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Nanny/Police State: NYC Ban On Large Sugared Drinks...

One day our police, firefighters and military will be full of fat fucks. And when you're stuck on the roof of a burning building and you see Chris Christie attempting to climb a ladder to save you you'll think

"Man, its getting hot up here." followed by "Hurry UP FAT ASS!"

One day our firefighters will be full of small and weak women who can't lift, much less carry even so much as a firehose. One day our police will be full of the small and weak who get attacked by teenagers who are bigger than they are, and shoot the kids.

It will be a disaster. Oh that day is here now!

Really? So you are saying our police are small and weak. Interesting.
Go on a diet if you want to. But it sure isn't the governments business to force a diet on you. sheesh

We all have that option to go on a diet right now as we speak.

So why isn't all of America doing it? Why is America getting fatter?

It's called free will and your liberty not to.
SF, you can dance all around this all you want. You believe in big government telling you how you should live your life, most people don't believe in that.
Think about it like this: They tell you to curtail drinks and happy meals for now
Down the road they take a few more things off your table.
Down the road they take a few more things off your table.
Red meat is bad for you...well, let the government tell you that you can't eat it anymore. I know that would be good with you because the government told you not to, but it's not with me.

Have a good day.

You're in total denial about the obesity problem and how it is affecting American society as a whole.

You bitch about the people who are at least attempting to do something about it and offer absolutely no alternative solutions.

I think Bloomberg's proposal is an overreach but you and paulitician sure as shit don't have any better ideas.
Who cares? Get fatter, or don't. That's your call. It's none of Big Brother's business.

When fat Americans drive up my health insurance premiums and drive up taxpayer costs, it's everyone's business and since you don't give a shit about it, I'll look towards government to stop it.

Again, your beef is with insurance companies and the government policies that transfer these costs to taxpayers. Why are you picking on fat people? Why not correct the problem you're actually upset about instead?


Why not correct the problem........

You don't see the fact that if Americans weren't having so many weight issues, there wouldn't be a problem to begin with?

A Systems Approach to Solving America's Obesity Problem - Forbes

This came out about a month ago.
There oughta be a Law i tell ya! Oh wait, there is. Big Brother also passed 40,000 other new Laws in 2011. Not enough Laws for the Nanny/Police Staters? Yikes!
We all have that option to go on a diet right now as we speak.

So why isn't all of America doing it? Why is America getting fatter?

It's called free will and your liberty not to.
SF, you can dance all around this all you want. You believe in big government telling you how you should live your life, most people don't believe in that.
Think about it like this: They tell you to curtail drinks and happy meals for now
Down the road they take a few more things off your table.
Down the road they take a few more things off your table.
Red meat is bad for you...well, let the government tell you that you can't eat it anymore. I know that would be good with you because the government told you not to, but it's not with me.

Have a good day.

You're in total denial about the obesity problem and how it is affecting American society as a whole.

You bitch about the people who are at least attempting to do something about it and offer absolutely no alternative solutions.

I think Bloomberg's proposal is an overreach but you and paulitician sure as shit don't have any better ideas.

What I have been consistantly saying is that it isn't the fucking governments job to stick their nose in peoples private lives. You are a blooming liberal that just can't get enough government to run everyones lives.
If people want to be fat..let them, if they want to do something about it, let them.
It sure isn't the responsibility of government to do it. You are one thick skulled person.
Admit it...you want a nanny state from cradle to the grave, you live in the right state and in the right region of the state for big government. Just don't move to Idaho...you would be sorely disappointed and clearly out numbered. :lol:
It's called free will and your liberty not to.
SF, you can dance all around this all you want. You believe in big government telling you how you should live your life, most people don't believe in that.
Think about it like this: They tell you to curtail drinks and happy meals for now
Down the road they take a few more things off your table.
Down the road they take a few more things off your table.
Red meat is bad for you...well, let the government tell you that you can't eat it anymore. I know that would be good with you because the government told you not to, but it's not with me.

Have a good day.

You're in total denial about the obesity problem and how it is affecting American society as a whole.

You bitch about the people who are at least attempting to do something about it and offer absolutely no alternative solutions.

I think Bloomberg's proposal is an overreach but you and paulitician sure as shit don't have any better ideas.

What I have been consistantly saying is that it isn't the fucking governments job to stick their nose in peoples private lives. You are a blooming liberal that just can't get enough government to run everyones lives.
If people want to be fat..let them, if they want to do something about it, let them.
It sure isn't the responsibility of government to do it. You are one thick skulled person.
Admit it...you want a nanny state from cradle to the grave, you live in the right state and in the right region of the state for big government. Just don't move to Idaho...you would be sorely disappointed and clearly out numbered. :lol:

Nope. Sorry. You might think America's health is inconsequential but lots of people don't agree with you.

Economic Consequences
Overweight and obesity and their associated health problems have a significant economic impact on the U.S. health care system.2 Medical costs associated with overweight and obesity may involve direct and indirect costs.3,4 Direct medical costs may include preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services related to obesity. Indirect costs relate to morbidity and mortality costs. Morbidity costs are defined as the value of income lost from decreased productivity, restricted activity, absenteeism, and bed days. Mortality costs are the value of future income lost by premature death.

