NASA predicts Megadroughts

You guys really need to watch something other than the low information FOX news channel. It is rotting your brains....:dunno::smartass:

You do too. MSNBC and all the AGW prophets have warped your tiny little brain. "Mega droughts" are common in the southwest US. The only difference between the one that is coming, and those that came before, is mankind has over populated the area. And, just like the last time, the population will leave or die.

"leave or die"....I am sure that phase will soon be on some GOP hit list!

It's called reality. Something you cultists can't see m to grasp.

I just don't know what to think. There is so much conflicting information out there, it makes it really difficult. For one thing, politicians should never be involved with science. They screw up everything they touch.

The first step is to not believe anything you hear from anyone. Instead, you need to review as many sources, from as many different points of view as possible. It is illustrative of the AGW cultists weak argument though, that they DEMAND that you only be allowed one side of the story. They wish to control all information that's out there (and they were able to use the peer review system to prevent alternate theories, and data that conflicts with the "consensus" from being disseminated for years) so that you have only one story to hear....theirs.
These people at Nasa want's to keep their mega paychecks coming so what better way than to predict we are going to mega frikken die probably.

forget the drought, it could be from a mega frikken lighting strike

who puts any trust in these people anymore. they have the lowest ratings of trust with the people, I think in all they years I've been voting

I would love to separate the politics from the science, but that is the main problem, the scientific studies have to be funded from somewhere, and that is going to be the damn dishonest government/politicians. Ugh.

That is a sad fact. Grants are generated by scientists doing the work that politicians wish them to do. The AGW fraud is a nexus of co-dependent goals. The scientists like the fact that they get to make millions of dollars and enjoy amazing levels of media generated fame....some of these guys think they're rock stars, and the politicians are interested in power and tax money.

It is interesting though, that when you look at any carbon trading scheme there is NO effort to control pollution. None at all. There is the tacit agreement that you can still pollute, you just have to pay for the privilege to do so. And the politicians and bankers get to rake in trillions of dollars for doing nothing but shuffling paper from one side of the room to the other.
When you consider that the cycles of the earth and solar variance are 60, 120, 240, 480 years one persons life span does not allow us to see the full cyclical pattern of even one cycle of solar influence which is 240+ years. we have just crested the top of one of those cycles which has taken 20 years. The next 60-120 years will be cooling as we descend through the lower solar output phase of the current cycle.

Given this long term information you will most likely see many more of these snow filled winters just like the early 1800's

You must be referring to the mini ice age? I've read about that too, and that also causes me to question the validity of global warming. I know the earth must go through cycles, so if there was global warming, it could definitely be a natural occurrence, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer with these changes.

If you research the Earth in times past, when it was much warmer, the planet has bloomed. The Roman Warming Period was warmer than the present day, as was the Minoan Warming Period. Not one bad thing that the AGW cult has claimed will kill us all, ever occurred back then. That is a fact.

I've heard of it before. I don't really think any of us can really predict what will happen though. We can guesstimate.

That's true. But the written records that remain to us tell a story that is completely opposite of what the AGW cultists tell us will happen. The archeological record and paleontological records likewise tell us that when it has been warm the world has been a garden.

Well, I do hope you are right. I really do. It's just really difficult for a regular person to make an informed decision when you have this group telling you one thing, and that group telling you another. It's very frustrating.

I agree. It CAN be very frustrating. So do the old trusty detective thing (and you are already on that road based on the posts you've made) follow the money. Who benefits the most from passing the legislation they want to pass.
These people at Nasa want's to keep their mega paychecks coming so what better way than to predict we are going to mega frikken die probably.

forget the drought, it could be from a mega frikken lighting strike

who puts any trust in these people anymore. they have the lowest ratings of trust with the people, I think in all they years I've been voting

I would love to separate the politics from the science, but that is the main problem, the scientific studies have to be funded from somewhere, and that is going to be the damn dishonest government/politicians. Ugh.

That is a sad fact. Grants are generated by scientists doing the work that politicians wish them to do. The AGW fraud is a nexus of co-dependent goals. The scientists like the fact that they get to make millions of dollars and enjoy amazing levels of media generated fame....some of these guys think they're rock stars, and the politicians are interested in power and tax money.

It is interesting though, that when you look at any carbon trading scheme there is NO effort to control pollution. None at all. There is the tacit agreement that you can still pollute, you just have to pay for the privilege to do so. And the politicians and bankers get to rake in trillions of dollars for doing nothing but shuffling paper from one side of the room to the other.

I agree. Carbon credits is a scam. A total scam, especially when some industries can have waivers. :rolleyes-41: What's the point? If there is global warming, it has begun and you can't reverse it. Just have deal with the consequences as they arise. I think we really do need to investigate alternative forms of energy though. That would be the best idea. Instead of trying to scare us with global warming, they should be concentrating on finding alternative energy forms more vigorously.
NASA has some very intel savy people working for them...........Some are the best in the World.....................

