NASA predicts Megadroughts

Well, the one thing that causes me to doubt global warming is not really weather patterns, but would be the fact that volcanoes and other natural processes also contribute to green house gases. BUT, why would all of those climatologists lie? What would they have to gain by lying to us? This is the question. There is pretty much a consensus amongst them that global warming is real.

actually there is very little "consensus" and John Cook really did a massive disservice to those of us who do not agree with them. WE may believe the climate is changing but we disagree on its cause. Cook et al assumed that agreeing that climate has changed was the same as believing MMGW was real. The so called consensus is a lie..

I really haven't seen much evidence of a lot of change in my local weather patterns until this winter. We have been literally dumped upon with snow. We probably have gotten 8 feet of snow this winter, all in about a month's time. That is a little concerning.

When you consider that the cycles of the earth and solar variance are 60, 120, 240, 480 years one persons life span does not allow us to see the full cyclical pattern of even one cycle of solar influence which is 240+ years. we have just crested the top of one of those cycles which has taken 20 years. The next 60-120 years will be cooling as we descend through the lower solar output phase of the current cycle.

Given this long term information you will most likely see many more of these snow filled winters just like the early 1800's

You must be referring to the mini ice age? I've read about that too, and that also causes me to question the validity of global warming. I know the earth must go through cycles, so if there was global warming, it could definitely be a natural occurrence, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer with these changes.

If you research the Earth in times past, when it was much warmer, the planet has bloomed. The Roman Warming Period was warmer than the present day, as was the Minoan Warming Period. Not one bad thing that the AGW cult has claimed will kill us all, ever occurred back then. That is a fact.
So, does anyone have an explanation for this horrible winter weather pattern we've been experiencing? It was 2 degrees here this morning when I awoke, not including wind chill, and I was talking to another poster who lives in Alaska who tells me it has been unseasonably warm and hardly no snow at all.

You are experiencing the effects of the Ocean cold phases of both the ADO and PDO coupled with the change to global cooling. The polar low is so massive it is now dominating the hemispheres weather and the polar jet is so massive it intrudes on the equator. these wild swings are a result of heat loss in the arctic, which you are now experiencing.

Get used to them.. there are many more to come as the ADO (Atlantic Decadle Oscillation) and PDO (Pacific Decadle Oscillations) will now remain cold for another 10-20 years.
LOL. So, we are experiancing very cold weather worldwide, and that explains why 13 of the 14 hottest years on record have happened since 2000. You deniars are silly asses. The record is absolutely clear, it is warming rapidly, especially the oceans.

Climate change
Climate Consensus - the 97%
The oceans are warming so fast, they keep breaking scientists' charts

NOAA once again has to rescale its ocean heat chart to capture 2014 ocean warming


Ocean heat content data to a depth of 2,000 meters, from NOAA.
Well, the one thing that causes me to doubt global warming is not really weather patterns, but would be the fact that volcanoes and other natural processes also contribute to green house gases. BUT, why would all of those climatologists lie? What would they have to gain by lying to us? This is the question. There is pretty much a consensus amongst them that global warming is real.

actually there is very little "consensus" and John Cook really did a massive disservice to those of us who do not agree with them. WE may believe the climate is changing but we disagree on its cause. Cook et al assumed that agreeing that climate has changed was the same as believing MMGW was real. The so called consensus is a lie..

I really haven't seen much evidence of a lot of change in my local weather patterns until this winter. We have been literally dumped upon with snow. We probably have gotten 8 feet of snow this winter, all in about a month's time. That is a little concerning.

When you consider that the cycles of the earth and solar variance are 60, 120, 240, 480 years one persons life span does not allow us to see the full cyclical pattern of even one cycle of solar influence which is 240+ years. we have just crested the top of one of those cycles which has taken 20 years. The next 60-120 years will be cooling as we descend through the lower solar output phase of the current cycle.

Given this long term information you will most likely see many more of these snow filled winters just like the early 1800's

You must be referring to the mini ice age? I've read about that too, and that also causes me to question the validity of global warming. I know the earth must go through cycles, so if there was global warming, it could definitely be a natural occurrence, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer with these changes.

