stunt may have broken the law, Rep. Matt Gaetz says

Y’all have lost your mind.
Why would you say that anyone reacting negatively to her actions has gone insane? Care to elaborate?
I’d say anyone wanting to accuse her of breaking the law by her silly made for TV moment has gone insane.
That's crazy itself. If it is illegal for someone to destroy an official document and she destroyed an official document, then no one is insane for saying she broke the law. in fact, it would be the slavish defenders of all things democrat insisting she didn't break the law who have left solid mental ground. This does remind me of Bubba's issues, in which he broke the law but his slavish defenders to this day insist he was impeached "for a blowjob".

Again, if it was illegal to destroy that document, she broke the law. You can successfully argue it's a silly issue, sure, but you can only say she didn't break the law if what she did was legal.

You actually think the little photocopy of Trump’s speech is an “official document”?

It’s not. Official documents are those deposited in the government archives. This was a little handout given to Pelosi and everyone else present. None of the hundreds of copies were ever intended to find their way back. It’s insane to overlook these obvious facts out of hatred for Pelosi.
Y’all have lost your mind.
Why would you say that anyone reacting negatively to her actions has gone insane? Care to elaborate?
I’d say anyone wanting to accuse her of breaking the law by her silly made for TV moment has gone insane.
That's crazy itself. If it is illegal for someone to destroy an official document and she destroyed an official document, then no one is insane for saying she broke the law. in fact, it would be the slavish defenders of all things democrat insisting she didn't break the law who have left solid mental ground. This does remind me of Bubba's issues, in which he broke the law but his slavish defenders to this day insist he was impeached "for a blowjob".

Again, if it was illegal to destroy that document, she broke the law. You can successfully argue it's a silly issue, sure, but you can only say she didn't break the law if what she did was legal.

You actually think the little photocopy of Trump’s speech is an “official document”?

It’s not. Official documents are those deposited in the government archives. This was a little handout given to Pelosi and everyone else present. None of the hundreds of copies were ever intended to find their way back. It’s insane to overlook these obvious facts out of hatred for Pelosi.

Yes, that was the official House Of Representatives copy.

Y’all have lost your mind.
Why would you say that anyone reacting negatively to her actions has gone insane? Care to elaborate?
I’d say anyone wanting to accuse her of breaking the law by her silly made for TV moment has gone insane.
That's crazy itself. If it is illegal for someone to destroy an official document and she destroyed an official document, then no one is insane for saying she broke the law. in fact, it would be the slavish defenders of all things democrat insisting she didn't break the law who have left solid mental ground. This does remind me of Bubba's issues, in which he broke the law but his slavish defenders to this day insist he was impeached "for a blowjob".

Again, if it was illegal to destroy that document, she broke the law. You can successfully argue it's a silly issue, sure, but you can only say she didn't break the law if what she did was legal.

You actually think the little photocopy of Trump’s speech is an “official document”?

It’s not. Official documents are those deposited in the government archives. This was a little handout given to Pelosi and everyone else present. None of the hundreds of copies were ever intended to find their way back. It’s insane to overlook these obvious facts out of hatred for Pelosi.

Yes, that was the official House Of Representatives copy.

Why would you say that anyone reacting negatively to her actions has gone insane? Care to elaborate?
I’d say anyone wanting to accuse her of breaking the law by her silly made for TV moment has gone insane.
That's crazy itself. If it is illegal for someone to destroy an official document and she destroyed an official document, then no one is insane for saying she broke the law. in fact, it would be the slavish defenders of all things democrat insisting she didn't break the law who have left solid mental ground. This does remind me of Bubba's issues, in which he broke the law but his slavish defenders to this day insist he was impeached "for a blowjob".

Again, if it was illegal to destroy that document, she broke the law. You can successfully argue it's a silly issue, sure, but you can only say she didn't break the law if what she did was legal.

You actually think the little photocopy of Trump’s speech is an “official document”?

It’s not. Official documents are those deposited in the government archives. This was a little handout given to Pelosi and everyone else present. None of the hundreds of copies were ever intended to find their way back. It’s insane to overlook these obvious facts out of hatred for Pelosi.

Yes, that was the official House Of Representatives copy.