That doesn't mean the upper management is distorting the reports via orders from people lining their pockets for more Green Backs.............

Droughts will happen, and maybe there is a mega drought coming for some areas..................Maybe not..............but as another poster has stated you must use multiple sources to try and get the real truth............

Some say, NASA SAYS SO IT MUST BE TRUE................NASA is good, very good on tech...........but their predictions of our future DOESN'T MAKE IT SO............

History shows there will be deal with it by building some of these plants for droughts...................and using existing tech to lessen the impact SHOULD IT OCCUR..........
These people at Nasa want's to keep their mega paychecks coming so what better way than to predict we are going to mega frikken die probably.

forget the drought, it could be from a mega frikken lighting strike

who puts any trust in these people anymore. they have the lowest ratings of trust with the people, I think in all they years I've been voting

I would love to separate the politics from the science, but that is the main problem, the scientific studies have to be funded from somewhere, and that is going to be the damn dishonest government/politicians. Ugh.

That is a sad fact. Grants are generated by scientists doing the work that politicians wish them to do. The AGW fraud is a nexus of co-dependent goals. The scientists like the fact that they get to make millions of dollars and enjoy amazing levels of media generated fame....some of these guys think they're rock stars, and the politicians are interested in power and tax money.

It is interesting though, that when you look at any carbon trading scheme there is NO effort to control pollution. None at all. There is the tacit agreement that you can still pollute, you just have to pay for the privilege to do so. And the politicians and bankers get to rake in trillions of dollars for doing nothing but shuffling paper from one side of the room to the other.

I agree. Carbon credits is a scam. A total scam, especially when some industries can have waivers. :rolleyes-41: What's the point? If there is global warming, it has begun and you can't reverse it. Just have deal with the consequences as they arise. I think we really do need to investigate alternative forms of energy though. That would be the best idea. Instead of trying to scare us with global warming, they should be concentrating on finding alternative energy forms more vigorously.

You get no argument from me on that idea. Oil is far too precious a commodity to be burnt up as fuel.

Dust storm approaching Spearman, Texas April 14, 1935.
These people at Nasa want's to keep their mega paychecks coming so what better way than to predict we are going to mega frikken die probably.

forget the drought, it could be from a mega frikken lighting strike

who puts any trust in these people anymore. they have the lowest ratings of trust with the people, I think in all they years I've been voting

I would love to separate the politics from the science, but that is the main problem, the scientific studies have to be funded from somewhere, and that is going to be the damn dishonest government/politicians. Ugh.

That is a sad fact. Grants are generated by scientists doing the work that politicians wish them to do. The AGW fraud is a nexus of co-dependent goals. The scientists like the fact that they get to make millions of dollars and enjoy amazing levels of media generated fame....some of these guys think they're rock stars, and the politicians are interested in power and tax money.

It is interesting though, that when you look at any carbon trading scheme there is NO effort to control pollution. None at all. There is the tacit agreement that you can still pollute, you just have to pay for the privilege to do so. And the politicians and bankers get to rake in trillions of dollars for doing nothing but shuffling paper from one side of the room to the other.

I agree. Carbon credits is a scam. A total scam, especially when some industries can have waivers. :rolleyes-41: What's the point? If there is global warming, it has begun and you can't reverse it. Just have deal with the consequences as they arise. I think we really do need to investigate alternative forms of energy though. That would be the best idea. Instead of trying to scare us with global warming, they should be concentrating on finding alternative energy forms more vigorously.

You get no argument from me on that idea. Oil is far too precious a commodity to be burnt up as fuel.

It would be really nice if we could be independent when it comes to our fuel. Then, we could just forget about those savages in the ME. We all know how they like to try and hold the world hostage with their oil supplies. OPEC tampers with things on purpose to raise prices on everyone and try to cause problems.
These people at Nasa want's to keep their mega paychecks coming so what better way than to predict we are going to mega frikken die probably.

forget the drought, it could be from a mega frikken lighting strike

who puts any trust in these people anymore. they have the lowest ratings of trust with the people, I think in all they years I've been voting

I would love to separate the politics from the science, but that is the main problem, the scientific studies have to be funded from somewhere, and that is going to be the damn dishonest government/politicians. Ugh.

That is a sad fact. Grants are generated by scientists doing the work that politicians wish them to do. The AGW fraud is a nexus of co-dependent goals. The scientists like the fact that they get to make millions of dollars and enjoy amazing levels of media generated fame....some of these guys think they're rock stars, and the politicians are interested in power and tax money.

It is interesting though, that when you look at any carbon trading scheme there is NO effort to control pollution. None at all. There is the tacit agreement that you can still pollute, you just have to pay for the privilege to do so. And the politicians and bankers get to rake in trillions of dollars for doing nothing but shuffling paper from one side of the room to the other.