If you research the Earth in times past, when it was much warmer, the planet has bloomed. The Roman Warming Period was warmer than the present day, as was the Minoan Warming Period. Not one bad thing that the AGW cult has claimed will kill us all, ever occurred back then. That is a fact.
Here we go again. Five years ago ol' Walleyes was claiming that we were entering a cooling phase, 15 years prior to that, people like him were claiming that there was no warming, period. Now, the chant is, 'Well, it is good for you'. And, no matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary, they will continue that chant until it becomes no longer viable, just like their previous chants.

The Earth is warming, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future due to the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere. The rapidity of the change is going to create havoc with the weather that we considered normal. And, the affects on agriculture are not going to be good in a world with 7 billion mouths to feed.
The stages of denier retreat:

1. There's no warming!

2. There is warming, but it's natural!

3. Okay, we caused the warming, but warming is good!

4. The warming we caused is bad, but it's cheaper to react to it than it is to stop the warming!

5. Screw you all. I'm taking my gubmint subsidies and withdrawing into a fortified gated community.

As can be seen from this thread, most of the deniers have already retreated to stage 3. They'll eventually continue their retreat to stages 4 and 5.
You guys really need to watch something other than the low information FOX news channel. It is rotting your brains....:dunno::smartass:

You do too. MSNBC and all the AGW prophets have warped your tiny little brain. "Mega droughts" are common in the southwest US. The only difference between the one that is coming, and those that came before, is mankind has over populated the area. And, just like the last time, the population will leave or die.

"leave or die"....I am sure that phase will soon be on some GOP hit list!
Well, the one thing that causes me to doubt global warming is not really weather patterns, but would be the fact that volcanoes and other natural processes also contribute to green house gases. BUT, why would all of those climatologists lie? What would they have to gain by lying to us? This is the question. There is pretty much a consensus amongst them that global warming is real.

actually there is very little "consensus" and John Cook really did a massive disservice to those of us who do not agree with them. WE may believe the climate is changing but we disagree on its cause. Cook et al assumed that agreeing that climate has changed was the same as believing MMGW was real. The so called consensus is a lie..

I really haven't seen much evidence of a lot of change in my local weather patterns until this winter. We have been literally dumped upon with snow. We probably have gotten 8 feet of snow this winter, all in about a month's time. That is a little concerning.

When you consider that the cycles of the earth and solar variance are 60, 120, 240, 480 years one persons life span does not allow us to see the full cyclical pattern of even one cycle of solar influence which is 240+ years. we have just crested the top of one of those cycles which has taken 20 years. The next 60-120 years will be cooling as we descend through the lower solar output phase of the current cycle.

Given this long term information you will most likely see many more of these snow filled winters just like the early 1800's

You must be referring to the mini ice age? I've read about that too, and that also causes me to question the validity of global warming. I know the earth must go through cycles, so if there was global warming, it could definitely be a natural occurrence, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer with these changes.

If you research the Earth in times past, when it was much warmer, the planet has bloomed. The Roman Warming Period was warmer than the present day, as was the Minoan Warming Period. Not one bad thing that the AGW cult has claimed will kill us all, ever occurred back then. That is a fact.

I've heard of it before. I don't really think any of us can really predict what will happen though. We can guesstimate.
The stages of denier retreat:

1. There's no warming!

2. There is warming, but it's natural!

3. Okay, we caused the warming, but warming is good!

4. The warming we caused is bad, but it's cheaper to react to it than it is to stop the warming!

5. Screw you all. I'm taking my gubmint subsidies and withdrawing into a fortified gated community.

As can be seen from this thread, most of the deniers have already retreated to stage 3. They'll eventually continue their retreat to stages 4 and 5.

Well, the fact is that carbon credits are NOT going to help anyone. Not unless you could get the rest of the world on board, and you cannot force them either. Apparently, a lot of other countries are not buying into global warming.
Riddle me this.....................

What technology allows us to make fresh water from salt water..............that has been used by us humans for at least a century..............that provides water for desert nations.........................

So, does anyone have an explanation for this horrible winter weather pattern we've been experiencing? It was 2 degrees here this morning when I awoke, not including wind chill, and I was talking to another poster who lives in Alaska who tells me it has been unseasonably warm and hardly no snow at all.