National Estimated Cost of Obesity
The medical care costs of obesity in the United States are staggering. In 2008 dollars, these costs totaled about $147 billion.

Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: Adult: Causes - DNPAO - CDC

Although I'm sure it's beautiful, with all the wonderful places to live in on this Earth, Idaho wouldn't even cross my mind if I were to move. Their conservative enclave with their big, bad 4 electoral votes are safe.
There are always things more important. Empty Calories from sodas is part of the reason why Americans are fat. I mean shit, are we seriously denying that Soda is a part of why Americans are fat asses? Seriously?

Sure if we had to catch our own food, build our own shelter and ride horses we could take in 4500 calories with no problem. They didnt excersize to stay healthy their existence depended on them getting out there.

Maybe someone wont get a refill. The only thing I'm hearing is "this is stupid because I can get more than one drink". Sure you can but either you're going to want a hand free to eat with or you will juggle 2 drinks and a sandwich...Or sit down during your lunch break and get unlimited refills. But juggling and sitting down to eat doesnt happen much in America and if they want to they can get their fat asses up and walk to the refill machine.

How far would you like this to go?

Gov't regulated calories in food?

Gov't forced exercise?

What would be the difference, aren't those good ideas too?

Like Bloomberg's proposal, those suggestions are an overreach as well, although they are the first suggestions I've heard from the conservative side so far.

I'm not sure regulating adult calorie consumption is going to have any effect in America's obesity rate but one thing's for sure, I'm in full support of regulating corporations targeting children with their fattening ways as well as ignorant parents who are seemingly oblivious to it all.

It wasn't a suggestion, I was asking a if CC thought those were good ideas. I think they're awful ideas, if I want to eat/drink myself to death I should have that liberty.

You big gov't authoritarian types are hilarious. You think it's a joke that near harmless marijuana is illegal (which it is a joke) but then have nothing but blind faith in your holy all-knowing all-loving gov't in telling you what else to put in your body.

I couldn't tell you the last time I bought a large soda from a restaurant, but this is madness.
We all have that option to go on a diet right now as we speak.

So why isn't all of America doing it? Why is America getting fatter?

It's called free will and your liberty not to.
SF, you can dance all around this all you want. You believe in big government telling you how you should live your life, most people don't believe in that.
Think about it like this: They tell you to curtail drinks and happy meals for now
Down the road they take a few more things off your table.
Down the road they take a few more things off your table.
Red meat is bad for you...well, let the government tell you that you can't eat it anymore. I know that would be good with you because the government told you not to, but it's not with me.

Have a good day.

You're in total denial about the obesity problem and how it is affecting American society as a whole.

You bitch about the people who are at least attempting to do something about it and offer absolutely no alternative solutions.

I think Bloomberg's proposal is an overreach but you and paulitician sure as shit don't have any better ideas.

I haven't heard anyone deny we have an obesity problem in the U.S.

I had a gut 2 years ago, cut out the soda, started doing P90X, gut gone, best shape of my life. Notice in that sentence I never typed the word government.

Now if you could, please apply common sense to the situation, like these men have.

New York soda ban won't work, marketing experts say - latimes.com

“Whenever people feel like they’re being restricted they begin to resist. And that creates a real headwind for a policy like this,” he said Saturday by phone.

One possible result is that soda fans will say: “I’ll show them; I’ll drink three sodas,” Just says.

His colleague, Brian Wansink, also criticized the ban, which would take effect next March.

“People buying super-sized sodas want their 32-ounce soft drinks and will find a work-around to the ban. They’ll go to a place that offers fountain refills, or they’ll buy two,” Wansink said in a statement.
You're in total denial about the obesity problem and how it is affecting American society as a whole.

You bitch about the people who are at least attempting to do something about it and offer absolutely no alternative solutions.

I think Bloomberg's proposal is an overreach but you and paulitician sure as shit don't have any better ideas.

What I have been consistantly saying is that it isn't the fucking governments job to stick their nose in peoples private lives. You are a blooming liberal that just can't get enough government to run everyones lives.
If people want to be fat..let them, if they want to do something about it, let them.
It sure isn't the responsibility of government to do it. You are one thick skulled person.
Admit it...you want a nanny state from cradle to the grave, you live in the right state and in the right region of the state for big government. Just don't move to Idaho...you would be sorely disappointed and clearly out numbered. :lol:

Nope. Sorry. You might think America's health is inconsequential but lots of people don't agree with you.

You're still missing the point. Try to focus. There's no question obesity is a serious problem. But it's not a government problem and we shouldn't try to solve it by force of law.

I have to ask, and seriously hope you'll try to answer: Do you recognize any limits on government power to interfere in personal decisions? Where do you draw the line? Would you let them tell you who you can marry? How many kids you can have? What religion to follow? All of these issues have an impact on society and are arguably more consequential than what size sodas we drink. Should we pass similar laws protecting people from screwing up these decisions as well?
When fat Americans drive up my health insurance premiums and drive up taxpayer costs, it's everyone's business and since you don't give a shit about it, I'll look towards government to stop it.