What was that little girl?
Y’all have lost your mind.
Why would you say that anyone reacting negatively to her actions has gone insane? Care to elaborate?
I’d say anyone wanting to accuse her of breaking the law by her silly made for TV moment has gone insane.
That's crazy itself. If it is illegal for someone to destroy an official document and she destroyed an official document, then no one is insane for saying she broke the law. in fact, it would be the slavish defenders of all things democrat insisting she didn't break the law who have left solid mental ground. This does remind me of Bubba's issues, in which he broke the law but his slavish defenders to this day insist he was impeached "for a blowjob".

Again, if it was illegal to destroy that document, she broke the law. You can successfully argue it's a silly issue, sure, but you can only say she didn't break the law if what she did was legal.

You actually think the little photocopy of Trump’s speech is an “official document”?

It’s not. Official documents are those deposited in the government archives. This was a little handout given to Pelosi and everyone else present. None of the hundreds of copies were ever intended to find their way back. It’s insane to overlook these obvious facts out of hatred for Pelosi.

Yes, that was the official House Of Representatives copy.


According to who?
The copy of Trump's speech did not belong to Nancy Pelosi it wasn't hers to destroy. It belonged to the people. The people own that building, the people own her office and chair, she's an occupant in OUR House.

Oh for fuck's sake. You're a whiny little bitch, just like your POTUS.

Y’all have lost your mind.
Why would you say that anyone reacting negatively to her actions has gone insane? Care to elaborate?
I’d say anyone wanting to accuse her of breaking the law by her silly made for TV moment has gone insane.
That's crazy itself. If it is illegal for someone to destroy an official document and she destroyed an official document, then no one is insane for saying she broke the law. in fact, it would be the slavish defenders of all things democrat insisting she didn't break the law who have left solid mental ground. This does remind me of Bubba's issues, in which he broke the law but his slavish defenders to this day insist he was impeached "for a blowjob".

Again, if it was illegal to destroy that document, she broke the law. You can successfully argue it's a silly issue, sure, but you can only say she didn't break the law if what she did was legal.

You actually think the little photocopy of Trump’s speech is an “official document”?

It’s not. Official documents are those deposited in the government archives. This was a little handout given to Pelosi and everyone else present. None of the hundreds of copies were ever intended to find their way back. It’s insane to overlook these obvious facts out of hatred for Pelosi.

Yes, that was the official House Of Representatives copy.


Jesus you people are stupid. Run with your feelings, fuck the facts....that's your modus operandi.

PolitiFact: Did Nancy Pelosi break the law by ripping Trump’s State of the Union speech?

The statute in question deals with the "concealment, removal, or mutilation generally" of records and reports. It sets a penalty for anyone who "conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys" any government record "filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States."

Why would you say that anyone reacting negatively to her actions has gone insane? Care to elaborate?
I’d say anyone wanting to accuse her of breaking the law by her silly made for TV moment has gone insane.
That's crazy itself. If it is illegal for someone to destroy an official document and she destroyed an official document, then no one is insane for saying she broke the law. in fact, it would be the slavish defenders of all things democrat insisting she didn't break the law who have left solid mental ground. This does remind me of Bubba's issues, in which he broke the law but his slavish defenders to this day insist he was impeached "for a blowjob".

Again, if it was illegal to destroy that document, she broke the law. You can successfully argue it's a silly issue, sure, but you can only say she didn't break the law if what she did was legal.

You actually think the little photocopy of Trump’s speech is an “official document”?

It’s not. Official documents are those deposited in the government archives. This was a little handout given to Pelosi and everyone else present. None of the hundreds of copies were ever intended to find their way back. It’s insane to overlook these obvious facts out of hatred for Pelosi.

Yes, that was the official House Of Representatives copy.


Jesus you people are stupid. Run with your feelings, fuck the facts....that's your modus operandi.

PolitiFact: Did Nancy Pelosi break the law by ripping Trump’s State of the Union speech?

The statute in question deals with the "concealment, removal, or mutilation generally" of records and reports. It sets a penalty for anyone who "conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys" any government record "filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States."


Ahhh look at the little simpleton defending his master.
The facts are this, silly boi, that speech goes from her hand to the national archives where it becomes a record.


You really are the stupidest people on the planet.
The copy of Trump's speech did not belong to Nancy Pelosi it wasn't hers to destroy. It belonged to the people. The people own that building, the people own her office and chair, she's an occupant in OUR House.

You really are as phuking stupid as you come off, aren't you?

Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School professor, has lambasted Pelosi’s detractors for being so clueless that they don’t even understand how Code 2017 works.

