Nanny State: Walking Is Dangerous


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
Nanny State: Walking Is Dangerous! - YouTube!

Nanny State: Walking Is Dangerous! - YouTube!

It may seem petty, but the boardwalk is but another example of how we are increasingly herded about like cattle, often by storm troopers armed to the teeth with the latest military technology. Get out of line and you might receive the human equivalent of a cattle prod – a taser wielded by “peace officer” dressed in a black paramilitary uniform.

Examples of the coercive and often violent police state are legion. In the past week, a father was arrested and slapped in cuffs because his daughter drew a picture of a toy gun in school.

Earlier this year, a child playing tag on a school playground was accused of sexual assault and a sexual battery charge was placed on his permanent school record, thus almost certainly making sure he will be under the control freak microscope of the state for the remainder of his life. Continued

Comment: Without Common sense we can't be free, people have to be responsible for there own actions. We have to many Lawyers and to many stupid people for them to use.
Freedom is dangerous and we like it that way.
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Nanny State: Walking Is Dangerous
....In some neighborhoods, more than others.....​

March 17, 2012

Watchin' The Watchers

"This guy looks like he is up to no good. He is on drugs or something,” Zimmerman told the dispatcher from his SUV. He added that the black teen had his hand in his waistband and was walking around looking at homes.

“These a-------. They always get away,” Zimmerman said on a 911 call."

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