Again, your beef is with insurance companies and the government policies that transfer these costs to taxpayers. Why are you picking on fat people? Why not correct the problem you're actually upset about instead?


Why not correct the problem........

You don't see the fact that if Americans weren't having so many weight issues, there wouldn't be a problem to begin with?

A Systems Approach to Solving America's Obesity Problem - Forbes

This came out about a month ago.

The solution is that obese people get their insurance dropped and the government does NOT pick up the tab. Let them pay out of pocket for their health issues.
Again, your beef is with insurance companies and the government policies that transfer these costs to taxpayers. Why are you picking on fat people? Why not correct the problem you're actually upset about instead?


Why not correct the problem........

You don't see the fact that if Americans weren't having so many weight issues, there wouldn't be a problem to begin with?

A Systems Approach to Solving America's Obesity Problem - Forbes

This came out about a month ago.

The solution is that obese people get their insurance dropped and the government does NOT pick up the tab. Let them pay out of pocket for their health issues.

I'm hearing a libertarian peak out of you.

Let a private insurance company determine the standards for who they insure, and get gov't out of it.

Fat people don't seem to take their health seriously, but they still might take their pocketbook seriously.
The power of the state is absolute, minute, regular, provident and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, it's object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood; it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances; what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living? Thus it every day renders the exercise of the free agency of man less useful and less frequent; it circumscribes the will within a narrower range and gradually robs a man of all the uses of himself.

The supreme power of the administrative state extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but are constatnly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better that a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.

Alexander de Tocqueville
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Again, your beef is with insurance companies and the government policies that transfer these costs to taxpayers. Why are you picking on fat people? Why not correct the problem you're actually upset about instead?


Why not correct the problem........

You don't see the fact that if Americans weren't having so many weight issues, there wouldn't be a problem to begin with?

A Systems Approach to Solving America's Obesity Problem - Forbes

This came out about a month ago.

The solution is that obese people get their insurance dropped and the government does NOT pick up the tab. Let them pay out of pocket for their health issues.

The solution is also that gays and drug users not be provided for AIDS treatment. It's their fault, let them pay out of pocket for health issues. In fact, treatment for any STD should be paid out of pocket as well as contraceptives and abortions. Let them pay themselves for the consequences of their own behavior.
There are always things more important. Empty Calories from sodas is part of the reason why Americans are fat. I mean shit, are we seriously denying that Soda is a part of why Americans are fat asses? Seriously?

Sure if we had to catch our own food, build our own shelter and ride horses we could take in 4500 calories with no problem. They didnt excersize to stay healthy their existence depended on them getting out there.

Maybe someone wont get a refill. The only thing I'm hearing is "this is stupid because I can get more than one drink". Sure you can but either you're going to want a hand free to eat with or you will juggle 2 drinks and a sandwich...Or sit down during your lunch break and get unlimited refills. But juggling and sitting down to eat doesnt happen much in America and if they want to they can get their fat asses up and walk to the refill machine.

I don't think it stupid because someone can't get more than a certain amount of soda at a ttime. It's stupid because in lieu of buying and eating an appetizer, an entre, and a desert with unteen number of calories, the mayor want to restrict their drink size? The money spent would be better spent on a campaign to get people to exersise more.

The difference is that Sodas are empty calories with no nutritional value. Oh yeah, the money should be spent on excersize programs huh? You mean like the Lets Move campaign that Repubs scream is a govt over reach.

Like that?

Excessive calories all turn into fat. Yes if the Mayor wanst to do something, an advertizing campaign to encourage people to exersise would be better than ineffective rules like the Big Gulp ban.
Angioplasty and liposuction..........

Typical American band-aid solutions, reserved for those who can afford it, of course.

Eating right and exercising is out of the question.

Down here in the sane and conservative part of the state, we have more gyms and health clubs per city block than you have gay bath houses, up in San fran.
Who cares? Get fatter, or don't. That's your call. It's none of Big Brother's business.

When fat Americans drive up my health insurance premiums and drive up taxpayer costs, it's everyone's business and since you don't give a shit about it, I'll look towards government to stop it.

I've been waiting for the government to stop drug addiction for years. Libs tell me the government has no business telling people what kind of drugs they should enjoy.

I'm going to keep telling you that too. And they have no business regulating portion size of anything sold anywhere.
When fat Americans drive up my health insurance premiums and drive up taxpayer costs, it's everyone's business and since you don't give a shit about it, I'll look towards government to stop it.

I've been waiting for the government to stop drug addiction for years. Libs tell me the government has no business telling people what kind of drugs they should enjoy.

I'm going to keep telling you that too. And they have no business regulating portion size of anything sold anywhere.

Please convince some of the Obamabots on this thread to take your side.

Because if they hear common sense from people who don't vote Obama, it'll just make them run to gov't even more.

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