Code 2017 states, “Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

What Kirk, Higbie and Trump, Jr. are overlooking, Kalmbacher points out, is the “filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States” part.

“Trump handed Pelosi a copy of the speech,” Kalmbacher explains. “He didn’t file this copy with any official — clerk or otherwise — whose job it is to make sure such documents are collected, recorded and physically and legally protected. The president gave Pelosi a copy of his address as a memento of sorts. This action wasn’t an official deposit. It was an act of theater.”

The piece of paper that Pelosi tore up, according to Kalmbacher, “is not covered by the statute at all…. Nothing official happened here one way or another, and certainly, no laws were broken by the speaker.”

“Not even Bill Barr would fall for that ludicrous misapplication of the federal law criminalizing mutilation of government records,” Tribe asserted. “The copy was the speaker’s own. It wasn’t a government record to begin with, and her action was purely symbolic expression well within the protection of both the speech and debate clause and the First Amendment.”

Want some cheese to go with that whine clown?
The copy of Trump's speech did not belong to Nancy Pelosi it wasn't hers to destroy. It belonged to the people. The people own that building, the people own her office and chair, she's an occupant in OUR House.

You really are as phuking stupid as you come off, aren't you?

Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School professor, has lambasted Pelosi’s detractors for being so clueless that they don’t even understand how Code 2017 works.

Code 2017 states, “Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

What Kirk, Higbie and Trump, Jr. are overlooking, Kalmbacher points out, is the “filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States” part.

“Trump handed Pelosi a copy of the speech,” Kalmbacher explains. “He didn’t file this copy with any official — clerk or otherwise — whose job it is to make sure such documents are collected, recorded and physically and legally protected. The president gave Pelosi a copy of his address as a memento of sorts. This action wasn’t an official deposit. It was an act of theater.”

The piece of paper that Pelosi tore up, according to Kalmbacher, “is not covered by the statute at all…. Nothing official happened here one way or another, and certainly, no laws were broken by the speaker.”

“Not even Bill Barr would fall for that ludicrous misapplication of the federal law criminalizing mutilation of government records,” Tribe asserted. “The copy was the speaker’s own. It wasn’t a government record to begin with, and her action was purely symbolic expression well within the protection of both the speech and debate clause and the First Amendment.”

Want some cheese to go with that whine clown?

Your outrage is delicious.
The copy of Trump's speech did not belong to Nancy Pelosi it wasn't hers to destroy. It belonged to the people. The people own that building, the people own her office and chair, she's an occupant in OUR House.

You really are as phuking stupid as you come off, aren't you?

Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School professor, has lambasted Pelosi’s detractors for being so clueless that they don’t even understand how Code 2017 works.

Code 2017 states, “Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

What Kirk, Higbie and Trump, Jr. are overlooking, Kalmbacher points out, is the “filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States” part.

“Trump handed Pelosi a copy of the speech,” Kalmbacher explains. “He didn’t file this copy with any official — clerk or otherwise — whose job it is to make sure such documents are collected, recorded and physically and legally protected. The president gave Pelosi a copy of his address as a memento of sorts. This action wasn’t an official deposit. It was an act of theater.”

The piece of paper that Pelosi tore up, according to Kalmbacher, “is not covered by the statute at all…. Nothing official happened here one way or another, and certainly, no laws were broken by the speaker.”

“Not even Bill Barr would fall for that ludicrous misapplication of the federal law criminalizing mutilation of government records,” Tribe asserted. “The copy was the speaker’s own. It wasn’t a government record to begin with, and her action was purely symbolic expression well within the protection of both the speech and debate clause and the First Amendment.”

Want some cheese to go with that whine clown?

Your outrage is delicious.

Outrage? LOL. I was laughing my ass off at your, and everyother shit for brains rightard I've had to educate on this today.

If you losers didn't have something to be butt hurt about, you wouldnt have a life at all.

May have, lol, they will never be held accountable.
Yep, what she did was against statute, but she will never be called on it.
Hell, Sandy Berger only got probation, and he stole highly sensitive classified documents.

Clinton violated the espionage act over 100 times by mishandling classified information and got away with it.

Fuckin' swamp scum.
Why would you say that anyone reacting negatively to her actions has gone insane? Care to elaborate?
I’d say anyone wanting to accuse her of breaking the law by her silly made for TV moment has gone insane.
That's crazy itself. If it is illegal for someone to destroy an official document and she destroyed an official document, then no one is insane for saying she broke the law. in fact, it would be the slavish defenders of all things democrat insisting she didn't break the law who have left solid mental ground. This does remind me of Bubba's issues, in which he broke the law but his slavish defenders to this day insist he was impeached "for a blowjob".

