Nashville Council votes unanimously to reappoint Justin Jones to state legislature

So right on time you go full blown race card eh ? ROTFLMBO 🤣 Well of course you did you leftist want-a-be...

I call it like I see it....3 people up for being expelled...two are...the one that is not is the only white person of the 3.

Hmmmm..if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.
Just more black privilege.

Why didn't they throw a big pile of free money upon him as well?
Weird how the white person doing the same thing was not removed....well not really.

In the end, the two will be back in the same seats they were kicked out of and the state of Tenn will be out a few million dollars.

All so your beloved party could show their voters how racist they are.
Let ol Mikey recap what's happened in Nashville for you. Crazy person shoots his way into a school and kills some kids and teachers. Horrible tragedy. Democrats and their media machine leap into action and inflame the community. WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING!!!!! So they descend on the capitol and disrupt local government proceedings and three of the state reps join in COMPLETELY in violation of their elected responsibilities National media goes wild, everyone is squealing INJUSTICE!!! And now the two Black Democrats have been made heroes and martyrs and Democrats are patting themselves on the back for their VICTORY against the evil GOP. Nope, no politics going on here.
If the two Democrat gentlemen had been doing their job and conducting themselves like state representatives, then they wouldn't have been removed. You see how that works?

That isn't the point. The point is that the punishment is disproportionate to the offence.

Secondly, they expelled the two black reps and not the white rep who was with them committing the same offence.

Hypocrisy and racism is the point. Censure would have been appropriate, but not expulsion, and now Jones has been reinstated by the city council. His reelection is reassured and he know has become famous, emboldening his voice in the chambers and the Republicans have been exposed as racists.

Historically speaking, expulsion was reserved for more hideous crimes.

The Tennessee House last expelled a member in 2016, when Jeremy Durham was ousted for rampant sexual misconduct. Thirty-six years earlier, Robert Fisher was booted for soliciting a bribe.

Do you see how that works?

Let ol Mikey recap what's happened in Nashville for you. Crazy person shoots his way into a school and kills some kids and teachers. Horrible tragedy. Democrats and their media machine leap into action and inflame the community. WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING!!!!! So they descend on the capitol and disrupt local government proceedings and three of the state reps join in COMPLETELY in violation of their elected responsibilities National media goes wild, everyone is squealing INJUSTICE!!! And now the two Black Democrats have been made heroes and martyrs and Democrats are patting themselves on the back for their VICTORY against the evil GOP. Nope, no politics going on here.

I see what you are saying. They should have just said "thoughts and prayers" and stayed quiet like you all expect black people to do.
I see what you are saying. They should have just said "thoughts and prayers" and stayed quiet like you all expect black people to do.
They should have executed their elected responsibilities that DOES NOT include acting like 1960s activists. It's really not that hard, and you know this of course. You are playing political games because you are a Democrat.
That isn't the point. The point is that the punishment is disproportionate to the offence.

Secondly, they expelled the two black reps and not the white rep who was with them committing the same offence.

Hypocrisy and racism is the point. Censure would have been appropriate, but not expulsion, and now Jones has been reinstated by the city council. His reelection is reassured and he know has become famous, emboldening his voice in the chambers and the Republicans have been exposed as racists.

Historically speaking, expulsion was reserved for more hideous crimes.

The Tennessee House last expelled a member in 2016, when Jeremy Durham was ousted for rampant sexual misconduct. Thirty-six years earlier, Robert Fisher was booted for soliciting a bribe.

Do you see how that works?

Well my fine foreign friend, you have been duped like all of my fine American Democrat friends. This is yet ANOTHER manufactured crisis taking the focus away from the true victims of the senseless Nashville shootings and made the two fine Democrat gentlemen into the victims. But good news! They will be handsomely rewarded for their bravery, no doubt a White House invitation is in the works and a movie deal is already underway. Hooray for "justice"!!!!
That was a bad move on their part. Oh, they'll be able to vote, but no committee assignments means no real influence. Might as well have picked a dead guy.
What was the bad move was the expulsion. The collective voice's of these three have increased many fold, their national newsworthiness has expanded, and their reelection has been assured, and the legislature have been exposed as racists, given they expelled two blacks, but not the white lady who committed the same offense right along with them.
Well my fine foreign friend, you have been duped like all of my fine American Democrat friends. This is yet ANOTHER manufactured crisis taking the focus away from the true victims of the senseless Nashville shootings and made the two fine Democrat gentlemen into the victims. But good news! They will be handsomely rewarded for their bravery, no doubt a White House invitation is in the works and a movie deal is already underway. Hooray for "justice"!!!!
MarathonMike, you are confused. You need to learn the difference between a 'crisis', which this is not, and a 'flap' which this is.

The shootings are the crisis, the expulsions are the flap.


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