Narcotics Fielding: Cart-Steeple


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The trafficking of narcotics between South America, Central America, and North America is sufficiently catalyzed by the economic incentives created by the black market.

Many economists argue that these narcotics sectors ironically boost the top-down financial structures of developing countries such as Chile.

To somehow get at the economics that fuels the consumption culture of narcotics and weds it to consumerism lifestyle in North America, social leaders must study how to coordinate alternative agriculture sectors (i.e., the soybean market) with sensitive local culture traditions regarding narcotics sourcing vegetation (i.e., cocoa plants).

Such issues are reflected in consumerism consciousness Hollywood (USA) movies such as "Homegrown" (1998) and "Traffic" (2000).

HA! The US and England were both forcing China to buy opium with silver trying to drain the Chinese economy, and after developing a highly addictive opium strain, they were also out to destabilize Chinese society..this happen in the mid 1840's-1850's.......There was even a war in which China lost and had to allow foreign powers to operate commercially in China...Don't tell me about Hollywood produced movies when the first War on Drugs was in the later 19th/early 20th century.....

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