NASA set to reveal "major announcement" of something rover found...

Isn't that where they found the pyramid? Boy it would be cool if they found something actually exciting, like evidence of a civilization or at least an alien craft instead of evidence of a one celled organism from 3 billion years ago.

Wouldn't it be?
Will all of the hype they are putting into it, it better be good. Any kind of sentient life would be beyond incredible.
Hell, I'd be more than thrilled with microorganisms. Either way, next up is Titan and Enceladus. I'd bet (a little) that some kind of life exists in our solar system, not to mention the one billion trillion OTHER solar systems.

My bet is it found evidence of advanced organisms... such as some kind of organism with a vertebrae

It will something boring and deritivive: we found water! Or, we found evidence or microbial life!!
Isn't that where they found the pyramid? Boy it would be cool if they found something actually exciting, like evidence of a civilization or at least an alien craft instead of evidence of a one celled organism from 3 billion years ago.

Wouldn't it be?
Will all of the hype they are putting into it, it better be good. Any kind of sentient life would be beyond incredible.
Hell, I'd be more than thrilled with microorganisms. Either way, next up is Titan and Enceladus. I'd bet (a little) that some kind of life exists in our solar system, not to mention the one billion trillion OTHER solar systems.

My bet is it found evidence of advanced organisms... such as some kind of organism with a vertebrae
Any kind of life would be great, present or past. That opens up some doors!
Maybe they found evidence of industry and the Martian war machines!

Isn't that where they found the pyramid? Boy it would be cool if they found something actually exciting, like evidence of a civilization or at least an alien craft instead of evidence of a one celled organism from 3 billion years ago.
i think that would be awesome.
You are too picky!

?? - You do know they did find ancient organisms there...right?
are you positive? i dont think i've seen that, and i follow pretty tightly.
I didnt think so, so I dug and naw there's not been life found on Mars.

A meteorite found in Antarctica made headlines in 1996 when scientists claimed that it could contain evidence of traces of life on Mars. Known as ALH 84001, the Martian rock contained structures resembled the fossilized remains of bacteria-like lifeforms. Follow-up tests revealed organic material, though the debate over whether or not the material was caused by biological processes wasn't settled until 2012, when it was determined that these vital ingredients had been formed on Mars without the involvement of life.

Recent missions to Mars haven't turned up definite proof of life..

Life on Mars: Exploration & Evidence


This is just in. They have found more red rocks and suspect there is more.

I think the rock on the right hand corner looks like Elvis

Well, if it's the best thing ever..............

Sliced Bread!

It will something boring and deritivive: we found water! Or, we found evidence or microbial life!!
Maybe you should do some research as to why finding water would be a

pretty huge fuckin deal, Frank.
.... so whatcha think it is?

Set to reveal at 2 pm today. Insiders are saying it is the biggest scientific find in modern history.

Here it is, I have the FIRST EXCLUSIVE picture of what NASA and the Rover have just found on Mars, this below is the biggest scientific find in modern history, this showing there IS Life on Mars:



I knew I left that 6er someplace!

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