You are experiencing the effects of the Ocean cold phases of both the ADO and PDO coupled with the change to global cooling. The polar low is so massive it is now dominating the hemispheres weather and the polar jet is so massive it intrudes on the equator. these wild swings are a result of heat loss in the arctic, which you are now experiencing.

Get used to them.. there are many more to come as the ADO (Atlantic Decadle Oscillation) and PDO (Pacific Decadle Oscillations) will now remain cold for another 10-20 years.
LOL. So, we are experiancing very cold weather worldwide, and that explains why 13 of the 14 hottest years on record have happened since 2000. You deniars are silly asses. The record is absolutely clear, it is warming rapidly, especially the oceans.

Climate change
Climate Consensus - the 97%
The oceans are warming so fast, they keep breaking scientists' charts

NOAA once again has to rescale its ocean heat chart to capture 2014 ocean warming


Ocean heat content data to a depth of 2,000 meters, from NOAA.

Yeah, sure. That is a graph generated by computer derived science fiction. The reality is there is no "hidden" warmth in the oceans. Even Trenberth admitted it and this is yet more propaganda being generated to prop up your cult.
actually there is very little "consensus" and John Cook really did a massive disservice to those of us who do not agree with them. WE may believe the climate is changing but we disagree on its cause. Cook et al assumed that agreeing that climate has changed was the same as believing MMGW was real. The so called consensus is a lie..

I really haven't seen much evidence of a lot of change in my local weather patterns until this winter. We have been literally dumped upon with snow. We probably have gotten 8 feet of snow this winter, all in about a month's time. That is a little concerning.

When you consider that the cycles of the earth and solar variance are 60, 120, 240, 480 years one persons life span does not allow us to see the full cyclical pattern of even one cycle of solar influence which is 240+ years. we have just crested the top of one of those cycles which has taken 20 years. The next 60-120 years will be cooling as we descend through the lower solar output phase of the current cycle.

Given this long term information you will most likely see many more of these snow filled winters just like the early 1800's

You must be referring to the mini ice age? I've read about that too, and that also causes me to question the validity of global warming. I know the earth must go through cycles, so if there was global warming, it could definitely be a natural occurrence, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer with these changes.

If you research the Earth in times past, when it was much warmer, the planet has bloomed. The Roman Warming Period was warmer than the present day, as was the Minoan Warming Period. Not one bad thing that the AGW cult has claimed will kill us all, ever occurred back then. That is a fact.
Here we go again. Five years ago ol' Walleyes was claiming that we were entering a cooling phase, 15 years prior to that, people like him were claiming that there was no warming, period. Now, the chant is, 'Well, it is good for you'. And, no matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary, they will continue that chant until it becomes no longer viable, just like their previous chants.

The Earth is warming, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future due to the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere. The rapidity of the change is going to create havoc with the weather that we considered normal. And, the affects on agriculture are not going to be good in a world with 7 billion mouths to feed.

And we are. As has been told to you many, many ties...the Earth is not an episode of CSI where scientific results somehow appear instantaneously. The Earth operates on vast time scales. The "Pause" as it is now so famously known is the beginning of the cooling. Within ten years the cooling will be so obvious, even an idiot like you will be able to see it.
You guys really need to watch something other than the low information FOX news channel. It is rotting your brains....:dunno::smartass:

You do too. MSNBC and all the AGW prophets have warped your tiny little brain. "Mega droughts" are common in the southwest US. The only difference between the one that is coming, and those that came before, is mankind has over populated the area. And, just like the last time, the population will leave or die.

"leave or die"....I am sure that phase will soon be on some GOP hit list!

It's called reality. Something you cultists can't see m to grasp.
actually there is very little "consensus" and John Cook really did a massive disservice to those of us who do not agree with them. WE may believe the climate is changing but we disagree on its cause. Cook et al assumed that agreeing that climate has changed was the same as believing MMGW was real. The so called consensus is a lie..

I really haven't seen much evidence of a lot of change in my local weather patterns until this winter. We have been literally dumped upon with snow. We probably have gotten 8 feet of snow this winter, all in about a month's time. That is a little concerning.

When you consider that the cycles of the earth and solar variance are 60, 120, 240, 480 years one persons life span does not allow us to see the full cyclical pattern of even one cycle of solar influence which is 240+ years. we have just crested the top of one of those cycles which has taken 20 years. The next 60-120 years will be cooling as we descend through the lower solar output phase of the current cycle.