Again, if it was illegal to destroy that document, she broke the law. You can successfully argue it's a silly issue, sure, but you can only say she didn't break the law if what she did was legal.

You actually think the little photocopy of Trump’s speech is an “official document”?

It’s not. Official documents are those deposited in the government archives. This was a little handout given to Pelosi and everyone else present. None of the hundreds of copies were ever intended to find their way back. It’s insane to overlook these obvious facts out of hatred for Pelosi.

Yes, that was the official House Of Representatives copy.


Jesus you people are stupid. Run with your feelings, fuck the facts....that's your modus operandi.

PolitiFact: Did Nancy Pelosi break the law by ripping Trump’s State of the Union speech?

The statute in question deals with the "concealment, removal, or mutilation generally" of records and reports. It sets a penalty for anyone who "conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys" any government record "filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States."

It may or may not be an official record, however, at the very least she committed...


§1361. Government property or contracts
Whoever willfully injures or commits any depredation against any property of the United States, or of any department or agency thereof, or any property which has been or is being manufactured or constructed for the United States, or any department or agency thereof, or attempts to commit any of the foregoing offenses, shall be punished as follows:

If the damage or attempted damage to such property exceeds the sum of $1,000, by a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both; if the damage or attempted damage to such property does not exceed the sum of $1,000, by a fine under this title or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.

She'll be part of the new super majority in 2021.

Is there a penalty for filing frivolous ethics complaints over getting triggered by the Speakers tear-able action in ripping up a copy of the Little-Lying Donnie's SOTU Reality Show script?

Here's your Horse

View attachment 305035
Pelosi's Hope to be Speaker of The House in 2021, Torn to Shreds!
I don't think The Anti-Christ is going to be vying for the DemNazi nomination this year, so I think they lose about 24 seats over this & The Don wins by a Landslide.

he's ALREADY the head of the R party.... you just keep looking afar for the AC to arrive....when he's right in front of you...

boastful, arrogant, deceiver, destroyer, divider, man of lawlessness, liar, willingness to proclaim himself to be the savior, bold enough to some day proclaim himself to be God, trying to broker a 7 year peace agreement..but will ultimately betray Israel, having even the 'elect' of the churches follow him, no regard for the laws of his fore fathers and shows no regard for women, (which does not mean gay), powers of magical arts...(black magic...brainwashing, cultist?), the man of perdition, and a number of other prophesies and descriptions of the proverbial Beast, point in your new messiah's direction.... look no further, if you are truly looking for him to show up! :eek: :D
The copy of Trump's speech did not belong to Nancy Pelosi it wasn't hers to destroy. It belonged to the people. The people own that building, the people own her office and chair, she's an occupant in OUR House.

You really are as phuking stupid as you come off, aren't you?

Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School professor, has lambasted Pelosi’s detractors for being so clueless that they don’t even understand how Code 2017 works.

Code 2017 states, “Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

What Kirk, Higbie and Trump, Jr. are overlooking, Kalmbacher points out, is the “filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States” part.

“Trump handed Pelosi a copy of the speech,” Kalmbacher explains. “He didn’t file this copy with any official — clerk or otherwise — whose job it is to make sure such documents are collected, recorded and physically and legally protected. The president gave Pelosi a copy of his address as a memento of sorts. This action wasn’t an official deposit. It was an act of theater.”

The piece of paper that Pelosi tore up, according to Kalmbacher, “is not covered by the statute at all…. Nothing official happened here one way or another, and certainly, no laws were broken by the speaker.”

“Not even Bill Barr would fall for that ludicrous misapplication of the federal law criminalizing mutilation of government records,” Tribe asserted. “The copy was the speaker’s own. It wasn’t a government record to begin with, and her action was purely symbolic expression well within the protection of both the speech and debate clause and the First Amendment.”

Want some cheese to go with that whine clown?

Your outrage is delicious.

Outrage? LOL. I was laughing my ass off at your, and everyother shit for brains rightard I've had to educate on this today.

If you losers didn't have something to be butt hurt about, you wouldnt have a life at all.


Lib please you people are in danger of being dissolved by your own stomach acid. :itsok:

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