Napolitano is back at FOX and he still says Obama had the Brits wiretap Trump

He's been on twice to day and the first time was after an admission that his disappearance was not his choice. I knew public pressure would get him back. He'll be there until selected for and confirmed to a federal judgeship.
Consider this..

Farkas, who just openly admitted espionage against the US and threw Obama and his upper echelon under the bus, was a DOD foreign secretary under Obama. She had access to NSA and CIA intelligence. She also had access to British intelligence information. She then left the Obama admin to be on Clinton's Campaign.

Given she just gave an unsolicited admission of espionage, she also had possession of Top Secret information while working for the Clinton Campaign after leaving government service. Where did she obtain it? Who gave it to her? Why was she "trying to get it out there and to the hill" or leaking it?

Napalitano could very well be right that she was obtaining it from British agencies who were using US data supplied by Obama and his upper echelon... Now were talking Collusion to Commit Espionage on a presidential candidate, the president elect, and then president of the US...

Obama makes all the unmasked information available to Brits and 16 other agencies right before he leaves office, WHY?

This stinks to high heaven.. ??Avenue to keep the information flowing using British intelligence connections??
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Napolitano wears adult diapers as protection against his FOSS. Full of Shit Syndrome.

I am so fucking glad that Obama was doing his job with this russian tratior...Too bad we live in a country full of Putin dick suckers.
I am so fucking glad that Obama was doing his job with this russian tratior...Too bad we live in a country full of Putin dick suckers.

I wonder why you think Trump is in cahoots with Putin when it was the Clintons that sold him 20% of our Plutonium, jack ass.

Maybe you need to cut back on the pole steak instead?
Of course he stands by his statement, that Supreme Court nomination is not going to come his way on its own.

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