Given this long term information you will most likely see many more of these snow filled winters just like the early 1800's

You must be referring to the mini ice age? I've read about that too, and that also causes me to question the validity of global warming. I know the earth must go through cycles, so if there was global warming, it could definitely be a natural occurrence, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer with these changes.

If you research the Earth in times past, when it was much warmer, the planet has bloomed. The Roman Warming Period was warmer than the present day, as was the Minoan Warming Period. Not one bad thing that the AGW cult has claimed will kill us all, ever occurred back then. That is a fact.

I've heard of it before. I don't really think any of us can really predict what will happen though. We can guesstimate.

That's true. But the written records that remain to us tell a story that is completely opposite of what the AGW cultists tell us will happen. The archeological record and paleontological records likewise tell us that when it has been warm the world has been a garden.
You guys really need to watch something other than the low information FOX news channel. It is rotting your brains....:dunno::smartass:

You do too. MSNBC and all the AGW prophets have warped your tiny little brain. "Mega droughts" are common in the southwest US. The only difference between the one that is coming, and those that came before, is mankind has over populated the area. And, just like the last time, the population will leave or die.

"leave or die"....I am sure that phase will soon be on some GOP hit list!

It's called reality. Something you cultists can't see m to grasp.

I just don't know what to think. There is so much conflicting information out there, it makes it really difficult. For one thing, politicians should never be involved with science. They screw up everything they touch.
These plants produce enough water to provide water and irrigation for entire countries now.......................

The tech to desalinate Salt Water, pump it, and use it, is available to deal with this should it come true...............

and the planet does go through cycles and droughts will happen from time to time................
These people at Nasa want's to keep their mega paychecks coming so what better way than to predict we are going to mega frikken die probably.

forget the drought, it could be from a mega frikken lighting strike

who puts any trust in these people anymore. they have the lowest ratings of trust with the people, I think in all the years I've been voting. when your own President wins LIE of the year well for sure I believe all his cronies he's put in his administration . NOT
I really haven't seen much evidence of a lot of change in my local weather patterns until this winter. We have been literally dumped upon with snow. We probably have gotten 8 feet of snow this winter, all in about a month's time. That is a little concerning.

When you consider that the cycles of the earth and solar variance are 60, 120, 240, 480 years one persons life span does not allow us to see the full cyclical pattern of even one cycle of solar influence which is 240+ years. we have just crested the top of one of those cycles which has taken 20 years. The next 60-120 years will be cooling as we descend through the lower solar output phase of the current cycle.

Given this long term information you will most likely see many more of these snow filled winters just like the early 1800's

You must be referring to the mini ice age? I've read about that too, and that also causes me to question the validity of global warming. I know the earth must go through cycles, so if there was global warming, it could definitely be a natural occurrence, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer with these changes.

If you research the Earth in times past, when it was much warmer, the planet has bloomed. The Roman Warming Period was warmer than the present day, as was the Minoan Warming Period. Not one bad thing that the AGW cult has claimed will kill us all, ever occurred back then. That is a fact.

I've heard of it before. I don't really think any of us can really predict what will happen though. We can guesstimate.

That's true. But the written records that remain to us tell a story that is completely opposite of what the AGW cultists tell us will happen. The archeological record and paleontological records likewise tell us that when it has been warm the world has been a garden.

Well, I do hope you are right. I really do. It's just really difficult for a regular person to make an informed decision when you have this group telling you one thing, and that group telling you another. It's very frustrating.
These people at Nasa want's to keep their mega paychecks coming so what better way than to predict we are going to mega frikken die probably.

forget the drought, it could be from a mega frikken lighting strike

who puts any trust in these people anymore. they have the lowest ratings of trust with the people, I think in all they years I've been voting

I would love to separate the politics from the science, but that is the main problem, the scientific studies have to be funded from somewhere, and that is going to be the damn dishonest government/politicians. Ugh.
Riddle me this.....................

What technology allows us to make fresh water from salt water..............that has been used by us humans for at least a century..............that provides water for desert nations.........................


This is a good point. We have the technology to do some pretty amazing things. :)

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