I agree. Carbon credits is a scam. A total scam, especially when some industries can have waivers. :rolleyes-41: What's the point? If there is global warming, it has begun and you can't reverse it. Just have deal with the consequences as they arise. I think we really do need to investigate alternative forms of energy though. That would be the best idea. Instead of trying to scare us with global warming, they should be concentrating on finding alternative energy forms more vigorously.

You get no argument from me on that idea. Oil is far too precious a commodity to be burnt up as fuel.

It would be really nice if we could be independent when it comes to our fuel. Then, we could just forget about those savages in the ME. We all know how they like to try and hold the world hostage with their oil supplies. OPEC tampers with things on purpose to raise prices on everyone and try to cause problems.

Once again you get no argument from me. Very well thought out post.
There are many results which are easily predictable about global warming. One is that those that depend on snowpacks and glacial melt for their summer irrigation water will soon be having difficult years, as both are rapidly decreasing. Another is that the affect on the jet stream from the open water in the Arctic is going to cause even more extreme weather. A third is that the oceans are going to rise fast enough to cause major problems with our port infrastructure.

All of these are happening right now and will get worse as the century progresses. We have two clear choices. Ignore reality, and pay the cost, or start addressing the issue now. The latter will be expensive. The former, vastly more expensive.
These plants produce enough water to provide water and irrigation for entire countries now.......................

The tech to desalinate Salt Water, pump it, and use it, is available to deal with this should it come true...............

and the planet does go through cycles and droughts will happen from time to time................

yes many times over

always has always will

if we really cared about the less fortunate

we would use our resources and energy

producing things to make life better for these folks

like usable water electricity heating and air conditioning

instead of wasting billions and billions foolishly attempting

to alter the planets weather while denying these folks

the tools and comforts of a modern world
These people at Nasa want's to keep their mega paychecks coming so what better way than to predict we are going to mega frikken die probably.

forget the drought, it could be from a mega frikken lighting strike

who puts any trust in these people anymore. they have the lowest ratings of trust with the people, I think in all they years I've been voting

I would love to separate the politics from the science, but that is the main problem, the scientific studies have to be funded from somewhere, and that is going to be the damn dishonest government/politicians. Ugh.

That is a sad fact. Grants are generated by scientists doing the work that politicians wish them to do. The AGW fraud is a nexus of co-dependent goals. The scientists like the fact that they get to make millions of dollars and enjoy amazing levels of media generated fame....some of these guys think they're rock stars, and the politicians are interested in power and tax money.

It is interesting though, that when you look at any carbon trading scheme there is NO effort to control pollution. None at all. There is the tacit agreement that you can still pollute, you just have to pay for the privilege to do so. And the politicians and bankers get to rake in trillions of dollars for doing nothing but shuffling paper from one side of the room to the other.

I agree. Carbon credits is a scam. A total scam, especially when some industries can have waivers. :rolleyes-41: What's the point? If there is global warming, it has begun and you can't reverse it. Just have deal with the consequences as they arise. I think we really do need to investigate alternative forms of energy though. That would be the best idea. Instead of trying to scare us with global warming, they should be concentrating on finding alternative energy forms more vigorously.

Carbon credits is a scam

come on now how can you say that

we have set away our forty acres

just in case we decide to get involved in the carbon clean up effort

after we retire

we may offer to plant trees in the name of those willing to pay

for those who wish to erase their carbon sins
There are many results which are easily predictable about global warming. One is that those that depend on snowpacks and glacial melt for their summer irrigation water will soon be having difficult years, as both are rapidly decreasing. Another is that the affect on the jet stream from the open water in the Arctic is going to cause even more extreme weather. A third is that the oceans are going to rise fast enough to cause major problems with our port infrastructure.

All of these are happening right now and will get worse as the century progresses. We have two clear choices. Ignore reality, and pay the cost, or start addressing the issue now. The latter will be expensive. The former, vastly more expensive.

not very convincing

considering how many times the global warming alarmists

have gotten it not only wrong but completely blown the predictions

People should read about what happened in 30's in the west. It was truly horrible and what NASA is predicting is much worse. Forget about global warming. It;s too lake to stop this disaster. We should be working now on how to deal with the problem because it will be huge.

Based on the accuracy of NASA's previous climate predictions, we can safely ignore this one.
It is one reason why I believe we should advance fusion (an energy with a future) so that we may address both global sea rising and mega droughts, at the same time; ostensibly so that supply side economics may supply us with getter governance at lower cost.
It is one reason why I believe we should advance fusion (an energy with a future) so that we may address both global sea rising and mega droughts, at the same time; ostensibly so that supply side economics may supply us with getter governance at lower cost.


Better Government at LOWER COST....???? Socialism is failure on every front..
It is one reason why I believe we should advance fusion (an energy with a future) so that we may address both global sea rising and mega droughts, at the same time; ostensibly so that supply side economics may supply us with getter governance at lower cost.


Better Government at LOWER COST....???? Socialism is failure on every front..
Why? What makes you believe that? Socialism already took us to the moon and back; capitalism is still trying to find a profit motive.

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