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Naomi Wolf: Mandatory Vaccine Passport Could Lead To The End Of Human Liberty In The West

I already take my freedom and my mobility rights without asking permission.
I'd be very happy to stay at hotels that only rent to people with vacinnation records. I have to show an ID anyway. Not to mention a credit card.
I’m not lying at all. My vote was rejected because of a signature mismatch. I live in Cali. I voted in Cali. Where do you live? Where the hell are you getting your fake news from?

You are lying. I've been a poll worker.

To register, you can be automatically registered at the DMV, or sign up outside any grocery store. No one asks for ID or any proof of identity. At the DMV it's assumed that your identity is known, but we give drivers licenses to illegals, so this is a clear path to illegals voting.

Voting is just sign the book and get your ballot.

The ONLY way there would be any sort of is if you sought to cast a provisional ballot, in which they MIGHT check signature to the registration form.

Thank you for proving the facts here.

I know in my state you don't have to show an ID to register either.
Proving facts?! Haha, what in the world do you think that link proves?! Because it sure as hell isn’t anything he has been claiming! Happy for you to prove me wrong... go for it!
Do you live in California? Vote in California? Because I do. Which fake news site are you getting this retarded intel from?

I live in Yorba Linda, just east of Anaheim. I was born in Sierra Madre, next to Pasadena. I grew up in West Covina.

Why you are lying I can't say - but you are lying and anyone from California knows it.
I’m not lying. There’s is no way you can register to vote without proving you’re a citizen. You can request a provisional ballot but if they can’t verify that you’re registered then your vote doesn’t count. You’re full of shit
The vaccinated may start shedding more lethal variants so they may need to be segregated away from the healthy populace.

The deadly irony is eerily similar. Seems very few people are able to see the line we are crossing here.

I see it.
And got the vaccine. But it's nobody's business unless I decide to let 'em know.
It's called choice!

I know you see it and I agree with you. Its about choice.

I guess that they'll have to change the HIPPA law if they want to make a vaccine passport mandatory! Otherwise, the Fed's would get sued out of existence!!
Human liberty has always been limited.

Limited by kings and tyrants. The former's claim to power is by blood and birth and the latter's is by brute force. Our government has neither of these by intent. Their only power is what the people gave them in the Constitution. They have neither right nor authority to limit our human liberty beyond that which was ratified into the Constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution allows this kind of monitoring of people and their movements.
NAOMI WOLF: I can not say this forcefully enough: This is literally the end of human liberty in the West if this plan unfolds as planned.

"Vaccine passport" sounds like a fine thing if you don't understand what these platforms can do. I'm the CEO of a tech company, I understand what this platform does. It is not about the vaccine or the virus, it is about your data. What people need to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all.

What that means is that can be merged with your Paypal account, digital currency, Microsoft is talking about merging it with payment plans, your networks can be sucked up, it geolocates you wherever you go. All of your medical history can be included -- this has already happened in Israel.

And six months later, we're hearing from activists that it is a two-tiered society and basically activists are ostracized and surveiled continually. It is the end of civil society and they are trying to roll it out around the world. It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass, it is -- I can not stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized.

And by the way, the last thing I'll say is IBM has a horrible history with Nazi Germany... with punchcards that allowed the Nazis to keep lists... in such a way that they could round up Jews, round up dissidents and opposition leaders. It is catastrophic, it can not be allowed to continue...

How does [China] keep a billion people under the thumb of a totalitarian regime. The CCP can find any dissident in five minutes, and that can happen here literally within months.

They are turning of the heat under the water and we are the frogs.
But HR-1 does not "ban" voter identification laws. Instead, it offers a workaround to state voter IDs for individuals who do not have the means to obtain identification. Voters may alternatively present a sworn, written statement to an election official under penalty of perjury that states the voter is eligible to vote.

Because everyone knows that perjury is a crime and they could go to jail for it... So people who are going to vote illegally won't commit perjury because they don't want to break the law...

I've heard this logic somewhere else... Oh.. yeah. This may as well be a gun control thread. If we just pass another law then crimes will be illegal so criminals will quit committing crimes.
"..... I agree with you. Its about choice."

Well, yes....as has been said earlier: it is about "choice".

You get to choose whether you carry a shot-card.

Retailers, airlines, churches, theatres, stadiums, restaurants and taverns get to choose whether to only allow attendees who have the shot-card to enter their facilities.

You gotta love choice.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

For years and years international travelers had Immunization Cards with their passports.. You had to be up to date with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Smallpox etc. My shot card is 4 feet long..

You sound like a real dumb cluck.
The WufFlu is nowhere on a par with those diseases, fearmonger.

Its killed several million people worldwide, you fool.

It killed no one who was not already compromised somehow.
And it is not covid-19 that killed anyone actually.
It is only an over reaction by the immune system that causes any harm at all.
And that not only should have been easily treatable with immuno suppressants like fluvoxamine, but also we should have minimized the deaths by trying to accelerate herd immunity last March, instead of making it last forever by "flattening the curve".
Out of 7.9 billion, that a few million is not significant.
Too bad she was one of the leading lights of the fascist movement...
Even Malcom X had a turn of direction and change of heart before he got gunned down by his
fellow brothers that didn't want to hear that the "White Devils" were not all evil.

Wolf's former political self makes her conversion to this new civil libertarian version all the more valuable and informative. I don't care if she was one of Hillary's pack years back.
I care about not going down the road China is on

She has always been of the classic Liberal persuasion. Classic Liberals have always been civil libertarians. I dismiss when someone calls Obama or Hillary a Liberal. They are little more than what most politicians are. People wanting power and to control people. Classical Liberals are all about NOT controlling people.

While I would disagree with Wolf on certain issues I always liked her because she was always honest.

All the Democrats have to do is say that this I.D. will have a picture and be used for voting and the GOP will jump on board.

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